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Description Speaking with limited preparation
Guided with notes or outline
Delivered conversationally
Most Popular type

Speaking Situation When you are a candidate for a post in student

government and you are deliver your campaign
speech before a voting public
When you are assigned to report a topic in class

Advantages Helps you look confident

Engages the audience
Disadvantages Inadequate time preparation to plan, organize and
Tips Create an outline
Organize your points logically
Manage your time well
Rehearse, rehearse,rehearse
Description Speaking without advance preparation
Unrehearsed Speech
Spoken Conversationally
Speaking Situation In an event where you are asked to say few words.
First day at work or in class or during an interview.
Advantages Spontaneous or natural speaking
More focused and brief
Disadvantages Tendency to be disorganized
Lacks connection with the audience
Nerve -racking for inexperience speakers and beginners.
Tips Once you are requested to say something , pause for a moment
to plan in your head what to say.
State your main point briefly and deliver it at a pace your
audience can follow
End by saying thank you.

Description Speaking with advance preparation

Planned and rehearsed Speech
Reading a loud a written message

Speaking Situation Newscasting

Reading a rules and criteria in a contest

Advantages Guided Speech

Disadvantages Lacks audience rapport or connection

Tips Rehears the speech over and over again until you sound
Observe accomplished news anchors and note how
conversational they sound when they deliver the news.
Description Speaking with advance preparation
Planned and rehearsed Speech
Reciting a written message word-for-word from memory

Speaking Situation When you perform a stage play

When you deliver a declamation, oratorical, or literary
Advantages Exact repetition of the written words from memory
Maintained eye-contact
Free to move around the stage
Gesture are used

Disadvantages Speakers might end up speaking in a monotone pattern.

When the speaker cannot control his/her stage fright , he/she
might have

Tips Rehears the speech over and over again until you sound
Observe accomplished news anchors and note how
conversational they sound when they deliver the news.

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