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Debugging Techniques

Kernel programming brings its own,

unique debugging challenges. Kernel
code cannot be easily executed
under a debugger, nor can it be easily
traced, because it is a set of
functionalities not related to a
specific process
Here, we list the configuration options that should be
enabled for kernels used for development. Except
where specified otherwise, all of these options are
found under
the “kernel hacking” menu in whatever kernel
configuration tool you prefer. Note that some of these
options are not supported by all architectures.
This option just makes other debugging options
available; it should be turned on but does not, by itself,
enable any features.
This crucial option turns on several types of checks in
the kernel memory allocation functions; with these
checks enabled, it is possible to detect a number of
memory overrun and missing initialization errors.
Full pages are removed from the kernel address
space when freed. This option can slow things
down significantly, but it can also quickly point out
certain kinds of memory corruption errors.
With this option enabled, the kernel catches
operations on uninitialized spinlocks and various
other errors (such as unlocking a lock twice).
Debugging by Printing
The most common debugging technique is monitoring, which in
applications programming is done by calling printf at suitable points.
We used the printk function in earlier chapters with
the simplifying assumption that it works like printf.
printk(KERN_DEBUG "Here I am: %s:%i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
printk(KERN_CRIT "I'm trashed; giving up on %p\n", ptr);
Critical conditions, often related to serious hardware or software failures.
Used for debugging messages.
Printing Device Numbers
Occasionally, when printing a message from a driver, you will
want to print the device number associated with the
hardware of interest. It is not particularly hard to print the
major and minor numbers, but, in the interest of consistency,
the kernel
provides a couple of utility macros (defined in
<linux/kdev_t.h>) for this purpose:
int print_dev_t(char *buffer, dev_t dev);
char *format_dev_t(char *buffer, dev_t dev);
Both macros encode the device number into the given
buffer; the only difference is that print_dev_t returns the
number of characters printed, while format_dev_t returns
buffer; therefore, it can be used as a parameter to a printk
call directly, although one must remember that printk doesn’t
flush until a trailing newline is provided.

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