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IoT Devices
Group Members

Deeba Daud

Inaya Naim

Ishita Singh

Poorvi Verma

Rabani Kaur

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to

our parents and teachers for their guidance. We
would also like to thank the viewers for their
positive response towards our app!

Individual entities are being connected every day
with the advancement of Internet of Things (IoT).
IoT contains various application domains and
healthcare is one of them indeed. It is receiving a
lot of attention recently because of its seamless
integration with electronic health (eHealth) and
telemedicine. IoT has the capability of collecting
patient data incessantly which surely helps in
preventive care. Doctors can diagnose their patients
early to avoid complications and they can suggest
further modifications if needed. As the whole
process is automated, risk of errors is reduced. As a
result, healthcare providers can engage themselves
more in patient care.

Ishita Singh 3
Title Slide No.

Statement Of Purpose 5

Hypothesis 6
Table of Contents Research 7

Work Plan 8

Methodology/ Procedure 9

Observations 10

Conclusion 11

References 12

Follow- Up 13

Statement of Purpose

What is this app for?

Work Plan
We are making an app , In the app we have 3 main things we are focusing on the first is
 Check for disease = when you click on it a website will open (name-up to date) and you can search for your
 Health reminders = when you click on it will open a alarm clock and you need to set the time up as per your own
pace .
 Hospitals and clinics = when you click on it will open a google map and you can hospitals and clinics around our

Rabani Kaur 6

We conclude that, IoT- enabled devices have made

remote monitoring in the healthcare sector possible,
unleashing the potential to keep patients safe and
healthy, and helping physicians to deliver
superlative care. It has also increased patient
engagement and satisfaction as interactions with
doctors have become easier and more efficient.
Furthermore, remote monitoring of patient’s health
helps in reducing the length of hospital stay and
prevents re-admissions. IoT also has a major impact
on reducing healthcare costs significantly and
improving treatment outcomes. IoT has applications
in healthcare that benefit patients, families,
physicians, hospitals and insurance companies.

Ishita Singh 7
• We referred to the internet for some slides
and for the app we used ‘MIT APP
• Link for the ‘MIT APP BUILDER’:

Follow up
Now we come to the end of our presentation
and we would sincerely like to thank everyone
who helped and viewed our app. We hope you
liked our app and wish it would be useful to
all of you. We wish you a great day ahead !

Rabani Kaur

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