Global Expansion Consulting Toolkit - by Slidesgo

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1. Vũ Thanh 2. Lưu Thanh 3. Phạm Minh Tường

Preparation: Slide •

Preparation: Advantages of • Vy
Preparation: Disadvantages of
• Speaking: Opening + nuclear family nuclear family
Ending • Speaking: Part 1 • Speaking: Part 2

4. Nguyễn 5. Nguyễn Thúy 6. Nguyễn Hoàng

• Khánh Vy
Preparation: Advantages of •
Preparation: Disadvantages of • Giang
Preparation: Conclusion
extended family extended family • Speaking: Part 6
• Speaking: Part 4 • Speaking: Part 5
Advantages and Disadvantages

Nuclear Family Extended Family

Nuclear Famlily Extended Family
01 •

02 •

• Disadvantages

Conclusion Ending of the

03 • Have a look at all the
04 presentation
01. family
• Speaking: - Lưu Thanh Hà
- Phạm Minh Tường Vy
Definition: What is
nuclear family?
• Nuclear family is a family
consisting of two parents and
their children, but not
including aunts, uncles,
grandparents, etc
Advantages of
nuclear family
1. Development of personality of individuals

• Children are more close to the parents

and can have more free and frank
discussion about their problems with
parents which helps for the better
development of their personality
• Women gets enough time to look after
their children and manage her house.
• Her husband can also devote more
attention to the wife in nuclear
2. Personal Responsibilities
• There is no transfer of
responsibility in the nuclear family
like there is in the extended family.
• Parents are obliged to accept
responsibility of their children on
their own.
• In order to provide for his family,
the head of the family needs to
work hard
• No superiority complex is felt by
anybody. All are given equal
3. Harmony and peace
• In nuclear families there is no
misunderstanding and they enjoy
a harmonious atmosphere by
living together.
• All members of nuclear family are
emotional secured.
• Couples in a nuclear family enjoy
the freedom of living on their own,
by their own rules,  and without
interference from family other
Disadvantages of
nuclear family
  1.An economic drawback

• As they live separately, the

family property is split
among the siblings, so the
land is subdivided, causing
economic loss.
2.Children’s insecurity
• Both husband and wife pursue
careers hence children may feel
• They may feel isolated and anxious
• There is a possiblity of children
growing in the wrong path, as
working parents would be busy and
may not spend sufficient time with
their children.
• As individuals do not get a chance
to interact with other family
members, they may become
• When parents have hectic work
schedules, they find little or no
time to spend with their
children. As a result, some
children may feel lonely.
• Some of them resort to spending
too much time watching TV or
using gadgets to fill the void.
02. Family
• Speaking: - Nguyễn Khánh Vy
- Nguyễn Thúy Nga
Definition: What is
extended family?
• Extended family is a family unit
that includes grandmothers,
grandfathers, aunts, and uncles,
etc. in addition to parents and
Advantages and disadvantages
1. Education
01 • The children in the family enjoy
2. None of Lonliness
• This family structure saves from the
loneliness that is generally felt in
the nuclear family.
Advantages 3. Economic
• Each member is guaranteed with
minimum basic subsistence
required for living.
1. Economic
• Economic burden might fall more on
02 one person.
2. Demand sharing of food, time and
• Loss of independence
• Loss of privacy as there are too many
people around all the time.
• Interference in the personal chores.
Disadvantages 3. Conflict
• Different opinions can lead to quarrel
among the members, especially
between the generation gaps
• Speaking: Nguyễn Hoàng Giang
Have a look !
Nuclear family Extended family

Includes grandmothers,
Consisting of two parents and
Definition grandfathers, aunts, and uncles, etc.
their children
in addition to parents and children

• Development of
• Education
personality of individuals
Advantages • None of Lonliness
• Personal Responsibilities
• Economic
• Harmony and peace

• Economic
• An economic drawback
• Demand sharing of food, time
Disadvantages • Children’s insecurity
and space
• Loneliness
• Conflict
Each type of family has its own advantages
and disadvantages. However, if family’s
members get along with each other, this will be
a happy family

Thank you for
We hope to receive your comments
to improve our presentation !

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