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You are able to move and perform any activity because you
have bones and muscles. Your bones, joints, cartilage,
ligaments, muscles and tendons make up your
musculoskeletal system.
• A bone is a long structure in the
body that is made up of
connective tissues surrounded by
• The human skeleton consist of
206 bones that provide the
framework of the body.
• The bone support and give shape
to the body
• Bones also protects the soft tissue
and organ of the body

Bone 3
• Bones contain soft tissue called
bone marrow
• The long bones contain yellow
marrow at the center that serves
as fat storage
• Bones help body movements in
coordination with muscles

Bone 4
• Bone Marrow- produces red blood cell
• Yellow Marrow- serves as storage of fat
• Joint- a structure that separates two or
more adjacent elements of the skeletal
• Cartilage- is a robust and viscoelastic
connective tissue that can be found
in joints between bones.
• Ligaments- are short bands of tough,
flexible tissue, made up of lots of
individual fibres, which connect
the bones of the body together.

Bone 5
• The longest and the heaviest bone of the body is
femur or thigh bone.
• The smallest bone of the body are found in the
middle ear- malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and
stapes (stirrup)?
• At birth, the human skeleton consist of 270 bones?
As one grows older, the number of bones decreases
as separate bones gradually fuse together.
• The backbone or vertebral column consist of 24
single bones called vertebrae and two fused bones
that curve near the pelvis.

Do you know that? 6

• Muscles allow body to move.
• Muscles produce heat during
contractions which help maintain
constant body temperature.
• There are more than 600 muscles
in human body.
• Muscle are made of hundreds to
thousands of long, thin cells or
muscle fiber.

Muscles 7
• The flexor muscles is called
• Triceps are the extensor
• Smooth and cardiac muscles do
not work in the same way as the
skeletal muscle

Muscles 8
• They are involuntary muscle that
works under the control of the
nervous system
• Smooth muscle-is a type of muscle
tissue which is used by various
systems to apply pressure
to vessels and organs.
• Cardiac muscle-(also called heart
muscle or myocardium) is one of
three types of vertebrate muscles,
with the other two being skeletal and
smooth muscles.

Smooth and Cardiac

Muscle 9
• Voluntary muscles are the • Involuntary muscles are the
muscles that are under conscious muscles that cannot be
control and can be controlled at controlled by will or conscious
will or we can choose when to and are often associated with
use them. They are also known organs that exhibit slow and
as skeletal muscles as they are regular contractions and
attached to the bones. Voluntary relaxation. Involuntary muscles
muscles are responsible for the are also termed as smooth
movement of body parts and the muscles or non-striated muscles
locomotion. as there are no striations when
viewed under the microscope.

Voluntary and Involuntary 10

• It takes an average of 13 muscles to smile and an
average of 43 muscle to frown?
• Cardiac muscles are found only in the heart? They
are skeletal muscles in structure but smooth
muscles in function?

Do you know that? 11

• The bones and muscles work closely with the other body
system. They move and allow you to perform all the
activities because the nervous system work with them.
The involuntary muscles work under the control of the
spinal column. The cell of your bones and muscle are
supplied with enough energy to do the activities because
of your digestive system and respiratory system in
coordination with the circulatory system which transports
the nutrients and oxygen to all cell.

Musculoskeletal System 12
• Hope you learned something!!!!

Melbert D. Nacu 2020 13

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