Back To Basics

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Back to Basics

Tom Blake Chloe Anna

A brief Living a life of luxury can sometimes make you
synopsis oblivious to the real world around you, in 'Back to
basics' we take a high-end CEO and give them a
week to live in their lowest paid employees' shoes
while that employee is sent on a five-star holiday
for the week. The CEO's life will completely
change as they move into the employee's house,
do their job and get a real insight into what it's
like to work at their own company. 
Pilot In the opening the show we will have the presenter introduce
viewers to the company focus of the episode. They will introduce
Structure the CEO, giving a brief description of who they are and what their
company does. After that we will show a short interview with the
CEO talking about how they live and if they thought they could
handle a week of living from the wage of a low-level employee in
their firm. 

The middle of the show will be made up of the CEO living the life of
a low-end employee: working their job, living off their wages and
spending the week in their house. Starting with the Monday they
will have to work through the entire week, finding out what it's like
to be in that sector of the company, and after working the week
they will discover how relaxing a weekend really is for this level of

To finish off the show we will have the presenter have a short talk
with the company CEO asking questions along the lines of: Is this life
fair for employees? Is the workplace safe and suitable for
employees? And will changes be made to wages?
Our For our pilot episode the company we want
to focus on is 'Reckitt'.
Characters This is a global company with about 43,000
employees across the world, who create
household cleaning products like Cillit bang
and Lysol.
The CEO is Laxman Narasimhan who on
average makes about £6.4 million a year.
The reason we think this company would be
a good pilot episode is because it's one of
the biggest UK corporations as well as the
fact that most UK households will use at
least one of their products, which will make
it more relatable for our audience which is
mainly families. 
Presenter  For our show we want to hire Alexis Conran
to be the presenter.

He is mainly known for his afternoon show

on times radio and co-presenting the real
hustle from 2006-2012.

The reason we chose Alexis is because he

has experience in presenting shows
relevant to businesses and helping people
so we feel like he would be a good fit for
the show.
Show When looking at available time slots on channel
four we believe that our show would be perfect
times  for the 9pm continuous documentary slot.
This slot is looking for a show based around
community, family , business , work , holiday or
The reason we believe our show would fit in this
slot is because it fits into multiple categories listed
above: it is a show based around businesses and
work, but it is also educating people on the
struggles of minimum wage workers.
This show would be brilliant to bring into the light
now more than ever. The last couple of years have
been hell for hundreds of thousands of workers,
struggling for money and grasping at straws in
most working industries
Why We chose to pitch to channel 4 due to their
remit and purpose: they want to deliver
Channel 4? high quality, innovative and alternative
content to their audiences.
The reason our show fits in their remit is
that it is a show that challenges the status
quo of society by highlighting how difficult
it is to live when you have a minimum wage
We as a production company want to bring
light to these struggles and we believe
channel 4 would help us do that.
Why now? This show would be brilliant to bring
into the light now more than ever. The
last couple of years have been hell for
hundreds of thousands of workers,
struggling for money and grasping at straws
in most working industries. 

Our show aims to enlighten CEOs of big

brand companies on some of the struggles
that workers must deal with and mostly
going unnoticed, and by putting them 'back
to basics' we want to give the boss a push
to make an improvement to the life of a
What 11 years ago, CBS produced a similar show called
makes us 'Undercover Boss' This show is quite similar to our
idea as they put the CEO in the lower levels of
different? their own company to see how it feels to work
So, what makes us different? Well, where
'Undercover boss' focuses on the CEO learning
what their employees really think 'Back to basics'
looks at how people live in the UK off minimum
wage and give an insight onto their struggles.

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