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 Chlorine is a chemical element with symbol Cl atomic number 17,it is the second
highest of halogens, it appears between Fluorine and Bromine in the periodic table
and its properties are mostly intermediate between them.

 Chlorine as a mineral: Chlorine is a major mineral present inform of inorganic

chlorides inside and outside the cells.
Functions of Chlorine

 It helps in cleansing /expelling waste matters to purify bloods.

 It is a main factor for regulating body reaction, as it is the chief anion of the
body and provide for about 2/3rd of the anions in the plasma.
 The chlorides of sodium, potassium are important agent in the regulation of
osmotic pressure in the tissues.
 It is necessary for manufacture of glandular hormones secretions also Chlorine
ions are essential for action of ptyalin and pancreatic amylase.
 Chloride shift(chlorine ions shift between plasma and cells) helps carbon-dioxide
carriage (transport).
 It pevents building of excessive fat and autointoxication.
 It maintains proper fluid, electrolyte and alkali-acid balance system in the body.
Dietary Sources

Natural sources of Chlorine

 Chlorine is present as sodium in milk and water, also found in wheat
barley, grains and pulses, fruits like pineapple, melon, avocado,
cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, radish, sweet potato and green
leaf vegetables
 It mainly taken as normal salt.
Daily Recommended Intake(RDA)

 Foran average healthy adult is 6g(1

teaspoon)per day and slightly less after the
age of 50.
 The
salt intake during summer should be
more to meet excessive perspiration,
vomiting and diarrhoea due to heat.

 Excessive chloride levels, in the other side ca n result in water retention and
the associated elevated blood pressure , as well as increased rick of
developing cancer. Also excess chloride becomes free radicle initiator,
resulting in damage to the arterial walls leading to arteriosclerosis.
 Chlorine has many industrial uses ,from disinfectant (water supply, house
hold, industrial ) to production of plastics, pesticides and bleaches, to name a
few. There is a growing body of evidence that its presences in drinking water
leads to formation of carcinogenic substances .In males it can cause lower
sperm count and infertility.
 Also high concentration of chlorine in water vapour ( showering , cooking)
leads to inhalation irritation and breathing difficulties.

Deficiencies are possible with low salt intake, as well as loss of fluid (sweating
and diarrhea)
 In adult chlorine deficiency may result in dehydration and associated
symptoms. Children ae more at risk, since metabolic consequences of low
chlorine may cause impaired physical development.
 Its deficiency may also lead to hair and teeth loss ,impaired digestion of foods
and disturbances of fluid levels in the body.
Therapeutic dose

 Chlorine as disinfectant in drinking water, up to 4mg/l or 4ppm are

considered safe in drinking water.
 In treatment of heart diseases intravenous[IV] solution 1gm of mgcl is used
also in severe mg deficiency 4gm[IV] of mgcl is given
Pharmaceutical advice

 Chlorine is found in almost all foods in the salt that is added, often in large
amount during processing or cooking thus high intake should be avoided to
reduce toxicity.
 For maintainance of optimal health vitamin and minerals in their correct
balance are required for proper function of all necessary nutrients in the

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