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Product Strategy for Business Success

Assignment 3 – UTV and Disney Case Study

Participant Name: ANAND KUDARI
Question 1: Implement the SWOT analysis for UTV in the UTV and Disney case
study. (~500 words)

• Strong Brand & Strong Market Position – No 3 in the industry.

• Financial status/funds for new expansion
•Strong & flexible business model.
• Lack of expertise in International markets.
•Experienced in-house talent, capabilities & innovative concept
• M&A – less exposer
across all verticals.
• Recruitment shortages
•Domestic & International reach .
• Longer time in making Hungama TV channel
• Delivery models - B2B & B2C
•Capability to make movies with animation and also to launch
own TV channel

•Growing domestic market with higher disposable income of • Constant changes & Any substitute
customers. • Intense competition
•Huge potential & growth (local & international) in B2B & B2C. • International entrants waiting to enter &
•Joint ventures / partnership acquire.
•Internet penetration & mobile phone increase. • Loosing key employees / executives
• New vertical- SFX and digitization, post-production services for • Failures in supply chain
television software, private producers & advertisers overseas. • Pirating
Question 1: Implement the SWOT analysis for UTV in the UTV and Disney case
study. (Continued) (~500 words)
• :
Strength UTV is no 3 in the media & entertainment field so stronger brand recall, made space in consumer mind because of strong brand.
Verities of product and service offering to different segment of customer helps company to grow faster and make higher profits. Has good
domestic presence & selected major International presence give wider geography to grow the business. Core strength is inhouse talent, capabilities & innovative
concepts in across all business verticals make company more resilient and adopts quickly to changes proactively. Experience and insight of BTB and BTC segment
give choice to operate in high growth and high profitable segment. Capability to launch own TV channel with local content give many option attract JV partners
and strategic investors at high premiums thus generates funds for new ventures and business expansions.

Opportunity : Growing domestic market due to increase and higher disposable income of customers give large customer base to grow business faster. Indian
audience in international market is untapped potential and highly profitability due to limited choices. Right Joint ventures or partnership can give an access to
these untapped market and additional funds to invest further and grow. Internet penetration & Mobile phone usage increase opens up bigger mobile customer
segment for further growth. Inhouse capability such as SFX, digitization, P ost-production services for television software, private producers &
advertisers overseas is another new growth verticals can be added and grown faster.
• Threats: Constant changes and likely substitute impact company revenue and growth. Demotic & International Intense competition offer more verities to
consumer makes it difficult to maintain and grow market share. Chances of getting acquired by bigger international entrants waiting to enter Indian market due
to bigger size and higher growth potential. Loosing key employees or top executives hamper company plans and growth. Failures in supply chain paralyze the
company sales. Movie / program pirating is a big challenge in hitch world.

• Weakness: To expand & grow any business, company financial strength is very crucial. Weaker position push company back in new ventures and also for
current business expansion. Lack of expertise in International markets and supply chain cost lot of money and also may leads to slow growth or failures. Lack of
expertise in M&A for the company CEO & executives may end up in weaker deals or on losing sides, Delay in recruitment of required talented resource may
hamper speed of projects. Having done good job in launching own TV channel Hungama, delay in making it profitable hampers confidence of internal talent and
also may delay or lose future such opportunities.
Question 2: Identify the core competency of UTV. (~100 words)

• Core competency
Innovation, Skill & capabilities : Inhouse experienced talent, capabilities & innovative concept across all
verticals. SFX and digitization add more power to their competency. Also Animation & broadcasting capabilities to
launch own TV channel.
Ability to create intellectual property : Capability to create and retain intellectual property at the top end of the value
chain and the capability to disseminate this content through a variety of media across geographies.

Flexibility in business model : Integrated media company present in all major verticals with good reach. Flexibility
due to inhouse experienced talent with multilingual capability across different segments.

Delivery model – B2B & B2C : Their studio model power them to directly reach consumers on their own through
theaters, DVDs, television channels. Big scope for scaling and growth.

Ability to make movie : Animation and studio capabilities with inhouse resources give them bigger arena to play
and win in growth and profits.
Question 3: Explain how the core competency gave UTV a competitive
advantage. (~100 words)
Core competency Competitive advantage
To offer a product to various segment of customers. Give the flexibilities to
Flexibilities in business model select/switch between the segment for top and bottom line.

Helps in being innovative & proactive to work across all verticals. Gives a
choice of flexibilities to work in different verticals. Also helps to meet wider
Experienced Inhouse talent
spectrum of consumers requirements. Also give good scope to increase
depth, width & product length across verticals.
This ability is going to give the company big opportunity since it is a primary
Ability to create movies content for TVs also. Also demand and earning potential is high. The
animation and studio models are an clear winners.
B2B model helped company to test companies capabilities and gave a
platform to build confidence before fore into B2C. B2C offers a direct access
Delivery model – BTB & BTC to consumers helps in growing topline and increased bottom line faster. Also
can test new products and get quicker feedback for quicker moves

Helped company to create & retain intellectual property at the top end of the value
chain and the capability to disseminate this content through a variety of media across
Ability to create intellectual property geographies giving immense scope to grow faster.

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