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• Limfoma adalah sekumpulan keganasan

primer pada kelenjar getah bening dan limfoid
• Berdasarkan tipe histologiknya dibagi menjadi
Limfoma hodgkin,
Limfoma non hodgkin

• Limfoma bertanggung jawab atas sekitar 15%

dari semua massa mediastinum primer, dan
45% massa mediastinum anterior pada anak-
anak 1. Hanya 10% limfoma yang melibatkan
mediastinum adalah primer (yaitu keterlibatan
mediastinum bukan bagian dari penyakit
sistemik) dan mayoritas adalah Hodgkin
limfoma ( 60%) .
Gejala klinis
• umunya non spesifik:
Penurunan BB > 10% dlm 6 bulan
Demam 38 C > 1 minggu tanpa sebab yg jelas
Keringat malam banyak
Cepat lelah
Kekurangan nafsu makan,
Pembesaran KGB
Terdapat benjolan yang tidak nyeri

• Symptoms directly attributable to the mediastinal component include:

– retrosternal chest pain
– SVC compression with SVC syndrome
– dyspnea
– cough
Radiographic features
• The majority of patients have anterior
mediastinal and paratracheal involvement.
Isolated hilar nodal involvement is uncommon
• Treatment and prognosis
• Specific treatment depends on the type of
lymphoma and the stage, but broadly requires
chemotherapy and or radiotherapy
• Similarly, the prognosis is very variable. 
Stage I and II Hodgkin lymphoma have the
best prognosis with a greater than 90% cure
Adenoma paratiroid
• Parathyroid adenomas are benign tumors of the parathyroid glands, and are
the most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism.
• Epidemiology
Demographics: 75% women, usually in 30s
• Clinical presentation
Patients present with primary hyperparathyroidism: elevated serum calcium levels and
elevated serum parathyroid hormone levels. This results in multisystem effects including
– Osteoporosis,
– renal calculi,
– constipation,
– peptic ulcers,
– mental changes,
– fatigue, and
– depression.
• Location
The majority of parathyroid adenomas are
juxtathyroid and located immediately posterior
or inferior to the thyroid gland. Superior gland
parathyroid adenomas may lie posteriorly in the
tracheo-esophageal groove, paraesophageal
location, or even as inferior as the mediastinum


Ct scan
• X-ray is helpful in diagnosis of parathyroid adenoma. Finding in X-ray suggestive of parathyroid adenoma
includes subperiosteal bone resorption, endoosteal bone resorption, subchondral resorption,
subligamentous resorption, intracortical resorption, osteopenia, brown tumors, salt and pepper sign in the
skull (pepper pot skull), and chondrocalcinosis.
• Differential diagnosis
• For a non-ectopic adenoma on
ultrasound, consider:
• parathyroid hyperplasia
• eccentric thyroid nodule
• sequestered thyroid tissue
• lymph node
• vessel

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