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Docker Installation and Basic Command

Docker Architecture Components

1. Docker Host: system

2. Docker: Enterprise & community based software
3. Docker Images: Binary/Library/Configuration files.
- Community & User based.
1. Docker Registry: Maintain Docker images
2. Docker Container: Running mode of images.
3. Docker Client: Maintain Docker host
Docker Installation

1. Configure repository for software installation

2. Download require software
3. Yum install docker-ce OR docker OR docker-ee
4. Start || Stop || Enable
5. Version verification
6. Docker help - commands || docs || downloads
Docker Registry/Image: Basic Operation

1. Explore
2. Docker search
3. Docker pull
4. Docker history
5. Registry || Repository || Tags || Version || Layer
6. Docker Images
Create Container using Base Image

1. Base Image Examples

2. Docker run and options
3. Docker ps and options
4. Docker top
5. Docker attach & Exit
6. Docker exec
Docker Commands Continue..

1. Docker rm
2. Docker rmi
3. Docker logs
4. Docker commands with $ function
1. Yum repos configure through
2. Yum install docker-ce -y
3. docker --version
4. systemctl start docker
5. systemctl enable docker
6. Explore image on docker hub
7. docker search centos:7
8. docker pull centos:7
Create Docker 9.
docker images
docker history centos:7
Architecture on 11. docker run -it --name=xyz <IMAGE_ID/IMAGE_NAME>
12. exit or CTRL+p+q
VLABS 13. docker ps
14. docker attach xyz
15. exit
16. docker ps -a
17. docker stop/start xyz
18. docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
19. docker rmi $(docker images)
20. systemctl stop docker

*xyz = container name.

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