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• What is the force when the spring constant • What is the force when a mass of 20Kg
is 10 and the extension is 50cm? accelerates at 3____ ?

• What is the extension when a force of 20N is • What is the acceleration when a mass of
applied to a spring with a constant of 4? 100g is affected by a force of 1kN?
F=P/A F=W/d
• What is the force produced when a pressure • What is the work done on a car with its
of 5N/m2 is affecting an area of 2m2? handbrake on if the force used is 10,000N

• What is the pressure produced when a force • What is the distance an object moves if the
of 98N is applied to an area of 4m2? work done is 140J and the force applied if
Collisions are not
instantaneous. Watch the clips
to see what occurs throughout
the impact time.

Which clip did you find most

Seatbelts, air bags, crumple zones and side-impact bars help reduce
injury to car occupants by reducing the forces on them during
sudden deceleration.
What is the purpose of exterior airbags?
Why would they reduce damage to pedestrians? (hint:
force = change in momentum / time)
Starter - Car Wars

Which car do you think would be safer to be in during a

collision? Explain your answer.

Let’s see them in a collision

Car Wars - What’s different?

The 2009 Chevrolet has crumpled but not into where

the driver/passengers are. The 1959 has crumpled all
the way into the car where the driver/passengers are
which would cause more severe injury.
Car Wars – What if it didn’t crumple?
C Would it be good for the driver & passengers if the car
didn’t ‘crumple’ at all?


If energy from the collision didn’t go into ‘crumpling’ the metal body
of the car where would it go?
Into the driver and passengers
The Crumple Zone
How does the crumple zone on a vehicle help protect the
driver and passengers in the vehicle
Be ready to explain your answer

Crumple zones are areas of a vehicle

that are designed to crush in a
controlled way during a collision. This
absorbs energy from the impact and
also increases the time taken to
change the momentum in a crash,
which reduces the force involved.
Car Safety Features

What safety features do you know a car has?

Can you explain what they do?

Crumple Zones Air Bags Seat Belts

There are other even more modern safety features on cars
such as automatic emergency brakes, antilock brakes systems,
traction control etc…
Air Bags
Air bags increase the time taken
for the head's momentum to
reach zero, so reduce the forces
on it. They also provide a soft
cushion and prevent cuts.

The large surface area also

distributes the force of the crash.
Seat Belts
Seat belts stop you travelling forward or
around inside the car if there is a

They also stretch a bit in a collision.

This increases the time taken for the
body's momentum to reach zero, so
reduces the forces on it.

The seat belt is spread across the chest to distribute the

collision force across a greater surface area.


Car Safety Features
What same thing do all these safety features do?

Crumple Zones Air Bags Seat Belts

Each of these safety features act to increase the impact time in order to
decrease the impact force.
The longer the impact time the more the impact
force is reduced (smaller impact force).
Safety elsewhere
Where else are safety measures used to decrease
impact forces?
What are these safety measured used?
How do they work?

TASK – Write detailed description of how one

of these acts as a safety device.
Impact Force
𝑡 Newtons (N) Mass (kg) Final velocity – initial velocity
Metres per second (m/s)

Seconds (s)

Calculate the impact force for a car (1000 kg) coming to a stop in crash
from an initial velocity of 15 m/s in 2 seconds?

The minus (-) just gives us the direction of

the force
𝑚 ∆ 𝑣 Impact Force
𝑡 The impact force for a car (1000 kg) coming to a stop in crash from an
initial velocity of 15 m/s in 2 seconds.

Calculate the impact force for the same car (1000 kg) coming to a stop
in crash from an initial velocity of 15 m/s in 3 seconds? Comment on
the difference

The impact lasting 1 more second reduces the impact

force by 2500 N – that is a significant reduction
Impact Forces Questions
1) a) Name three1) a)features of aAir
Seat belt, carbags
Crumplethe impact forces of a
how onemustof explain how thereduce
these features impactthe force is reduced
impact force ofbya
increasing collision.
the time of the collision
2) If a cars body did not ‘crumple’ in a collision then lots of the energy
2) Explain what
from the wouldwould
collision be wrong with a car
transferred made
to the out ofinside
people reallythe
metal that didn’t
causing crumple
a lot in a injury
of serious collision.

3) What3)is(0
the impact
m/s force ofs a= 75
-5 m/s)/0.1 -50kg man
m/s 2 running
->-50 into
x75kg a wallNat 5 m/s
– stopping in 0.1 second?

4) A golf 4)
50ofg mass
= 0.0550kgg->
acc = at 70 m/s
-1400 m/shits
2 a persons
->=-70 N head
(stopping in 0.05 second), what is the impact force?
5) The time of a collision experienced by a driver is 0.1 seconds without
4) Increasing the time of collision by 5 times would make the impact
an air bag, with an air bag this is increased to 0.5 seconds. Explain the
force be reduced by a 1/5th.
benefits of this in detail?
Question 6
A 1000 kg vehicle moving at 20m/s stops when the brakes
are applied. What deceleration and braking force is
required to stop it6)in:a) Acceleration = -4 m/s2
a) 5 seconds   Force = -4000Acceleration
N =

b) 20 seconds 6) b) Acceleration = -1 m/s2

Force = -1000 N

c) If the vehicle had been stopped in a collision lasting less

than 1 second explain why the force on it would have
been much greater.

  6) c) A shorter collision time will result in a much bigger impact

force as shown by the equation
It’s a change in velocity
Question 7
Total momentum before impact = Total momentum after impact
Vehicle ‘A’ of mass 1000 kg travelling at 15 m/s collides
into a stationary vehicle ‘B’ of mass 5000 kg.
(the vehicle move together after the collision)
a) Show that the 7) a) m1u1 + m
velocity of2uthe
2=m 1v1 +vehicles
two m2v2 after the
v1 was
collisions = v2 when vehicles stay together after collision
2.5 m/s
1000kg x 15 m/s + 5000 x 0 = 15 000 kg m/s
b) The collision lasted for 0.5 seconds. Calculate
15 000/(1000 kg + 5000 kg) = 2.5 m/s = v1 & v2
deceleration of vehicle ‘A’ and the force of the impact on
b) acceleration = (0 m/s – 2.5 m/s)/0.5 = -25 m/s2
Force = 1000 kg x -25 m/s2 = -25 000 N

  Acceleration =
Design a poster on road safety

• Stopping distance factors

• Car safety features
• F=MA
• Acceleration formulae

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