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Comparing the Effect of Advance Organizers and Think-Pair-

Share on EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension at Eleventh
Grade of SMAN 3 Kabupaten Tangerang in academic 2020/2021

Table of Contents

• Background of the Study
• Identification of the Problems CHAPTER 2 • Profile of School
• Limitation of the Problems • Description of the Data
• Formulation of the Study • Theoretical Description • The Test of Analysis
• Objective of the Research • Review of Previous
• Significance of the Research Research • Testing of research
• Conceptual Framework
• Research Hypotheses • The Discussion CHAPTER 5
• Research Limitation
• Conclusion
• Implication
• Suggestion
• Time and Place of the • Technique of collecting
Research Data
• Method of the Research • Technique of Data
• Population and Sample Analysis
• The Statistical
Listening comprehension included in English learning. Listening comprehension has a unique position
because it is acknowledge as a challenging skill for EFL learners and many language learners believe
it to be more difficult than other language skills including reading comprehension, writing, and
speaking (Bian, 2017; Dong, 2016; Graham, 2011; Renandya & Farrell, 2011; Wang & Treffers-Daller,

From young until adult, Listening comprehension is one more important skill in English education.
According to Li, Wu, & Lin (2017), listening comprehension is an important language skill to develop
because children learn through listening as they grow.

Lots of people who have not been able to understand what others say in English language as a whole,
there are a lot of confusions when words are thrown by the interlocutor using speech speed that fast
enough, so it was difficult to understand what the person was saying. On the other hand, it is
noticeable that L2 listening remains the least researched of all four skills. Students who are good at
listening will understand more of what the speaker says, so they can be good listeners.

Regarding the important role of listening comprehension, Nation & Newton (2009) indicated that
learners use the information provided by listening to build up the necessary knowledge for using the
language. They believed when this knowledge is built up, the learners can begin to speak.
The values of students' listening comprehension of eleventh grade of SMAN
3 Kabupaten Tangerang in academic year 2019/2020

• The students are mostly have low pronunciation

• The students lack of grammar

• The students lack of vocabulary

1.Limitation of the Problem

Based on identification above, the researcher would like to limit the

problem: Comparing the effect of Advance Organizers and Think-Pair-
Share on EFL learners’ listening comprehension at eleventh grade
of SMAN 3 Kabupaten Tangerang in academic year 2020/2021. The
independent variable (X) is Advance Organizers (X1) and Think-Pair-
Share (X2). And the dependent variable is Listening

2. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the identification and limitation of the problem above, the research problems can be formulated as follow:
• Is there any effect of Advance Organizers (AO) on students’ listening comprehension at SMAN 3 Kabupaten
• Is there any effect of Think-Pair-Share (TPS) on students’ listening comprehension at SMAN 3 Kabupaten
• Do the variable of Advance Organizers (AO) and Think-Piar-Share (TPS) simultaneously have the influence on
listening comprehension?

Based on the research problems the objectives of the research are to

find out whether or not:
• There is any effect of Advance Organizers (AO) on students’
listening comprehension at eleventh grade students of SMAN 3
Kabupaten Tangerang.
• There is any effect of Think-Pair-Share (TPS) on students’
listening comprehension at eleventh grade students of SMAN 3
Kabupaten Tangerang.
• The Variable of Advance Organizers (AO) and Think-Pair-Share
(TPS) simultaneously have the influence on listening

Theoretically, the result of this research can be used as

reference for those who want to carry out a research on the
similar topic.

Practically, this research will inform the students’ skills on

listening comprehension. The result of the research may be
used as a source of consideration for the researcher, the
English teacher, the school, and the students.
Advance Organizers is an organizational framework that teachers
present to students prior to teaching new content to prepare them

for what they are about to learn. As stated by Ausubel and Robinson
(1969) cited in Babaei & Izadpanah (2019) advance organizers are
complex sets of concepts that are about to prepare a stable
cognitive structure and should be presented to the learners before

the presentation of the main material.

According to Kurjum, Muhid, & Thohir (2020) stated that Think-

CHAPTER 2 X2 Pair-Share is a simple technique with large benefit. It is able to

develop students’ ability in remembering information, discuss
the information before, and presented to the other.

Based on Putra (2018) listening comprehension is necessary

aspect of learning and it should be introduced as early as possible to
develop the students’ in learning English. Because the fact that

DESCRIPTION by giving the students as the beginners, lots of listening practice

before asking them to speak is more beneficial than getting
them to speak from the first stage.

1.Sarah Babaei, Siros Izadpanah (2019)/ Cogent Education/ Vol. 6/ Issue 1/ Pages 1-25
2.Chen-Hong Li, Min-Hua Wu, and Wen-Linglin (2017)/ International Journal of
Listening/ Pages 1-14
3.Khadijeh Jafari, Fatimah Hashim (2012)/ System Journal of Elsevier/ Vol. 40/ Pages
4.Dr. Birabil (2020)/ European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational
Sciences/ Vol. 8/ Issue 4/ Pages 227-235
5. Mohammad Kurjum, Abdul Muhid, and Muhammad Thohir (2020)/ Journal of
Cakrawala Pendidikan/ Vol. 39/ Issue 1/ Pages 144-155
There are an input, process and output. According to diagram above, there some
elements for teaching and learning process. It consists of students as learners,
teacher as educator, skill as the achievement, and technique as a way to achieve the
learning process. The students’ listening comprehension is related to the success of
study, if they have a good skill in listening they will have a better chance to succeed
in their study. But if their listening comprehension is poor they are fail in their study.


There is a significant effect between advance organizers and

Think-Pair-Share on their listening comprehension at the
eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 Kabupaten Tangerang in
academic years 2020/2021.

Time and Place of the Research Method of the Research

At SMAN 3 Kabupaten Tangerang in academic Quasi Experimental with Time Series Design
year 2020/2021
Population & Sample Technique of Collecting Data
• The Population : 432 students The writer will using observation, test (pre-
• The Sample       : 36 students test and post-test), and documentation.

Technique of Data Analysis

• The Test of Analysis Assumption
• Data Analysis
The Statistical Hypotheses
• Determining of Statistical Hypotheses
1. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
Profile of the School

The name of the School is SMAN 3 Kabupaten Tangerang. It is located on

Jl. Raya Curug KM 2 Kadu Jaya, Kecamatan Curug, Tangerang, Banten
15810 phone (021) 5980133 Fax (021) 59494076. Name of the principle is
Drs. H. Dedi Hidayat, M.Si. Until now.



Based on the result of descriptive statistics pre-test and 1. Advance Organizers
post-test, it can be seen from the table that the data
was taken from the students’ answer of experimental
class. In pre-test which was found the minimum score
was 26 and the maximum score was 80 with sum 2084,
mean 57.89 and standard deviation 16.881. while, the
post-test which was found the minimum score was 40
and the maximum score was 86 with sum 2720, mean
75.56 and standard deviation 11.403.

And based on the percentages of post-test, it can be concluded that

72,22% students got the score than 75 as KKM values. Hence, the
students’ listening comprehension that taught by using advance
organizers method can pass KKM values. Because there were
27,78% students who got the score under 75 as KKM values, but all
of the students’ score are increased.
2. Think-Pair-Share
Based on the result of descriptive statistics pre-test and
post-test, it can be seen from the table that the data
was taken from the students’ answer of experimental
class. In pre-test which was found the minimum score
was 26 and the maximum score was 80 with sum 2084,
mean 57.89 and standard deviation 16.881. while, the
post-test which was found the minimum score was 40
and the maximum score was 86 with sum 2604, mean
72.33 and standard deviation 10.902.

Based on the percentages of post-test, it can be concluded that 38,89% students

got the score than 75 as KKM values,. Thus, the students’ listening
comprehension that taught by using Think-Pair-Share method can pass KKM
values,. Because there were 61, 11% students got the score under 75.
Differences Values between Advance Organizers & Think-Pair-Share

Based on the table, the researcher got the data

between the difference score in experimental
class using difference method. It showed from
the mean score of advance organizers was 17,67
and the mean score of Think-Pair-Share was
14,44. the standard deviation of advance
organizers was 13, 596 and the standard
deviation of Think-Pair-Share was 9, 458. the
difference score maximum of advance organizers
was 54 and Think-Pair-Share was 40.
The Test of the Analysis Assumption

Based on the table showed that the

result of the normality test using
Shapiro-Wilk produce significant
values for the experimental class by
using advance organizers method Test of Normality
which was less than 0.05
(0.000<0.05), and using Think-Pair-
Share method has a significant score
less than 0.05 (0.003<0.05) which
means that Ho was rejected and the
data was not normal

The significant score was 0.655 which

was higher than 0.05. it means the
result of the test showed that the Homogeneity Test
population variance was the same or
Testing of Research Hypotheses
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test

Based on the table, it is known if

significant value is less than 0.05 the
hypotheses (Ha) is accepted and then if
significant value is higher than 0.05 the
hypotheses (Ha) is rejected . In this
research, the significant values was 0.046.
hence, the significant value is less than
0.05. it can be concluded that Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted. It means,
there is a significant different between
advance organizers and Think-Pair-Share.
"The strength of the team is each
individual member. The strength of each
member is the team."
- Phil Jackson

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