Mansi - Mehak.Nakul - Pragya: Bbs 1 C

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Pragya BBS 1 C 1
It is our great pleasure and honour to express our gratitude towards our IT teacher
Mrs. Kavita Kapur for giving us the opportunity to explore and learn in-depth the
various aspects of the subject.

This has given us greater insight to the way the classroom has evolved and will
utimately the team members when developing their POA for their education
consultancy startup- Eduk8rz

Table of Contents
•E-Learning and its different aspects…………………………………………4


•Open Course Ware……………………………………………………………....20

•ITunes U…………………………………………………………………………….24




What is E-Learning?
E-learning is to classroom learning as cell phones are to a pay phone at the bus station
.At least it is in some ways. For instance, e-learning allows you to learn anywhere and
usually at any time, as long as you have a properly configured computer

E-learning can be CD-ROM-based, Network-based, Intranet-based or Internet-based. It

can include text, video, audio, animation and virtual environments. It can be a very rich
learning experience that can even surpass the level of training you might experience in a
crowded classroom. It's self-paced, hands-on learning.

The quality of the electronic-based training, as in every form of training, is in its content
and its delivery. E-learning can suffer from many of the same pitfalls as classroom
training, such as boring slides, monotonous speech, and little opportunity for

Background of E-Learning
E-learning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching

•Web-based learning,
•computer-based learning,
•virtual classroom opportunities and
•digital collaboration.

Content is delivered via the Internet, intranet/extranet, audio or video tape, satellite TV,
and CD-ROM. It can be self-paced or instructor-led and includes media in the form of
text, image, animation, streaming video and

The worldwide e-learning industry is estimated to be worth over $48 billion according to
conservative estimates. Developments in internet and multimedia technologies are the
basic enabler of e-learning, with consulting, content, technologies, services and support
being identified as the five key sectors of the e-learning industry.

Categories of E-learning
Knowledge databases -- You've probably seen knowledge databases on software
sites offering indexed explanations and guidance for software questions, along with
step-by-step instructions for performing specific tasks. These are
usually moderatelyinteractive,

Online support -Online support comes in the form of forums, chat rooms, online
bulletin boards, e-mail, or live instant-messaging support. Slightly more interactive
than knowledge databases, online support offers the opportunity for more specific
questions and answers, as well as more immediate answers.

Asynchronous training -- It involves self-paced learning, either CD-ROM-based,

Network-based, Intranet-based or Internet-based. It may include access to
instructors through online bulletin boards, online discussion groups and e-mail.

Synchronous training -- Synchronous training is done in real-time with a live

instructor facilitating the training. Everyone logs in at a set time and can
communicate directly with the instructor and with each other. You can raise your
cyber hand and even view the cyber whiteboard. This type of training usually takes
place via Internet Web sites, audio- or video-conferencing
Approaches to E-Learning
Computer-based -computers as a key component of the educational environment. The
term more refers to a structured environment in which computers are used for

Computer-Based Trainings (CBTs) are self-paced learning activities accessible via a

computer or handheld device. CBTs typically present content in a linear fashion, much
like reading an online book or manual. For this reason they are often used to teach
static processes, such as using software or completing mathematical equations. The
term Computer-Based Training is often used interchangeably with Web-based training
(WBT) with the primary difference being the delivery method. Where CBTs are
typically delivered via CD-ROM, WBTs are delivered via the Internet using a web
browser. Assessing learning in a CBT usually comes in the form of multiple choice

CBTs offer visual learning benefits through animation or video, not typically offered by
any other means.[citation needed]CBTs can be a good alternative to printed learning
materials since rich media

Computer-supported collaborative learning

Most recent developments in CSCL have been called E-Learning 2.0, but the concept
of collaborative or group learning whereby instructional methods are designed to
encourage or require students to work together on learning tasks has existed much
longer. It is widely agreed to distinguish collaborative learning from the traditional
'direct transfer' model in which the instructor is assumed to be the distributor of
knowledge and skills, which is often given the neologism E-Learning 1.0, even
though this direct transfer method most accurately reflects Computer-Based
Learning systems (CBL).

Technology-enhanced learning (TEL): Technology-Enhanced LearningTechnology

enhanced learning (TEL) has the goal to provide socio-technical innovations (also
improving efficiency and cost effectiveness) for e-learning practices, regarding
individuals and organizations, independent of time, place and pace. The field of TEL
therefore applies to the support of any learning activity through technology.

Communication technologies used in E-learning
Communication technologies are generally categorized as asynchronous or synchronous.
Asynchronous activities use technologies such as blogs, wikis, and discussion board
•engage in the exchange of ideas or information without the dependency of other
participants involvement at the same time.
•ability to work at their own pace.

.Synchronous activities involve the exchange of ideas and information with one or more
participants during the same period of time. Synchronous activities occur with all
participants joining in at once, as with an online chat session or a virtual classroom or
meeting.Virtual classrooms and meetings can often use a mix of communication

Other communication technologies available in a virtual classroom include text notes,

microphone rights, and breakout sessions

Benefits of E-Learning
•It's less expensive to produce -e-training is virtually free once you reach the break-even point.

•It's self-paced -- Most e-learning programs can be taken when needed.

•It moves faster  e-learning courses progress up to 50 percent faster than traditional courses. This is
partly because the individualized approach allows learners to skip material they already know and
understand and move onto the issues they need training on.

•It provides a consistent message -- E-learning eliminates the problems associated with different
instructors teaching slightly different material on the same subject

•It can work from any location and any time - -E-learners can go through training sessions from
anywhere, usually at anytime

•It can be updated easily and quickly -- Online e-learning sessions are especially easy to keep up-to-
date because the updated materials are simply uploaded to a server

•It can lead to increased retention and a stronger grasp on the subject -- because of the many
elements such as video, audio, quizzes, interaction, etc

Educomp Solutions Limited,
•a globally diversified education solutions provider
• and the largest education company in India.
•Educomp Group reaches out to over 26,000 schools and 15 million learners and
educators across the world.
•27 offices worldwide including an office in Canada, 20 in India, two in Singapore,
one in Sri Lanka, and three in the United States.In addition, the Company
operates through its various subsidiaries including authorGEN, Threebrix
eServices,, USA, AsknLearn Pte Ltd, Singapore and via its
associates such as Savvica in Canada.
•India’s number one education company. For many years, Educomp has been at
the forefront of various pioneering initiatives in the e-education space.
Their mission is to reach out to 20 million learners through our products, services
and solutions, as well as to be amongst the top 5 education companies
worldwide, by the year 2012.  

Its most successful product is computers as teaching aids. The involves use of digital
screens and in five-year contracts at Smartclass company charges schools for
Capex is typically Rs1.5m. The other ~Rs130/student/month. Per-school
major cost is that of content, which Educomp has built over time.
The other major focus areas are 50-50 JVs with Pearson and Raffles vocational and higher

1.Smartclass & EduReach

2. K12 schools (pre-schools and standard I to XII schools)

3 . Higher education) and Pearson vocational education

4. Global (overseas)

Empowering Teaching, Inspiring Learning

What is SmartClass

• Solution designed to assist teachers &

students’ academic performance

• Also enables teachers to instantly assess and

evaluate the learning achieved

How does it work

• India’s largest Digital Content library of over
16,000 modules of curriculum-mapped,
multimedia rich, 3D content

• Classrooms are equipped with Plasma

screens, 15
Partnering with Govt. to Bridge the Digital Divide

Overview of ICT Solution

• Educomp participates in government
initiatives in a
‘Public Private Partnership’ model to IT
~1,000,000 government schools in India
• Educomp sets up Computer Labs in Govt.
Schools and
 Multimedia Content in regional languages
 Testing and certification in computer
 Full time assistants as well as teacher
 Monitoring and Supervision

Competitive Advantage
Educomp enjoys a unique competitive position and sustainable long-term growth.

Educomp’s nearest competitors in the listed Competitive positioning:

Aptech, with the latter two being space are Everonn Education, NIIT an
stronger in IT education than in conventional school education. There
are numerous unlisted companies and corporate foundations such as the
Wipro Foundation and the Bharti Foundation involved in educational
activities. In digital classrooms, Educomp dominates, with ~60-70%
ts in almost 2,500 schools

An OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a free and open digital publication of high quality
university‐level educational materials.  These materials are organized as courses,
and often include course planning materials and evaluation tools as well as
thematic content.

OpenCourseWare are free and openly licensed, accessible to anyone, anytime via
the internet.

MIT OpenCourseWare (MIT OCW) is an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) to put all of the educational materials from its undergraduate-
and graduate-levelcourses online, partly free and openly available to anyone,
anywhere, by the end of the year 2007.

MIT OpenCourseWare can be considered as a large-scale, web-based publication of

MIT course materials. The project was announced in October 2002 and
adopts Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license

Currently, MIT OpenCourseWare is supported by MIT, corporate underwriting, major

gifts, and donations from site visitors.The initiative has inspired a number of other
institutions to make their course materials available as open educational resources.

As of December 2010, over 2035 courses were available online. Some courses also
include interactive web demonstrations in Java or MATLAB, complete textbooks
written by MIT professors, and streaming video lectures. 21

MIT OCW was originally served by a custom content management system based

on Microsoft's Microsoft Content Management Server, which was replaced in mid-
2010 with a Plone-based content management system. The publishing process is
described by MIT as a "large-scale digital publishing infrastructure consists of
planning tools, a content management system (CMS), and the MIT
OpenCourseWare content distribution infrastructure".
Video content for the courses are primarily in RealMedia format. Though the default
videos provided are meant to be streamed from the MIT server, they are also
provided in full for offline downloads in iTunesU. Many course videos are also
available on Youtube.
iTunes U
iTunes U brings the power of the iTunes Store to education, making it simple to
distribute information to your students and faculty — or to lifelong learners all over
the world. With an iTunes U site, your institution has a single home for all the digital
content created or curated by educators, which can then be easily downloaded and
viewed on any Mac, PC, iPod, or iPhone.

More than 800 universities have active iTunes U sites. About half of these
institutions — including Stanford, Yale, MIT, Oxford, and UC Berkeley — distribute
their content publicly on the iTunes Store.
In the Beyond Campus section of iTunes U, students and faculty can access a wealth
of content from distinguished entities such as MoMA, the New York Public Library,
Public Radio International, and PBS stations.

Lectures are just the beginning.

While iTunes U is ideal for accessing and replaying lectures, it’s also great for sharing
other types of content — including slideshows, PDFs, books, films, exhibit tours, and
audiobooks. (Media formats supported include AAC, MP3, MPEG-4, PDF, and ePub.)

Course materials and more.

With support for both the PDF and ePub file formats, iTunes U can also be used to
distribute schedules, syllabi, lecture outlines, study guides, notes, maps — even
entire books. And because ePub is an open standard, your ePub documents will open
not just on iPad, iPhone, and 
iPod touch but any compatible e-reader.

How it works
Your institution creates its own iTunes U site that leverages the familiar interface
of the iTunes Store, so it’s easy to build and even easier to use. Once your site is
live, faculty members need little additional help from IT. They can start posting
content right away — lectures, lab demonstrations, historical footage, and
whatever else they choose to help bring their subjects to life.

Simple setup
Apple provides your institution with a free iTunes U site, complete with templates
you can customize with your own branding. Administrative access is integrated
with Apple ID, so it’s simple to set up and manage your site. And you can use RSS
to easily add and remove content.

A Podcast (or non-
streamed webcast) is a series
of digital
media files (either audio or vi
deo) that are released
episodically and
often downloaded through w
eb syndication. The word
replaced webcast in common
vernacular due to the fame of
the iPod and its role in the
rising popularity and
innovation of web feeds.

How to create a Podcast
Video podcasts.
Use the built-in iSight camera on a Mac to record video, or import video from a
digital still or video camera

Audio podcasts.
GarageBand ’11 turns your Mac into a full-featured podcasting studio, allowing you
to record, edit, and mix audio.

Enhanced podcasts.
Take audio podcasts further by using GarageBand ’11 to add slides from Keynote or
PowerPoint presentations. Add pictures from iPhoto. Then edit, crop, and enhance
them until they’re ready for prime time.

Seamless scalability.
If your institution plans to podcast in high volume or in high- definition or long formats,
Podcast Producer 2 can distribute encoding tasks across multiple Mac or Xserve
systems and automatically assign jobs to computers with available cycles

Publish anywhere, automatically.

With just a few clicks, you can post podcasts wherever you like: to iTunes or to your
institution’s server, wiki, or blog. Qualified institutions can also post directly to iTunes
U. You can even have your podcasts automatically archived for future reference.

Distribution and access.

iTunes U is home to more than 250,000 lectures, presentations, videos, readings, and
podcasts from all over the world. It’s the easiest way to get content into the hands of
students. Content on iTunes U can be downloaded to any Mac or PC, iPod touch, or
iPhone. And because iTunes U is part of iTunes, most students already know how to use

•Today's e-earning tools go beyond computers to include MP3 players, podcasts, blogs
and more

•Download podcasts of course lectures and professors' audio study notes to their PDAs,
smartphones or MP3 players to review wherever and whenever they have time.

•Check and copy information from the professor's daily or weekly blog, including the
course syllabus, assignment changes, study notes and other important information.

•E-mail or text message study partners to set up study sessions and get answers to each
other's questions about the material they're studying.

•Send instant messages to professors with quick questions or to set up a time to talk
more extensively by phone.

•Log in to an online forum or visit a private chat room to discuss the topics being studied
with the professor and other students in the class.

•Take notes, photos or video with an iPod or smartphone during lab experiments or in the
field to use later as part of papers, presentations or test preparation.

TutorVista is the world's leading online education company.
Since its inception in 2005, TutorVista has been a pioneer in the education space
providing quality online tutoring to students across the world, at a very
affordable price. Online tutoring has been rapidly gaining popularity among
students due to its ease of use, cost and its ability to provide an instant
connection to a tutor just when a student needs help and is ready to learn.

Besides online tutoring TutorVitsa also provides Test Prep Help, Homework
Help, Supplemental Tutoring and Expert assistance before tests and exams. The
Company has grown rapidly with over 5 million online sessions served to
students worldwide. is the premier online destination for affordable education -

anytime, anywhere and in any subject. 31
How it Works
We use the computer, which your
child associates with
entertainment and fun, to make
learning more interesting.The
student works one-on-one with a
professional tutor in a secure web
environment using your existing
computer, web browser and
broadband Internet connection -
no special equipment or software
is needed.
Using the virtual whiteboard
workspace both tutor and student
draw and write to share problems,
solutions and explanations, and
work with simulations and
animations to maximize learning.
Your child can also chat by using
the instant message box which
resides right along the virtual
This is a totally separate chat room You can connect to a tutor as often Our sessions are just like working
not associated with any other as your child needs help. You can get face to face with a tutor. They are
website and can only be used in a unlimited tutoring for all the just more convenient and fun!
TutorVista session. subjects you want.



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