Questions Words: Lesson 4 After School English Tutoring

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Lesson 4
After School English tutoring
Questions words
We ask this type of question when we
want different kinds of information.
These questions cannot be answered
with a yes or no.
Questions words

What When Where

Asking about a time, Asking about a place or
Asking about a thing.
occasión or moment. position.
What’s you favortite When is your
color? Where do you live?
Questions words

Why Who Which

Asking about an
Asking for a reason. Asking about a person.

Why did you said Who is your english Which subject do

that? teacher? you prefer?
Questions words

How How often How many

Asking for the way Asking about quantity.

Asking about frequency (countable nouns.)
something is done.

How do you learn How often do you How many classes

english? read? do yu have?

What A thing
When A time, occasion or moment

Where A place

Why A reason

Who A person

Which An option/ choice

How The way something is done
How much Quantity (countable)
Complete the gaps with a question word from the box.
What - How often - When - Where - How many - Why - Who - Which - How

When are you going to school?

1. A: ______ Why don’t you go more often?
6. A: _____
B: Next monday.
B: Because we go in groups.
Whereare you studying?
2. A: ______ What do you do when you are at home?
7. A: ______
B: In Salesianos school.
B: I have online classes.
Howdo you go to school?
3. A: ____ How_____many
7. A: ____ classes do you have per day?
B: By car
B: 4 different classes.
Who takes you to school?
4. A: _____ Which
8. A: And ______ is your favorite class?
B: My mum does.
B: English class of course.
How _____
5. A: ____ Often
do you go to school?
B: Every two weeks.
Any question?

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