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A Call for
A call for immediate action

•What is Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)?

•6th Assessment Report of IPCC: Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis
•Impact -> Human Origin
•Multi Lines of Evidence- accurate assessment of effect of all greenhouse gases
•Observed increase in the atmospheric concentration of well mixed GHG (CO2, methane and nitrous oxide
since 1750 have been caused by human activities

High concentration of GHG -> Warming up of atmosphere, ocean, land-> Rapid change in climate

•Frequent extreme events


•Main determinant of global warming

•Attempts to divert attention from CO2
•Arise from industrial processes and fossil fuel energy use
•Concentrated in developed countries
•Exception from China
•Climate action requires strategies targeted at reducing CO2 Emissions
•In 2020 the atmospheric concentration of CO2 was highest ever since the industrial revolution period

•Despite the decline in 2020, global energy-related CO2 emissions remained at 31.5 Gt, which contributed to
CO2 reaching its highest ever average annual concentration in the atmosphere of 412.5 parts per million in
2020 — around 50 per cent higher than when the industrial revolution began
Mitigating air pollution and carbon emission reduction

•Aerosol Cooling
•Equivalent to warming from methane and nitrous oxides- short-lived climate forcers
•Air pollution vs Carbon Emission Reduction
•Separate strategies and interventions
•Getting rid of coal: Common solution

Getting rid of coal is considered as an incorrect assumption in the IPCC Report: Strategies aimed at CO2
reduction may not help in improving air quality/
Growing Gap between Climate Science and Climate Policy

•Read the message of the report as it should be read - do not twist it

•Assessment reports of IPCC



••“ Global cumulative emissions & their linear relation to global temperature rise” 

••Diffuse targets of ghg emissions to specific temperature targets.

••Widening gap and feasibility of achieving

Carbon Budgets and the Myth of Net-Zero

•For a 50% probability of limiting temp to 1.5 degree Celsius rise, the total carbon budget available to the
world is 2890 Giga tonnes

•For a 50% probability of limiting temp to 2 degree Celsius rise, the remaining carbon budget available to the
world is 1350 Giga tonnes

•What is the carbon budget left?

•For a 50% chance of limiting temp rise to 1.5 degree, we have to reach net-zero by 2039

•For a 67% chance of limiting temp rise to 1.5 degree, we have to reach net-zero by 2035
Crossing the 1.5 degree Celsius in all scenarios

AR6 assesses climate responses to 5 emission scenarios. These scenarios represent five different levels of
warming from very low to very high.

Mapping out Possible Scenarios

Scientists tried to map several possible scenarios though we know that 1.5 degree target is impossible to
What do we need NOW?

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