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Vivien Alcock
 At Belmont Secretarial College
 Lucy Beck is the weakest student in the class.
 She has slow typing speed.
 She graduates with only 1 ‘O’ Level Pass.
 Lucy Wants A Job Badly
 Lucy lives with her mother and uncle.
 Her uncle is an alcoholic.
 She needs a job; i) to get away from uncle.
ii) tired of being poor.
 Lucy gets a job at Ross & Bannister’s
 Lucy goes for an interview at Ross & Bannister’s.
 Mr Ross offers her a post immediately– secretary.
 Lucy is very excited.
 Her mother is surprised - got job very quickly.
 Lucy’s first day at work
 Lucy is very enthusiastic.
 Meets Harry Darke – odd-job worker for 30 years.
 Harry tells Lucy; i) previous secretaries did not last
long ii) electric typewriter is extraordinary
 Harry gives a big bottle of liquid paper.
 Lucy’s scary encounter with the typewriter
 Mr Ross left instructions on tape recorder – type
letter to client.
 Lucy starts typing – only the word ‘QWERTYUIOP’
appears repeatedly.
 She uses liquid paper but is useless.
 The typewriter issues threat: ‘NO ONE LIKES YOU.
 Lucy remembers Harry’s warning
 Lucy recalls what Harry said.
 She realises – it is supernatural (ghost).
 She runs to the door.
 Lucy confronts the typewriter
 Lucy is shy but not a coward.
 She is determined not to quit – faces her fears.
 She discovers that it is the ghost of Ms Broome.
 Ms Broome makes typewriter scream and shake.
 Lucy is determined and manages to finish her work.
 Harry tells Lucy about Ms Broome
 Ms Broome - Mr Bannister’s secretary
- forced to retire at 43 years old
- had no family (lonely)
- the office was her home
- was depressed and died
- haunts the typewriter eversince
 Lucy types a goodbye note to Ms Broome
 She types a letter to Ms Broome telling her;
- Mr Bannister passed away 3 years ago
- Mr Bannister needs her services
- Mr Bannister misses her
 Lucy’s kindness & compassion helps Ms Broome
find peace and stops haunting.
 All ends well for Lucy
 Mr Ross is happy with Lucy.
 Harry admires Lucy’s braveness.
 Lucy is proud to be a secretary.

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