1912+Self+Made+Society+ +Monthly+Memo

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December 2019
Hey Sister,
Welcome to the Self Made Society Monthly Memo kick-off! Every
month you will receive a letter from me personally with advice on topics
chosen by you and your fellow Self Made Sisters. This month, I want to
address a comment and offer a variety of solutions to help you overcome
this common problem:

A lot of female entrepreneurs have many passions, and many “groups” of

people they’d like to target. Unfortunately, with endless options comes
uncertainty. So, how do we deal with the fear of, “What if I chose the
wrong group”? The answer cannot be found in any kind of exercise or
practice. Instead, it involves a simple mindset shift.
If you want to be a successful female entrepreneur, it is crucial that you
master the idea that there is no such thing as a “wrong” decision (more
on that in a sec). It’s important to understand that the fear of a bad
decision is creating a gap between you and your success. The good news
is, though, that you can conquer your fear and bridge the gap that’s been
holding you back right now.

The way to do it is to think of all of your future “wrong” decisions as

learning opportunities. It’s like that old saying about Thomas Edison (the
inventor who created the light bulb). He once said, "I haven't failed, I've
just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

So, with that said – just make a decision and understand you’ll either
win or you’ll learn.
how to
If you’re unsure of what audience you want to target, a simple way to
pick a direction is to think… which target audience is going to
resonate with you most? Do you prefer to work with consumers,
professionals, influencers, or another group? Whichever option comes to
mind first, go with that audience and don’t worry about failing. If you’re
not enjoying it or getting results you need, then stop what you're doing
and pivot to another audience you considered. You’ll keep making these
pivots until you find the audience that works best for you.

The key here is to pick an audience, try it out, and if you start to feel
“stuck,” then pivot. The same applies to niches. If you have multiple
passions and interests and you’re unsure which niche to pursue – pick
the one you like the most and if it doesn’t turn out the way you hoped…
pivot! What I don’t want you to do is to waste any more time not taking
action just because you’re unsure of who to target or what niche to

Just make a decision, go all in, and if you don’t get the result you
want – pivot.
how to
I want to briefly demonstrate how to pivot because I know this might sound daunting to some of you. The last thing I want is for you to feel torn about
which direction to head in. I’ll explain a little bit about how I've personally pivoted in my businesses and how it’s led me to where I am today. Part 1 is my
journey with my “niche” as an influencer. Part 2 is my coaching + online course business.

PA RT 1 : M Y “ N I C H E ” PAT H S I N M Y I N F L U E N C E R / B L O G G E R B U S I N E S S

2013: I started a simple living lifestyle blog while traveling overseas and living the
“simple” life. When I returned back to Sydney, I decided this lifestyle wasn’t for me. So,
I shut it down.

6 months later: I launched a fashion blog that took off quickly and I gained a large
following. I was working with brands and making a full-time income. But, eventually, I
felt like I was becoming more passionate about beauty rather than fashion.

2 years later: I shifted my content to beauty. I didn’t shut the blog down – I literally
just shifted everything. I slowly phased out topics/conversations on fashion and started
to focus mostly on beauty content.

Today: My content is primarily geared towards beauty + self-confidence.

PA RT 2 : M Y C O A C H I N G B U S I N E S S

2014: When my fashion blog took off, I created a course showing people
how to successfully create and launch a fashion blog.

18 months later: My target audience (fashion bloggers) were struggling

with my teachings on marketing + implementation because they were more
of the “creative” type, so to speak. So, I shifted my audience to lifestyle

12 months later: Around this time, I saw a surge of “influencers” – not

bloggers. So, I changed my target audience to lifestyle influencers. This
included people with their own brands, coaches, business owners, and so on.
Once I shifted to targeting influencers, my audience and outreach expanded.
TODAY: This eventually led me to becoming an “influencer advisor” and
female entrepreneur coach having helped thousands of women from all over
the world with their business goals. Not bad for “just a blogger,” right?
= success and happiness
As you can see from my own personal story, the path I started in is not the path
I’ve ended up in… or ultimately will end up in! But, I would not have had the
success with my businesses had I not made that “wrong” decision from the get-

Nobody knows how scary it is to get started with something when you’re unsure
better than me. But, you can’t learn unless you take that leap of faith. The only
way to succeed is by doing. So, my point is: just start doing! You’ll thank
yourself later ☺

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Self Made Society memo! I want to remind
you that we’re building this community together (YOU + I), so any kind of
feedback is encouraged! For next month’s memo, please submit the topics you’d
like for me to cover here:

Self made or never made 🥂,

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