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Contents and

Functions of
Prepared by: Mary Quincy N. Marilao
Informative Speech
An informative speech is one that informs
the audience.
Examples of Informative Speech
• News Report are found in newspapers, radios, social media, and television. Their
are found in newspapers, radios, social media, and television. Their
purpose is to inform readers of what is happening in the world
purpose is to inform readers of what is happening in the world
around them
around them

The topics covered in an informative speech should help the audience to

• Informative Talk The topicsa subject
a subject
in anandinformative
to remember
and tothe
what they help later.
learned the The
goal ofto
this type of speech isn’t to sway audiencewhat theyspeaker’s
to the learned later.
pointThe goal of
of view.
this type
Instead, theof speech
details needisn’t
to to
be sway the audience
laid before to the
the audience sospeaker’s
that they point of view.
can make an
Instead, the details need to be laid before the audience
educated decision or learn about a subject they are interested that they can make an
educated decision or learn about a subject they are interested in.

• Panel Discussion AApanel discussion is a specific format used in a meeting, conference or

panel discussion is a specific format used in a meeting, conference or
convention.  It is a live or virtual discussion about a specific topic
convention.  It is a live or virtual discussion about a specific topic
amongst a selected group of panelists who share differing perspectives
amongst a selected group of panelists who share differing perspectives
in front of a large audience.
in front of a large audience.
More about
An informative speech is one that intends to educate the audience on a particular
topic. There are many different types of informative speeches, including speeches that
describe the conditions of a subject and speeches that instruct the audience on how to
perform an action.

The main goal of an informative speech is to discuss a specific topic the audience knows
nothing about. It may demonstrate or provide enlightenment how to use a new type of
software, explain a new concept in the field of science, describe an expedition an
archaeologist took, or provide details about a person of interest that the audience wants to
learn more about.

The topics covered in an informative speech should help the audience to understand a subject better
and to remember what they learned later. The goal of this type of speech isn’t to sway the audience to
the speaker’s point of view. Instead, the details need to be laid before the audience so that they can
make an educated decision or learn about a subject they are interested in.
Panel Discussion
A panel discussion is a specific format used in a meeting, conference or
convention.  It is a live or virtual discussion about a specific topic amongst a
selected group of panelists who share different perspectives in front of a large
• The panel is typically facilitated by a “moderator” who guides the panel and the
audience through the event.
• The panel, typically 3-4 experts or practitioners in the field, shares facts, offers
opinions and responds to audience questions either through questions curated by the
moderator or taken from the audience directly.
• The panel session typically lasts for 60-90 minutes.

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