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Magnetic Field
  Magnetic

field, H, produced by current carrying conductor

 Ampere Law
 =
Closed path
H in a Toroid

Mean Radius, r
Fluxs Density B

  Unit : [] or Tesla [T]
 In air : B = =
 Ferro-magnetic material

Linear aproximation =
~ 1.6 – 1.8 Tesla
In saturation approaches
Fluxs, Fluxs Linkage and MMF
Magnetic Structure with Air Gap

 For linear magnetic condition inductance depend only on magnetic circuits

 Energy Stored in magnetic circuits

 Energi density
Faraday Law – Inductance Voltage
 Inducted voltage
 Current direction into positive polarity
Voltage flux direction

 Lenz’ Law : Polarity of Inducted voltage

 When current and flux direction are consistent
(a current as indicated would create a flux as
indicated), then the voltage should be labeled
positive where the current enter the coils
Coil in Sinusoidal Steady-State

 sdg
Leakage and Magnetizing Inductances

 Tightly coupled coils (low leakeage inductance)

 Essensial for power transmission and distribution
 Helpful in understanding induction machines
Transformer -Development
Transfomer Model

 Dot Polarity
 Magnetizing Inductance
Transformer With Secondary Loaded
Real Transformer
Determining Transformer Model
Open Circuit Test
Short Circuit Test
Permanent Magnet
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