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Topic: Factoring

1.Factor polynomials with common monomial
2.Factor polynomials by grouping

1. Multiply:
a. 3 x 5 = 15
b. 2a (5a + 1) = + 2a

2. In #1a, what do you call the numbers 3 and 5 in

relation to 15?
Factors of 15
3. In #1b, what do you call the expressions 2a and 5a+1
in relation to + 2a?
Factors of + 2a
4. In the expression , what do you call 10?

Numerical coefficient
5. How about ?
Literal coefficient
6. What are the factors of 12? 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
7. How about 30? 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30
8. What factors are common to both? 1, 2, 3, 6
9. What is the GCF or greatest common factor of 12 and
30? 6
10. What are the factors of , excluding 1?

11. How about 2a? 2,


12. What factors are common to and 2a?

13. What is the GCF of and 2a ?
Lesson Proper:

What is factoring?
- Factoring is the reverse process of multiplication.
- Factoring a polynomial means to write it as a
product of 2 or more expressions.
Examples: Factor the following
1. 21 = (3)(7)
+ 2a = 2a(4a + 1)
Illustrative Examples 1:
A. Greatest Common Monomial Factors
Direction: Factor the following polynomials
1. 5x – 10y
2. 4ay2 + 8a3y2
3. 10x3y2 – 15x2y3 + 20xy4
1. Factor 5x – 10y
Determine the GCF:
Divide each term by the GCF
x – 2y
The answer is
= 5( x – 2y)
2. Factor 4ay2 + 8a3y2
Determine the GCF.
Divide each term by the GCF.
1 + 2a2
The answer is
= 4ay2(1 + 2a2)
3. Factor 10x3y2 – 15x2y3 + 20xy4
Determine the GCF.
Divide each term by the GCF.
2x2 – 3xy + 4y2
The answer is
= 5xy2(2x2 – 3xy + 4y2)
Practice Exercises:
Factor the following polynomials by determining
the Greatest Common Monomial Factors
1. 4x + 6y = 2(2x + 3y)
2. 6ab – 8bc = 2b(3a – 4c)
3. 8x2 + 12xy = 4x(2x + 3y)
4. 18xy2 + 27x2y = 9xy(2y + 3x)
5. 5a4 + 10a3b – 15a2b2 = 5a2 (a2 + 2ab – 3b2)
Illustrative Examples 2:
B. Factor polynomials by grouping
1. 6xy – 8x + 9y – 12
2. x2y – y2z + x2z – yz2
1. (a + b)(c + d)
= ac + ad + bc + bd
2. (2x – 3y)(4a + b)
= 8ax + 2bx – 12ay – 3by
1. Factor 6xy – 8x + 9y - 12
Group the terms into binomial with common monomial factor
(6xy – 8x) + (9y – 12)
Factor each binomial
2x(3y – 4) + 3(3y – 4)
Take out the common binomial factor
3y – 4
and determine the other factor.
2x + 3
The answer is
(3y – 4)(2x + 3)
2. Factor x2y – y2z – x2z + yz2
Group the terms into binomial with common monomial factor
(x2y – y2z) – (x2z – yz2)
Factor each binomial
y(x2 – yz) – z(x2 – yz)
Take out the common binomial factor
x2 – yz
and determine the other factor
The answer is
(x2 – yz)(y – z)
Practice Exercises:
Factor the following polynomials by grouping
1. ax + 2a + bx + 2b
(2 + x)(a + b)
2. 6ac + 3ad – 2bd – 4bc
(3a – 2b)(2c + d)
3. 15x – 8y + 6xy – 20 [Hint: arrange the terms]
6xy – 8y +15x – 20
(3x - 4)(2y + 5)
What I have learned:
I have learned today how to …
1. factor a polynomial with common monomial
2. factor a polynomial by grouping terms.

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