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Sana And Sajid

Picnic at the beach

Written by:
Ayesha Aamir
One the beautiful morning Sana woked at 9:00
a.m. Her mother came and woke her . “Wake up
Sana it holiday’s and the day is beautiful” said her
mother. “ Good it’s holiday’s and it’s a beautiful
day and it’s Sajid awake till now” said Sana. “ No
Sajid it’s not waked till now I will went to waked
him up” said mother. She got dressed and went
down stairs. Mum went in Sajid’s room.
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She waked him up . “ Wake up Sajid it’s
holiday’s and it’s a beautiful day”. “ Wow is Sana
awake” he asked happily. “ Yes, she is awake’’
said mother sweetly. He looked out of the
window. He saw Sana down. “ Come on Sajid
let’s come on downstairs we will play” said
Sana. He quickly got dressed and went
downstairs to be with his sister. They played
and then mum called them.
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“ Came and eat your breakfast m dear children” said the
mother. They both quickly sat at the table quickly to
ate their breakfast. After sometimes they went
downstairs to play with the ball in the garden. They
played all afternoon until the sun was up in the air.
They stopped playing and went to pray Zuhar prayers.
When they prayed they ate their lunch which was black
grain with chapati. That was their favourite food. Then
they went to their room to slept in their beds. They
slept very soundly in their beds .

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At 5:00 p.m. they woke up and do wazu and prayers .
Then their mother telled them they are going on a
picnic. They packed their hand bags and trunks. They
went to take bath and rushed to the bathroom. Their
mother was packing food and and all other kitchens
things. After she packed her and her husband hand
bags and trunks. Their daddy was packing things for
the tent and many money. Then he washed his car
They sat in the car and drove after Asr namaz after
praying . After 6:01 p.m. They were at the beach They
build their tents and packed everything. The mother
also maked a kitchen. Daddy make a big bathroom
with a big tent. They changed their nightdress and
when in the fresh cool water to take bath. After magrib
prayers they came out taked bath and prayed namaz.
Then they ate dinner and slept at 10:00 p.m.
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