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Tran Anh Phuong
Ngo Thi Huong Uyen
Dang Thanh Nhi
Le Thai Van
Huynh Thi Thu Lai
Dao Nu Dung Hoa
History of English Language

The Late Modern

English (1800 – Present)

• Introduction of Late
Modern English

• The development of
Late Modern English
• The factors that effect
of Late Modern

When was the Late Morden
Introduction of Late Modern

- The late modern English is a form of the

language used from the 18th century to
the present day. The English language
underwent more huge changes after
1800. The Early Modern period came to
an end as new influences emerged.

- Although the pronunciation and

grammar of Early Modern English
continued into the late modern age, the
vocabulary of English grew
considerably, leading to the creation of
Late Modern English.

The Expansion of the British Empire
The development of Late
Modern English - Due to the expansion of the British
Empire, more new words appeared.
Many foreign words within its vocabulary
absorbed into the languages of the
colonised countries.
- In fact, Late Modern English includes
words from many languages, the most of
them are from French and Latin.
- In addition, the words and phrases of
sailors (‘seaspeak’) were adopted into the
mainstream vocabulary of this period.

Maritime Language

• In connection with Britain’s colonial

explorations, the words and phrases of
sailors (‘seaspeak’) were adopted into the
mainstream vocabulary of Late Modern

• Many English phrases come from maritime

roots, including: ‘three sheets to the wind’,
‘close quarters’, ‘the bitter end’, ‘cut and
run’, ‘hand over fist, ‘fathom out, ‘in the
offing, ‘taken aback’, ‘high and dry’ and of
course, ‘walk the plank’.

The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
▪ It had a strong impact on the English
language with many new words coined from
these technological advancements. New
words were invented to name new and
developed industrial techniques, machines,
products, and technologies at this time
include electricity, train, engine, combustion,
▪ New words also came about by using old
words together in new ways to create a new
meaning. For example typewriter,
horsepower, aeroplane, and railway all
arrived in Late Modern English.

The Advancement of Science

• In the 17th and 18th centuries, new scientific

discoveries meant that more new words had to
be invented. Many of the words of this industrial
age were borrowed from Latin and Greek. Words
borrowed from French, Latin or Spanish may
have been already borrowed at a previous time.

• For example, the word ‘chef’ and the word ‘chief’

are both borrowed from French. ‘Chef’ was
borrowed by Late Modern English, whereas
‘chief’ came into the language during the time of
Middle English. This is why the same root has
resulted in two distinct words with different
meanings in English today.

Greek and Latin Roots

- Many of the new words that came into the

English language during the scientific
revolution have a Latin or Greek root
(oxygen, nuclear, vaccine,...) In the field of
medicine, some words are of French origin
(ambulance,...) but are actually originally
from Latin.

- In the fields of science and electronics, the

words used today are heavily influenced
by classical languages (byte, micro,
cyber, ...)

The Military and Language

• Wartime has always introduced many new

words into the English vocabulary. Especially
in the First World War and the Second World
War added many new words and slang phrases.
In addition, late Modern English also adopted
other military- derived words and aeronautical-
related terms that we use today.

• World Wars introduced these words:

- fed up: chán ngấy
- dud: bù nhìn
- lousy: tồi tề
- crummy: mập mạp, núng nính
- cushy: nhàn hạ

• The factors that effect
of Late Modern English

▪ Late Modern English accumulated many more words as a result

of two main historical factors:
- The Industrial Revolution, which necessitated new words for
things and ideas that had not previously existed.
- The rise of the British Empire, during which time English adopted
many foreign words and made them its own.
- In addition, World War I and World War II threw together people
from different backgrounds, and the greater social mobility
afterwards helped to lessen the differences between social accents


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