Prepared To: Mr. Emil Detera Instructor

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Loy Dan Dolot
BSED - Social Studies III

Prepared to:
Mr. Emil Detera
How will employ the tool in your lesson?

Digital Storytelling is the process of t

elling a story through digital means. Al
so, it happens to be one the easiest way
s to integrate technology into the class
room. Educators can use digital storytel
ling with almost any subject and can eve
n "flip" their classroom by using mobile
apps. Below is my comprehensive list of
sites/apps that can be used for digital
Digital Storytelling
 Have you checked any of these?
Which one will you utilize and in whi
ch class of learners can you use them?

- Online sources, sites and por

tals suggest tools and describe how the
y can be used to engage learners. - Ide
ntify the iPad apps, android apps and W
eb Tools.
iPad Apps
-Tellagami is a mobile app that lets you crea
te and share a quick animated video called a
Gami. A Gami can be an exciting tweet or stat
us update. It can be a fun way to tell a stor
y. iPad apps
Web Tools

- VoiceThread is an interactive collaboratio
n and sharing tool that enables students to
build online presentations by adding images,
documents, and videos, and other media to wh
ich other users can add comments for discuss
Web Tools

How can I use VoiceThread?

VoiceThread has many potential uses for both in-pers

on and online classes. Plus, because both faculty and
students have access to create VoiceThreads, students
can create their own content for assignments.
 Narrate a PowerPoint presentation with audio or vid
 Pose a question or topic and use it as a visual dis
cussion board.
 Encourage student to student interactions. Upload v
ideo to VoiceThread and gather reflections.
 Practice a foreign language.
Android App
- The Comic Creator invites students to compose their
own comic strips for a variety of contexts (prewriting
, pre- and postreading activities, response to literat
ure, and so on). ... After completing their comic, stu
dents have the ability to print out and illustrate the
ir final versions for feedback and assessment. Android
Educational Technology and Mobile

- Is a resource of educational web tools and mobi

le apps for teachers and educators.



-The administrator of this site allows us
er to download, print and share the mater
ials just as long as proper citation is d
one and that the materials are shared fre
e of charge. If you are interested in Imp
lementing free Educational Technology in
the Classroom.
As you prepare to become a Teacher by learning how t
o utilize these digital tools, you need to have the
right mindset or a way of thinking how these tools c
an be effectively integrated in the lesson. A lot of
Teachers may find it daunting to use a technology to
ol in a lesson. The anxiety to explore the possibili
ty can be overwhelming, but for one who has the open
ness to learn and continuously study the features of
the tools can possibly lead to a more productive way
of designing a technology- enhanced lesson.
What is the right mindset of a teacher
in using the digital tools?
- With the fast paced development of techn
ology, Educational sites, portals, or appli
cations, change is inevitable. Working on a
particular tools at the moment will for sur
e change, as designers continually work to
upgrade the features and design the tools t
o integrate new aspects. This is expected.
That is why, knowing a digital tools and it
s features may not be enough because there
is a tendency of it evolving through time.
Hold on to the positive attitude and openness t
o learn. Nurture the curiosity and sustain the
passion to improve practice. Persevere as you l
earn to adapt to the involving digital tool.
Once you get the habit of exploring the tools p
erhaps taking one step at a time and expanding
your ideas on how to creatively use the appropr
iate tool in a class, you will eventually see y
our transformation as a Teacher who is becoming
more relevant and effective in teaching content
while at the same time develop learners’ capac
ity to be creative and think critically, and be
come collaborative and effective communicators
in the 21st century.

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