WGI Measuring Governance in Development Countries: Presentation By: Group B

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WGI measuring

Governance in
Development Countries
Presentation By : Group B

1.Name : Afia Sultana  022

6. Name : Saddam Hossen Sajib 045
Topic : Voice and Accountability
Topic : Control of Corruption

2.Name :  Fahia  Farjana 011

7. Name : M Muradul Islam 066
Topic : Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism Topic : Bangladesh WGI indicators

3.Name :  Supa Barua 008 8. Name : Tanjina Sultana 023

Topic  : Government Effectiveness Topic : Comparison of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan

4.Name : Md. Sadikur Rahaman 028 9. Name : Abu Naim Saikat 076
Topic  :Regulatory Quality Topic : Comparison of Bangladesh and China

5.Name :Anisur Rahman 042 10. Name : Anisur Rahman 052

Topic  : Rule of Law Topic: Comparison between Bangladesh and Indonesia
Governance consists of the traditions and
institutions by which authority in a country is

exercised. This includes the process by which
governments are selected, monitored and
replaced; the capacity of the government to

E effectively formulate and implement sound

policies; and the respect of citizens and the
state for the institutions that govern economic
and social interactions among them
Voice and Accountability

Capturing perceptions of the extent to which a country's citizens are able to participate in selecting
their government, as well as freedom of expression, freedom of association, and a free media.

 Participating in Selecting government

 Freedom of Expression
 Freedom of association
 Free media
Participating in Selecting government :

participation includes a broad range of activities through which people develop and
express their opinions on the world and how it is governed, and try to take part in
and shape the decisions that affect their lives.

Freedom of Expression

Freedom of expression refers to the ability of an individual or group of individuals

to express their beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and emotions about different issues free
from government censorship

Freedom of association

Freedom of association protects three types of activities: Joining with others to

form associations. This means that the government cannot prevent people from
meeting together to form a group. ... Freedom of association protects their right to
strike and collectively bargain with their employers

Free media

The ability of journalists to report freely on matters of public interest is a crucial

indicator of democracy. A free press can inform citizens of their leaders’ successes
or failures, convey the people’s needs and desires to government bodies, and
provide a platform for the open exchange of information and ideas.
Source of Data Collection:

· Surveys of households and firms

· Commercial business information providers
· Non-governmental organizations
· Public sector organizations

Voice and Accountibility.pdf

Next Speaker

Name: Fahia Farjana

Class ID :011
Topic: Political Stability and absence of Violence/Terrorism
WGI is a project of the World Bank and the Brookings
Institution that assesses the quality of governance in more 213
countries and territories worldwide.
Categories evaluated by WGI are 6 indicators. Number two of
them is political stability and absence of violence.
It captures perceptions of the likelihood that the
POLITICAL government will be destabilized or overthrown
by unconstitutional or violent means, including
STABILITY AND politically motivated violence and terrorism.
Violence and instability shift government’s
ABSENCE OF priorities and diminish the opportunity to devote
resources to important ocean and environmental
VIOLENCE: policy initiatives.

Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism measures perceptions of the likelihood of

political instability or politically-motivated violence, including terrorism.

The index of political instability is measured on a scale of 0 to 10 based on the degree of severity of
political protest and violence in each nation in any given year. The advantage of this index over other
indices of political instability, such as the state fragility index, is that it is raw.

Political stability index (-2.5 weak; 2.5 strong) ...

The average value for Bangladesh during that
period was -1.2 points with a minimum of -1.86
points in 2005 and a maximum of -0.37 points in
1998. The latest value from 2020 is -0.92 points.
According to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled
from officially recognized sources Estimate in Bangladesh was reported at
--0.91817 in 2019.
The governance indicators contribute to the growing empirical research of
governance which have provided activists and reformers worldwide with
advocacy tools for policy reform and monitoring.
Next Speaker

Name: Supa Barua

ID: 21180008
Topic: Government Effectiveness

The index of Government Effectiveness
captures perceptions of the quality of public services, the
quality of the civil service and the degree of its independence
from political pressures, the quality of policy formulation and
implementation, and the credibility of the government's
commitment to such policies.
Government Effectiveness

 The extent to which an activity fulfils its intended purpose or function

 he extent to which objectives are met (‘doing the right things’)
Index (-2.5 weak; 2.5 strong), 1996 - 2019: For that indicator, we provide
data for Bangladesh from 1996 to 2019. The average value for Bangladesh
during that period was -0.73 points with a minimum of -0.91 points in 2005
and a maximum of -0.44 points in 1998. The latest value from 2019 is -0.74
points. For comparison, the world average in 2019 based on 192 countries
is -0.02 points.
The good governance framework
sets out six key principles that
when applied result in governance
The good governance standard comprises six core principles

1. Good governance means performing effectively in clearly defined functions and roles
2. Good governance means promoting values for the whole organization and demonstrating
values of good governance through behavior
3. Good governance means taking informed, transparent decisions and managing risk
4. Good governance means developing the capacity and capability of the governing body to be
5. Good governance means focusing on the organization’s purpose and on outcomes stakeholders
6. Good governance means engaging stakeholders and making accountability real
Next Speaker
Md. Sadikur Rahaman
ID: 028
Topic: Regulatory Quality
We already know that the WGI comprises 6 combined indicators of broad magnitudes of governance
encompassing over two hundred countries since the year 1996. The 4th indicator is Regulatory quality.

Regulatory Quality - captures perceptions of the ability of the government to formulate and implement
sound policies and regulations that permit and promote private sector development.

Importance of regulatory quality

Regulatory quality requires that countries manage both the stock of existing regulations and the flow of new
regulations to sustain growth and maximise welfare. Regulations may easily become out of date and create
unnecessary burdens on citizens and businesses.
Regulatory Quality Index
Country rankings
Regulatory quality index, 2020 (-
2.5 weak; 2.5 strong):
The average for 2020 based on
192 countries was -0.02 points.
The highest value was in
Singapore: 2.21 points and the
lowest value was in Eritrea: -2.34
points. The index showed for the
Bangladesh value of regulatory
quality rank is 174 among 192
countries and point is -0.91. The
indicator is available from 1996 to
Bangladesh: Regulatory quality
index, 1996 – 2020 (-2.5 weak;
2.5 strong):
For that indicator, Here the data
for Bangladesh from 1996 to
2020. The average value for
Bangladesh during that period was
-0.91 points with a minimum of
-1.13 points in 2004 and a
maximum of -0.8 points in 2016.
The latest value from 2020 is -0.9
points. For comparison, the world
average in 2020 based on 192
countries is -0.02 points.
Next Speaker

Name: Anisur Rahman

Class id: 042
Topic: Rule of Law
Rule of Law

Rule of law captures perceptions of the extent to which agents have confidence in and
abide by the rules of society, and in particular the quality of contract enforcement,
property rights, the police, and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and

This one of the essential parts of a civilized society. In fact no civilized modern nation
can’t run without the implication of rule of law. Like every independent civilized
modern country rule of law One of the basic principles of the constitution of
Rule of law: The Constitution of Bangladesh

In the constitution of Bangladesh Rule of Law has its own place. According to the constitution of Bangladesh

“It shall be fundamental aim of the state to realize through the democratic process a socialist society, free
from exploitation – a society in which the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and
justice, political economic and social, will be secured for all citizens.” In accordance with this pledge the
following positive provisions for rule of law have been incorporated in the constitution:

*Article 27 guarantees that all citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.

* Article 31 guarantees that to enjoy the protection of the law, and to be treated in accordance with
Aspects of the Rule of law in Bangladesh:

Our constitution has ensures laws while the judiciary have been set up to ensure justice and fairness to the citizens .
Unfortunately the legal system isn’t the true reflection of the constitution . Some aspects of the rule of law in our society
should be mentioned as under:

1: Magistrates are performing dual function of both executive and judiciary which is not desirable in the interest of justice.

2: The service of district and session judges, their transfer, promotion etc. are controlled not by the Supreme Court but by
the law ministry.

3:The government of Bangladesh continues to use The Special Power Act of 1974 and section 54 of the criminal code
which allow for arbitrary arrest and preventive detention. Which in reality use as a weapon of suppression towards political
opponents and other citizens by detaining them without formal charges.

4: The very principle that law should take its own course requires that in investigation and preparation and submission of
the charge sheet, the investigating agency should be free from outside influences and threats of all kinds.

5: Another aspect of rule of law relates to the limits of law making power of the parliament itself.
Next Speaker
Name: K. M. Saddam Hossen
Class Id: 045
Topic: Control of Corruption
Control of Corruption

The corruption control indicators measures the extent to which

public power is exercised for private grain, including both petty
and grand forms of corruption as well as identifies the state by
elites and private interests. It also measures the strength and
effectiveness of a country’s policy and institutional framework
to prevent and combat corruption.

Corruption indicators can measures:

• The incidence of corrupt transaction
• The incidence of sanctions for corruption
• The impact of corruptions
These indicators are combination of aggregate views of a large number of enterprise, citizen and
expert survey respondents in industrial and developing countries which are based on over 30
individual data sources produced by a variety of survey institutes, think tanks, non-governmental
organizations, international organizations, and private sector firms.

Next Speaker
Name: M Muradul Islam
ID: 066
Topic: WGI indicators - Bangladesh
In the context of development counties such Bangladesh WGI helps to:

• Make concerned institutions more participative, decentralized and responsive. Reduce monopoly of
the central government.
• Involve wider spectrum of Stakeholders and masses.
• Preserve ethical standards and enhance the work of the oversight bodies.
• Capacity building to respond to challenges and opportunities created by the forces of globalization.
• Improve management for enhancing human resources.
• Monitor policy programs.
• Develop leadership skills and effective conflict management.
In the context of development counties such Bangladesh WGI helps to:
• Make concerned institutions more participative, decentralized and responsive. Reduce monopoly of
the central government.
• Involve wider spectrum of Stakeholders and masses.
• Preserve ethical standards and enhance the work of the oversight bodies.
• Capacity building to respond to challenges and opportunities created by the forces of globalization.
• Improve management for enhancing human resources.
• Monitor policy programs.
• Develop leadership skills and effective conflict management.
In the context of development counties such Bangladesh WGI helps to:

• Make concerned institutions more participative, decentralized and responsive. Reduce monopoly of
the central government.
• Involve wider spectrum of Stakeholders and masses.
• Preserve ethical standards and enhance the work of the oversight bodies.
• Capacity building to respond to challenges and opportunities created by the forces of globalization.
• Improve management for enhancing human resources.
• Monitor policy programs.
• Develop leadership skills and effective conflict management.
Next Speaker
Name : Tanjina Sultana
Class ID 023
Topic : Comparison of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan
Source: World Bank
Range: - 2.5 weak; 2.5 strong
Bangladesh: -0.79
India: 0.39
Pakistan: -0.55
 Contesting sources of state legitimacy
 Lack of inclusivity in governance and
politics (ethnicity and religion)

CHALLENGES  The absence of the Rule of Law

 Neopatrimonialism
Next Speaker
Name: Abu Naim
Class ID: 076
Topic: Comparison of Bangladesh and China
Voice and Accountability
Bangladesh: -0.77
China: -1.65

Governance Indicators  Bangladesh China

Number of data Sources 7 in 2000 8 in 2000

10 in 2020  10 in 2020 

Rank 26.57 in 2020 4.83 in 2020

Lower 21.26 in 2020 1.45 in 2020

Upper 32.37 in 2020 9.18 in 2020

Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism
Bangladesh: -0.92
China: -0.21

Governance Indicators  Bangladesh China

Number of data Sources 6 in 2020  7 in 2020 

Rank 16.04 in 2020 37.74 in 2020

Lower 10.38 in 2020 22.17 in 2020

Upper 26.42 in 2020 49.53 in 2020

Government Effectiveness
Bangladesh: -0.79
China:  0.65

Governance Bangladesh China


Number of data Sources 6 in 2000 6 in 2000

9 in 2020  8 in 2020 

Rank 20 in 2020 72.6 in 2020

Lower 11.54 in 2020 62.5 in 2020

Upper 37.98 in 2020 81.25 in 2020

Regulatory Quality

Governance Indicators  Bangladesh China

Number of data Sources 7 in 2000 7 in 2000
10 in 2020 9 in 2020
Rank 16.35 in 2020 50 in 2020
Lower 9.62 in 2020 38.46 in 2020
Upper 30.77 in 2020 60.1 in 2020
Rule of law

Governance Bangladesh China


Number of data Sources 10 in 2000 10 in 2000

12 in 2020  11 in 2020 

Rank 30.77 in 2020 52.88 in 2020.

Lower 20.67 in 2020 42.79 in 2020.

Upper 42.79 in 2020 58.17 in 2020 

Control of corruption

Governance Indicators  Bangladesh China

Number of data Sources 7 in 2000 8 in 2000
12 in 2020  11 in 2020 
Rank 16.83 in 2020 52.88 in 2020.
Lower 11.06 in 2020 45.67 in 2020
Upper 24.52 in 2020 60.58 in 2020
Next Speaker
Anisur Rahman
ID: 052
Topic: Comparison between Bangladesh and Indonesia
 Bangladesh: reached lower-middle income
country status in 2015 and on track to
graduate from UNs least development
countries (LDC) list in 2026. Poverty
declined 44% in 1991 to 15% in 2016.

 Indonesia: The World Bank downgraded

Indonesia to lower-middle income status
as of 1st July, 2021 with a gross national
income per capita of $3870. Indonesia
gained upper-middle income status only in
July 2020.
GDP Comparison
Criterial Bangladesh Indonesia

Nominal $347.991 Billion $1.1 Trillion

PPP $860.916 Billion $13.7 Trillion

Per Capita $2227 $4450

Rank 39 16
GDP Contribution Comparison
Criteria Bangladesh Indonesia

Agriculture 14.23 13.7

Service 52.11 45.4

Industry 33.66 41
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