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 The Right to Education Act 2009, also known as the RTE Act 2009, was enacted by the Parliament of India on 4 August
2009. It describes modalities of the importance of free and compulsory education for children aged between 6-14 years in
India under Article 21 (A) of the Constitution of India.
 This act came into effect on 1 April 2010 and made India one of the 135 countries to have made education a fundamental
right for every child.
 It prescribes minimum norms for elementary schools, prohibits unrecognized schools from practice and advocates against
donation fees and interviews of children at the time of admission.
 According to this act, we can get admission for a child starting his/her preliminary education without cost in any private
school, if that particular family’s yearly income is less than 2.5 Lakhs

 All the private schools are obliged to follow the right to education act, but they always don’t provide such free education
as no one is aware of the law and no one would have approached the school with the request.
 We as volunteers, take a list of number of schools in our own locality to start with.

 Later, we need to spread awareness using the social media platform with whatsapp messages and facebook posts

 By running campaign, we won’t be targeting the direct audience, as a family with 2.5 Lakhs of yearly income is not
expected to be in these social medias
 We can instead target the other audience, asking them to fill a form, if they know some one that would benefit by this act.

 As this is schools reopen season, if we can run this campaign at this time, we can expect maximum results

 As we all know, Life will resume back to normal one and only if most of the population is completely vaccinated as
Vaccine is the single great weapon for us to tackle this unfortunate times.
 Still most people are afraid to take the vaccine and have misconceptions about it due to rumors they hear on how people
get affected with heart diseases post vaccination.
 We need to design a social media campaign in WhatsApp and Facebook preferably to spread awareness on the real
scenarios of getting vaccinated.
 The targeted audience here should be people with >40 years of age as they are of higher risk

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