World War-I: Compiled By-Pratik Nayak

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World War-I

Compiled by-Pratik Nayak

World War-I
Q. What is it?

the “Great War”

world’s first global conflict fought between 1914-1918

Central Powers of Allied forces of Great Britain,

Germany, Austria-Hungary the United States, France,
Russia, Italy and Japan
and the Ottoman Empire

resulted in unprecedented carnage

and destruction almost 1 crore
people killed
World War-I
Q. When it starts?

28 July 1914, Austria attacks Serbia

world’s first global conflict fought between 1914-1918
World War-I Background
1870 German Unification
Infants can’t be
Bismarck unites Germany sent to War

1870- Rule of Germany in Europe

Bismarck’s Foreign Policy

1. Isolate France

2. Build a strong Germany

Expansion of German Empire

German Unification Also took away Alsace & Loraine from

World War-I Background
1870 Bismarck's Foreign Policy
I will bring France
1. Isolate France on its knees

Humiliated France @ Battle of


Taking away all the French Allies

1. Austria-Hungary

2. England Did Secret-Military

alliance with them
3. Russia
World War-I Background
1870 Isolate France & German Expansion
I will bring France
League of 3 Emperors on its knees


Later on due to differences, this league didn’t worked

World War-I Background
1870 Isolate France & German Expansion

1879 Dual Alliance

World War-I Background
1870 Isolate France & German Expansion

1881 2nd Three Emperors league

World War-I Background
1870 Isolate France & German Expansion

1882 Triple Alliance

Italy wanted
Tunisia which
was under
French control

Once Italy joined Bismarck knew now France has

only one ally England
World War-I Background
1870 Isolate France & German Expansion
How to deal with
England England???

We don’t want conflict with you

Sure na…then we
also don’t wantWe only want to strengthen our Army
No naval development

We will restrict to Europe and not cross

World War-I Background
1870 Isolate France & German Expansion

1890 Bismarck’s Foreign Policy worked well

During this time, Germany achieved Industrial

Growth as well
World War-I Background
1890 Kaiser Wilhelm comes to power in Germany Development
is my only goal
By Reverses the Policy of Bismarck
Germany surpassed Britain in Iron & Steel
2nd position after USA

Technologically advances ahead of Britain

Chemical Industries Textile Industry

German Capitalist & Industrial class was pressuring

the king for acquiring more overseas territory
World War-I Background
1890 Kaiser Wilhelm comes to power in Germany

1914 German Capitalist & Industrial class was pressuring Development
the king for acquiring more overseas is my only goal

Hence, Germany was going for Economic

Imperialism through colonies

Economic Imperialism Britain was world No.1

World War-I Background
1890 Kaiser Wilhelm comes to power in Germany
Hence, Germany was going for Economic
By Imperialism through colonies
Economic Imperialism Britain was world No.1
I want more
Haa haa…Good
joke beta
World War-I Cause
1st Major Cause for War Imperialism
World War-I Background
1890 Kaiser Wilhelm comes to power in Germany

By Reverses the Policy of Bismarck

Weld Politik World Politics
Weld Politik
1. Interfere in World Politics
2. Expansion of German Empire all over the World
This is
3. Naval Empowerment of Germany
World War-I Background
1890 Kaiser Wilhelm comes to power in Germany

By Reverses the Policy of Bismarck

1. Interfere in World Politics I’ll support the
1896 Interferes in Boer War in South Africa
Need to do
Dutch Farmers Vs. Britain
World War-I Background
1890 Kaiser Wilhem comes to power in Germany

By Reverses the Policy of Bismarck

1. Interfere in World Politics
1905 Moroccan Crises
World War-I Background
1890 Kaiser Wilhem comes to power in Germany

By 2. Naval Empowerment & German Expansion

1914 Germany will
Constructs Kiel Canal
rule over
Baltic Sea-North Sea Connection water
World War-I Background
1890 Kaiser Wilhem comes to power in Germany

By 2. Naval Empowerment & German Expansion

Proposed Berlin-Baghdad Railway Line Development
of World
World War-I Background
1890 Kaiser Wilhem comes to power in Germany

1894 Q. Reaction to Kaiser Wilhelm’s policies?

1894 Franco Russian Alliance

World War-I Cause
1st Major Cause for War Imperialism

Germany will
rule over
हलवा है क्या water
I need to
call my World War-I Cause
British reaction to German’s challenge
Britain starts reviving the diplomatic relations
I need to
call my World War-I Cause
allies British reaction to German’s challenge
Britain starts reviving the diplomatic relations
I need to
call my World War-I Cause
allies British reaction to German’s challenge
Britain starts reviving the diplomatic relations
World War-I Cause
I need to call
British reaction to German’s challenge
my allies Britain starts reviving the diplomatic relations

1. France
2. Russia
Formation of Triple Entente Britain-France-Russia
World War-I Cause
By 1914 Europe was divided into 2 groups
Entente VS. Alliance

2nd Major Cause

Alliances &Groupism
By, 1915 Italy
leaves the alliance
& Turkey joins the

Issue of Turkey
World War-I Cause
Q. The issue of Turkey/ Eastern Question

Ottoman Empire
Used to Control
large areas in
Europe, Asia &

By 1850s Ottoman
Empire got
Weak Countries
started getting
World War-I Cause
Q. The issue of Turkey/ Eastern Question Russia-Turkey dynamics
World War-I Cause
The issue of Turkey/ Eastern Question
By 1850s Ottoman Empire got Weak Countries started getting Independent
These countries were having Slav Race
Russia @ that time was spreading
ideology of Pan-Slavism

Many of these states came under influence of Austria-Hungary

World War-I Cause
The issue of Turkey/ Eastern Question
By 1850s Ottoman Empire got Weak Countries started getting Independent
World War-I Cause
Austria Wanted to Expand its empire

These are our


Austria Ferdinand
World War-I Cause
Russia wanted to include these areas under its influence
Russia Pan Slavism Serbia Started getting
support from Russia
Don’t challenge
I want to unite
us…they are
We are all Slav People
our territories

RussiaCzar Nicolas II
Austria Ferdinand SerbiaGavrilo Princip
World War-I Cause

3rd Major Cause

Rivalry between Austria
& Serbia
World War-I Events
By 1912, some events took place which resulted into increase in conflict
1912 Creation of Balkan League
World War-I Events
By 1912, some events took place which resulted into increase in conflict
1912 Ottoman reaction to Balkan League
Turkey attacks

Balkan league intervenes

in favour of Montenegro

Defeat of Turkey
London Agreement
Leaves claim over Eastern
World War-I Events
By 1912, some events took place which resulted into increase in conflict
1913 2nd Balkan War

Conflict between

Bulgaria Serbia

Territorial Issues

Austria comes in
support of Bulgaria
World War-I Events
1914 The issue of Bosnia-Herzegovina
@ Sarajevo (Capital of Bosnia & Herzegovina )
Austria Bosnia is our

Serbia Slav people stays

over there. Our right

Territorial Conflict
World War-I Events
1914 Assassination of Austrian King
28, Archduke Ferdinand @ Sarajevo (Capital of Bosnia & Herzegovina )
World War-I Events
1914 Reaction by Austria Assassination of Austrian King
28, Hand over the One Month Timeline
June culprits in one
Haath nahin
month or
aaunga tere….

World War-I Events
1914 One Month Over No action taken by Serbia
July It’s time….
Finish Serbia….

World War-I Events
By 1912, some events took place which resulted into increase in conflict
1914 One Month Over No action taken by Serbia
28, Don’t Worry…
July It’s time…. when I’m
Finish Serbia…. Here…
is attacking us….

Austria Serbia RussiaCzar Nicolas II

World War-I Events
By 1912, some events took place which resulted into increase in conflict
1914 Russia order mobilisation of troops
Bachao… Army…march
Bachao…Austria towards serbia
is attacking us….

Serbia RussiaCzar Nicolas II

World War-I Events
By 1912, some events took place which resulted into increase in conflict
1914 Germany Declares War on Russia
Aug. Army…march
Attack…… on towards serbia

RussiaCzar Nicolas II
GermanyKaiser WilhemII
World War-I Events
By 1912, some events took place which resulted into increase in conflict
1914 Germany Declares War on France
Aug. Attack on

GermanyKaiser WilhemII
World War-I Events
By 1912, some events took place which resulted into increase in conflict
1914 Germany Declares War on France
Aug. German army enters
Belgium to go to
Belgium Neutral
Nation, protected by

Britain This German act

not tolerable
World War-I Events
1914 Britain declares war on Germany
Aug. For violating Belgium’s

Also to protect its alliance

partner France
World War-I Events
1914 All out War Declared
World War-I Events
1915 Italy changes side to Triple entente
World War-I Events
1918 End of WW-I
World War-I Causes
1. Imperialism

Role of Kaiser Wilhelm-II Weld Politik

Naval Rivalry between Germany & Britain

Germany will rule over water

Economic Rivalry Germany challenging the existing Imperial nations

Colonisation of Africa

Jingoism Jingoistic Nationalism pushing toward Imperialism

World War-I Causes
1. Imperialism

Jingoism Jingoistic Nationalism pushing toward Imperialism

World War-I Causes
2. Secret Alliances

1892 Triple Alliance Germany, Austria-Hungary & Italy

1894 France & Russia

1904 Britain & France ‘Entente Cordiale’ (Friendly Getting together)

1907 Britain & Russia

Italy initially joined triple alliance, but later on having good terms with
France & Britain, entered war against Germany in 1915
World War-I Causes
3. Groupism & Enimity

German backing of Austria

Rivalry between Austria & Serbia
Serbian Nationalism trying to break Austrian Empire
Austria had control over ‘Bosnia’, which the Serbians claim their part
because of Serb people

Russian backing of Serbia

Rivalry between Austria & Russia

Germany & France

During German Unification, the French areas of Alsace & Lorraine
were taken away
World War-I Impact
Q. Impact/Outcome of World War-I
World War-I Impact Bachao….
Q. Impact/Outcome of World War-I

1. Political Impact

1.End of Monarchy in Germany

Kaiser Wilhelm-II runs away to Holland

2. Disintegration of Austria-Hungarian empire &

Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire
GermanyKaiser WilhemI

3. Russian Revolution

4. Slogan of Self determination got strong Development of

World War-I Impact
Q. Impact/Outcome of World War-I

1. Political Impact

5. Emergence of USA & Japan

6. Establishment of League of Nations

The war forced the people to think for permanent
World War-I Impact
Q. Impact/Outcome of World War-I
World War-I Impact
Q. Impact/Outcome of World War-I

2. Economic Impact

1. Shattering of World Economy

Towns & Cities destroyed
Industries destroyed
Approx Eco. Loss  $400Bn

2. LCF Turner Tragedy of Miscalculation

World War-I Impact
Q. Impact/Outcome of World War-I

2. Economic Impact

3. During War Development of War Economy

Iron & Steel Military, Ships, Armament
Boom in these sectors
Other sectors of Economy Closed down

4. Change in Trade pattern

Earlier, Europe export to Asia & Africa
After war, Europe Import from America & Japan
Laissez Faire idea promoted
World War-I Impact
Q. Impact/Outcome of World War-I

2. Economic Impact

5. Severe debt crises in Europe

Particularly Germany ‘Marc’
Galloping Inflation Hyper Inflation
World War-I Impact
Q. Impact/Outcome of World War-I

2. Economic Impact
World War-I Impact
Q. Impact/Outcome of World War-I
World War-I Impact
Q. Impact/Outcome of World War-I

2. Social Impact

1. Impact on Humanity
> 1 crore died
> 2 crore injured

2. Demographic Change Social Crises emerged

Death Young Male population ( 25-40 age)
Left over Old, Childern & Women population
World War-I Impact
Q. Impact/Outcome of World War-I

2. Social Impact

3. Q. Raised in Europe
Are we really civilised???
Book Decay of European Civilisation

4. Reconstruction of Europe
Need of Human Resource
Gave Impetus to Women Empowerment
Social outlook towards women changed
Voting rights given
World War-I Impact
Q. Impact/Outcome of World War-I

2. Social Impact

5. Ideological changes

Shattered faith of people

Atheist population increased

People lost faith in Life & happiness
Thank You.

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