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1. 1 Static Analysis

1. 2 Dynamic Analysis

1. 3 Linear Analysis

1. 4 Non Linear Analysis

1.41 Types of Non Linearity

i) Geometric

ii) Material

iii) Contact & Support

Static Analysis
A static analysis is a phenomenon in which time varying functions were fully ignored force is kept

Dynamic Analysis
A Phenomenon in which the time variation is take into consideration. Force is varying with respect to time.
Linear Analysis –
In linear analysis the stress in the material is exactly proportional to strain. It obeys
Hooks Law.
The load increases the structure deformation increases.
The changes undergone can be recoverable.
Linear analysis is carried out within the elastic limit.

Hook’s Law -

Stress α Strain

Non Linear Analysis –
Most real life structures, especially plastics have a non-linear stress strain

Paper Clip in the bent

position. Back into the original
shape show residual

Types of Non - Linearity

Non - Linearity

Geometry Material Contact

I - Section C - Section

Geometric Nonlinearity –
The stiffness of the part changes under its operating
If changes in stiffness come only from changes in shape,
nonlinear behavior is defined as geometric nonlinearity.

Mild Steel
Cast Iron
Material Nonlinearity –
If changes of stiffness occur due only to changes in material
properties under operating conditions, the problem is one of
material nonlinearity.

Contact and Support Nonlinearity –

Contact stresses develop between two contacting surfaces.
Therefore, the contact area and the stiffness starts varying
with respect to time.

2. 1 Explicit Analysis

2. 2 Implicit Analysis
Explicit Method –

In Explicit integration,
The values for dynamic quantities at t + Δt based entirely on available values at time t i.e., value of next time step
is entirely depends on previous time step.
Method - Central Difference Method
Mechanical Equilibrium Equation is:

ϋ, ú, and u are the nodal acceleration, velocity and displacement at time t n.

M – Mass; C – Damping matrix; Fint and Fext are internal and external forces

The velocity and acceleration can be approximated in terms of the displacement integrating them using the
explicit central difference integration rule.
Implicit Method –
After each increment the analysis does Newton-Raphson iterations to enforce equilibrium of the
internal structure forces with the externally applied loads.
Governing Equation –
u'' - Acceleration vector
M - Mass matrix
K - Stiffness matrix
u - Displacement vector

Method - Backward Difference Method

u''(t+dt)= (u'(t+dt)-u'(t))/dt
u' (t+dt)= (u(t+dt)-u(t))/dt

For approximation both the left and right hand side have the unknown u'(t+dt) and u(t+dt).
Modification of the equation and Inversion of the stiffness matrix at every time step needs to be done.
Implicit methods, the solution over one time step can become very expensive for large systems.
3. 1 Crash Physics
3.11 Newton's Laws of Motion
i) 1st Law of Motion
ii) 2nd Law of Motion
iii) 3rd Law of Motion
3.12 Conservation of Energy
3. 2 Crash Worthiness
3.21 Objectives
i) Frontal Crash
ii) Side Crash
iii) Roll Over
iv) Rear Crash
vi) The Pole
3. 3 Regulations
3.31 FMVSS
3.32 AIS
3.33 ECE
3. 4 Ratings
3. 3 Insurance
Crash Analysis:
It is the study of bodies which undergo Inelastic Collision.
The main purpose of crash analysis is to improve safety of the occupants by studying the behavior of
the various structures.

Crash Physics:
The Crash analysis follows the motion of bodies and the energy transfer with in the bodies, so crash
follows 2 basic laws they were:
1. Newton's Laws Of Motion
2. Law Of Conservation Of Energy

Newton's Law Of Motion explains the motion of particles when collision happens
Conservation of Energy provides the information about the energy transfer in the system
The crash deals with the different combinations between the colliding bodies such as:
1. Both were in motion
2. One is in motion

Newton's Laws of Motion:

First Law of Motion –

An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues
in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
This is called as the Law Of Inertia

This means that there is a natural tendency of objects to keep on doing what they're doing. All objects resist
changes in their state of motion. In the absence of an unbalanced force, an object in motion will maintain this
state of motion.
Second Law of Motion –
Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the
object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object). Everyone knows that
heavier objects require more force to move the same distance as lighter objects. 2nd law gives the relationship
between the mass, force and acceleration.
m – mass of the body (Kg)
a – acceleration of the body (m/s 2)

F = 1000 X 0.05
Answer = 50 newtons
A car, which weighs 1,000 kg, is out of gas. Person is trying to push the car to a gas station, and he
makes the car go 0.05 m/s/s. Using Newton's Second Law, you can compute how much force Mike is applying to
the car.
Third Law of Motion:

For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action

This means that for every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size, but opposite in
direction. That is to say that whenever an object pushes another object it gets pushed back in
the opposite direction equally hard.

The rocket's action is to push down on the ground with the force of its powerful engines, and the
reaction is that the ground pushes the rocket upwards with an equal force.
Law of conservation of energy:

The energy can neither be created nor be destroyed it can be transformed from one form to another form.

In crash analysis, to increase the occupant safety during the impact the energy needs to be transferred to
the structures in other form

Without the friction the total mechanical energy of the system of bodies which is equal t the sum of K.E and
P.E remains constant.

Crashworthiness signifies a measure of the vehicle’s structural ability to plastically deform and yet
maintain a sufficient survival space for its occupants in crashes involving reasonable deceleration loads.

Restraint systems and occupant packaging can provide additional protection to reduce severe injuries.

To reduce the deceleration pulse to human tolerable limits by absorbing crash energy through crushing.
The occupant compartment should have adequate space for restrain system.
For a Crashworthy design

Frontal Crash
The Structure should be deformable with considerable stiffness to plastically deform and absorb the crash
kinetic energy.
The Door should be designed in such a way that it will not open during crash and can be opened with
some sufficient amount of force after crash.
The Packaging of the rigid components should be in specific order to reduce intrusion in the passenger
Side Crash – Strategy
Side Crash
The main drawback is side structure do not have enough Structure
(Door velocities)
space to crush and absorb energy.
The mode of absorption is mainly due to bending.
The intrusion should be less and the fixation hinges must not Packaging Detection (TTF)
(Y distance between Airbag deployment
collapse during the crash. occupant and door panel)

Roll Over Crash

The roof cross member should be made stiffer so as to take
the roll over impacts Airbag performance

Rear Crash
The Rear Long members should absorb enough energy so as
to protect the fuel tank and the occupants safety during crash.

This is slow speed crash, useful in fixing the insurance values by finding the minimum replacement cost of the
components after crash.
The Pole
This have significance in the occupants safety, as its impact is more than when compared to the MDB.

The government have posed some criteria's to be satisfied for each and every product. The manufacturer
has to meet the criteria's, since they can only manufacture government approved products

In the Automobile filed

FMVSS – Federal Motor Vehicle Safety and Standard regulations

(US Regulation)
AIS – Automotive Industry Standards (ARAI - India)
ECE – Economic Commission of Europe (Europe)

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety and Standard regulations

Crash Avoidance - Standard no. 101 – 135
Crashworthiness - Standard no. 201 – 224
Post Crash Standards - Standard no. 301 – 304 ; 500
Other Regulations - Standard no. 531 – Remaining
Automotive Industry Standards:
Full Frontal - 48±1 Km/hr
Door Strength Test.

Economic Commission of Europe:

Interior Testing Side Impact Rear Impact

ECE R – 12
ECE R – 16 ECE R – 11 ECE R – 42
ECE R – 17 ECE R – 95
ECE R – 21 Roll Over
ECE R – 44 Steering Wheel
ECE R – 21
Dashboard Seats
ECE R – 21 Head rest
ECE R – 32 ECE R – 16
ECE R – 33 ECE R – 21 ECE R – 25
ECE R – 44
Front Impact Seat Belt Bumper
ECE R – 12
ECE R – 14 ECE R – 14 ECE R – 42
ECE R – 16 ECE R – 16
ECE R – 33
ECE R – 94
1. The ratings were not mandatory, but to say its performance and safety is good when compared to
other vehicles can be validated based on ratings.
2. The NCAP conducts the tests at different criteria's and based on it ratings will be provided.
3.The EURO NCAP provide best ratings based on the ratings in front, side and rear crash. These Ratings
gave credit to the manufacturer, as the customer level increases.
They were rated in the following manner:
Consumer Test- EURO NCAP
Its primary use is to provide financial protection against physical damage and/or bodily injury resulting from
traffic or low speed collisions.
The test done for insurance is RCAR (Research Council for Automobile Repairs).
One of the missions RCAR is to define standards for shock allowing insurers to estimate the average cost
to repair a vehicle.
These shocks are taken into account in calculating insurance premiums for vehicles in many countries and
particularly in Germany and England.

Affected Parts – Affected Parts –

1.Hood 1.Rear Bumper

2.FAT 2.Rear Crash Box

3.Front Crash Box 3.Tail gate Pannel

4.Front Bumper
5.Head Lamp

Frontal RCAR Rear RCAR

4. 1 Velocity Card

i) Frontal Crash

ii) Side Crash

iii) Roll Over

iv) Rear Crash


4. 2 Boundary Condition

i) Frontal Crash

ii) Side Crash

iii) Rear Crash

4. 3 Types of Barrier
4.31 Fixed / Rigid Wall Barrier
4.32 Deformable Barrier
4. 4 Barrier Positioning
4. 5 Mass Ballasting
Velocity –
Velocity is the speed of an object and a specification of its direction of motion. Speed describes only
how fast an object is moving, whereas velocity gives both how fast and in what direction the object is moving.
Frontal Crash –
The velocity is given to the vehicle in X direction.
The Barrier (Rigid / Deformable) is fixed.
Side crash –
The velocity is given to the barrier (MDB) in Y direction .
Pole –
The Velocity is given to the Vehicle in Y direction.
The Pole is Fixed.
Rear –
The velocity is given to the barrier in X direction.
Frontal – vehicle gets the velocity.
Rear – Barrier gets the velocity.
Boundary Condition –
Boundary conditions are provided to arrest the motion.
BC's can be specified to be fixed in any or all of the six DOF.

Frontal Crash –
The Barrier and ground is fixed by arresting all the degrees of freedom in each
and every node.
Rear Crash –
The barrier and ground is given boundary condition.
Side crash –
The barrier is given boundary condition in MDB.
The Pole is given boundary condition in Pole test.
Types of Barrier:



Fixed Wall or Rigid Wall Barrier:

This is a complete rigid barrier with full overlap.
The Barrier behaves like a complete rigid, and does not absorb any energy.

Deformable Barrier:
The barrier is composed of three elements: base unit, extension, and deformable face.
The deformable barrier falls under 3 categories, they are
1. Offset Deformable barrier (ODB)
2. Full Width Deformable Barrier (FWDB)
3. Progressive Deformable Barrier (PDB)
These barrier absorbs energy during the crash progression.
Frontal Crash –
1. Rigid barrier
2. Deformable barrier

Side Crash –
1. Moving Deformable Barrier
2. Pole

Rear Crash –
1. Rigid Wall Barrier
2. Deformable Barrier

1. Bumper Barrier
2. Rigid barrier
Barrier Positioning –

The CAD designers design based on reference line,

considering Z = 0, as shown in the below mentioned figure

The vehicle Length is in X and Width is in Y and height is in Z.

The whole assembly is built based on this reference line.



When the assembly is complete the vehicle will take more compression in the front side due to the load
distribution is high when compared to the rear side.

This makes a angle Ө with the ground in the practical case.

Barrier Vehicle Barrier
Rear Axle Front Axle Ө

Front Axle 200 mm

Rear Axle
Real Condition For CAE Condition

The barrier should be positioned as per the regulations with some conditions –

1. Barrier should be positioned to some angle α.

2. Barrier should be at the Height of 200 mm from the real inclined ground.
In this case the, here instead of inclined ground

Renault follows 3 grounds

The 1st ground – Vehicle

The ground for front axle

The 2nd ground –
The ground for Rear axle Rear Axle Front Axle

The 3rd ground –

Which taken into account the vehicle tire compression and contacts clearance.
It represents the correct position of the ground.

Ground 1 – Front Axle Ground

Vehicle Ground 2 – Rear Axle Ground

Ground 3 – Original State

Rear Axle Front Axle

Mass Ballasting –
To maintain the COG of the Mass Ballasting has to be done to stabilize the vehicle

BIW is divided into 5 divisions

Font Middle Lower Rear Lower

Middle Upper Rear Upper

Initially mass of the vehicle is defined and it has to be distributed to maintain the COG.
If COG of the vehicle is not achieved the mass distribution should be modified according to the 5 sections.

COG α Mass
NON-STRUCTURAL MASS defined in the BIW to achieve COG.
Mainly dummies, instruments etc. are considered as non-structural mass.
5. 1 Contact Type 33
5. 2 Contact Type 34
5. 3 Contact Type 36
5. 4 Contact Type 46
5. 5 Contact Type TIED
Contacts –
A contact is a phenomenon where the presence of neighboring part or a face were taken into consideration
and show the effects accordingly

Contacts Search – Detecting the faces or components that do not interpenetrate

Contact Treatment – monitoring node positions and velocities

Normally a contact works based on 2 main parameters

Master –
Takes only Segments
Indicates impacted Segment

Slave –
Takes only Nodes
Indicates the impacting nodes
Working in 2 D view

Working in 3 D view

Search Distance

Intersection Penetration


Face2 Not cleared for specific
user defied thickness
The two faces intersecting
in the encircled region

Property Thickness :

Presence Property thickness Removal Property thickness

t1 + t2 <0 t1 + t2 >0
2 2

Contact Thickness Penetration :

Contact Thickness
h = 0.7
Face1 Face1

Face2 Face2 Contact thickness

Not cleared for contact
Thickness h = 0.7 0.7mm cleared
Contact Type 33
“Segment to Segment” type of contact
In this both the master and slave were segments so it falls under 2 cases
Case : 1
The Face 2 is master and the Face 1 is slave, so the nodes of Face 1 search the neighboring segment and
project to establish the contact
Case : 2
The Face 1 is master and the Face 2 is slave, so the nodes of Face 1 search the neighboring segment and
project to establish the contact
CASE : 1 CASE : 2

Face1 Face1

Face2 Face2
Master Slave

Without Segment to Segment With Segment to Segment

Contact Type 34

“Node to Segment” type of contact

In this master will be segment and slave will be nodes.
The Face 2 is master and the Face 1 is slave, so the nodes of Face 1 search the neighboring
segment and project to establish the contact.
In this case Selection of Master and Slave should be very important.
Slave nodes must be able to project in the Master segment.



Master Face2
Basic Representation Of Node to Segment contact

Correct way of selecting Master and slave Wrong way of selecting Master and slave

Master – Surface Slave – Surface Nodes


Slave – Spring Nodes Master – Spring Element

Slave Nodes Projected Nodes

Projected Nodes Slave Nodes

Contact Type 36
“Self impacting” type of contact

In this there is no master and slave, it just have only slave.

The nodes individually project on neighboring segment and maintain its contact thickness

It is must given contact for each and every parts present.

Nodes in slave segment Projected Nodes in neighboring segment

Basic Representation Of Self contact – Layout

Without Self Contact

PART1 PART2 Barrier T1 Barrier
With Self Without Self With Self With With SelfWithout Self

With Self Contact

PART1 PART2 Barrier PART RT Barrie
With Self With Self With Self 1 2 r
With Self With With Self

Without Self Contact With Self Contact

Contact Type 46

“Edge to Edge” type of contact

It is used to prevent penetration between the edges.

Mainly provided to avoid intersection between bar/beam structures.

Shell or solid with sharp corner in the structures this contact provides a clear solution.

Structures were sharp edges can be formed needs this type of contact.

Edge-to-edge contact treatment is responsible for about 60 % of CPU time so it should be

done locally.
Basic Representation Of Edge contact – Layout

2 parts Without Edge Contact

With Edge Contact

Without Edge Contact With Edge Contact

Contact Type TIED
“Connectivity” type of contact.
This contact helps to tie 2 parts without 1 D elements and rigid.
In this contact a connection is established with the slave nodes and master segments.
The contact works as the slave nodes search the master segment in the respective range and establish the
This contact provide very simple solution for inter module connectivity and in the places where rigid cannot
be used.

Face2 Master Face2

Slave Slave
Assume search distance
RDIST = 5mm

Search Distance
Master Master
Distance between the Distance between the
2 D Representation 3 D Representation Master and slave is <= 5mm Master and slave is > 5mm
IREMOV stands for Initial penetration REMOVal.
In Crash model Depentration is an important area.
Still there will some penetrations that cant be removed after depentrations at that time this IREMOV is

0 1 2
This will not remove the initial penetration and keep as such

This will remove the initial penetration by modifying the geometry i.e, by adjusting the nodal coordinates

This will remove the initial penetration by modifying the local contact thickness.
For each penetrating contact pair, the nodal and segment thickness is reduced to avoid initial
6. 1 Load Path
i) The High Way
ii) The Central Way
iii) The Low way
6. 2 Energy Absorbing Zones
6. 3 A - PILLAR Rotation
6. 4 Door Intrusion Pin
6. 5 Pitching
6. 6 Crushing
i) Bending
ii) Axial
6. 7 Structural Sinking
6. 8 B – Pillar Sinking
6. 9 Crash Pulse
6.10 Intrusion
Frontal Crash

Vehicle hits the Barrier –

- Causing front end to crush

- Kinetic energy is transformed to other form of energy
- Occupants strikes the interiors or restrain system
- deceleration occurs as the crash progresses further
The High way take the load transfer over the A – Pillar, over the roof structures and door cross

The Central Way take load transfer over the crash box and Long members.

The Low Way takes load through the Sub frame and the Tunnel and Underbody
Central Way –

The components involved were

1.Crash Box
2.Front Long Member
3.Elbow of Side Member
4.Dash Cross Member
5.Long Pied
6.Side Member
7.Spring Tower

It is the major load path which is segregated into 3 major regions

Energy absorbing unit for vehicle safety

7 4

Energy absorbing unit for occupant safety

1 6
Integrity of passenger compartment 2

Energy absorbing unit for vehicle safety

The bumper and the crash box absorb energy to Energy

protect the vehicle below 15 Km/hr. unit for Integrity of passenger
vehicle compartment
Energy absorbing unit for occupant safety safety

Energy absorbing
The side members and the reinforcements absorb unit for occupant
the maximum amount of energy by crushing and ensure
occupants safety.

Integrity of passenger compartment

The mechanical components or other parts should

not create more intrusion the passenger compartment in
order to avoid injuries to the occupant.

Due to fixation of battery and engine mountings on

the side member it will not be subjected to deform but will
bend and absorb energy and then transfer energy to the
floor region through elbow.
High Way – The components involved were

1.RCA Member
2.A pillar and its reinforcements
3.Car Cross Beam – CCB Tube
4.Door intrusion beam
5.B Pillar and Reinforcements
6.Roof cross member.

The energy transferred is by TWO means 4

Firstly by the RCA member

Second is through the LONG PIED.

1. The load coming from the side member is taken and transferred to the A-Pillar and Shot
2. The energy from the long side member is transferred through long pied and then it transfers
energy to the A-Pillar.
A - PILLAR Rotation

Due to the large force transfer from the RCA member to the A Pillar
The A Pillar may rotates and leads cause danger to the driver.
The CCB is mounted on the A Pillar which contains the steering column so if this rotation happens
the beams rotates and the steering column hit the driver.
This may lead to the door gets struck after crash or open during the crash
Door Intrusion Pin

During Crash the Door might open, but this is not allowable.
The purpose of Door intrusion pin is to hold the door as not
open during the crash.
This pin enter the Door intrusion beam as shown in the figure
and hold the door by not opening.
Pitching –

Due to the resultant impact force and COG of the vehicle in Z direction is more.

To avoid these the initiators were provided in the short gun region to absorb more energy by crushing
evenly and transfer load to the A Pillar.

This member crush evenly and

transfer force uniformly to A pillar
to avoid pitching.

Pitch will be avoided if the Central Way have controlled crushing and force transfer
The Low Way –
The components involved were

1.Lower Crash Box

2.Mini Cradle
5.Cross member
6.Sill and its reinforcements


Lower loads were take by the low
way when compared to the central and high

Subframe behaves like stiffer part

and SILL is also very stiffer part to increase
occupants safety.


The most important load transfer path in

The front portion is provided with
low way is through the sill. region, i.e. the wheel
initiators so that the crushing happen smoothly along
transmits large force to the sill members.
with the central way.

Crushing is a phenomenon in the crash Scenario, which provides occupant safety.

Press between the opposing Structures, so as to break the structure. The crushing is done mainly to
absorb energy through the structures during crash. Here these Structures may deform upon direct impact in
Axial and Bending modes.


It is the dominant in collapse.

The Bending is avoided to absorb more energy.


It is more good in Energy absorption and mostly it is preferred

Three major crushing zones

1. Soft Front Zone

2. Primary Crushing zone
3. Secondary Crushing Zone

Soft Front Zone:

The vehicle aggressively in pedestrian to vehicle or vehicle to vehicle collision, only Crash box and
Plastic parts like bumper comes in this zone

Primary Crushing Zone:

Uniform, Progressive Structural collapse.

This is the main energy absorbing section in front of powertrain.

Secondary Crushing Zone:

It forms the Structural Interface between the absorber and the occupant compartment structures.
Structural Sinking –
Spring REF Node

This is the Relative Displacement of the vehicle from

the Front Crash Box to the B Pillar.
Green – Intrusion Spring

B Pillar Sinking –
Node 2
This is the X displacement of the B Pillar during the
crash happens.
Red – Left Side
Blue – Right Side (Crash Side)
Node 1

Red – Left Side – the displacement is more as it gets deviated outside

after crash
Blue – Right Side (Crash Side) – It is getting closer during crash
B Pillar Sinking takes into account of both the Vehicle and structure
Green – Intrusion Spring – This is just the Relative Displacement from
Crash box to B Pillar
Crash Pulse –

During frontal crash major factors affecting the occupants safety are the crash pulse severity and the
restrain system.
The pulse denotes deceleration with respect to B Pillar Sinking.
They were in close relationship with the energy management absorbed by the structure.
The sudden decrease in the pulse
denotes the collapse of the structure.
The sudden increase in the pulse is
due to more stiff parts or rigid components
that starts to absorb energy.
G Vs. S plot shows the high G value
in the passenger compartment in a short
period of time due to stiffer structures

The Area represents the Energy absorbed per unit mass in Region 1 and Region 2.
For an efficient frontal crash to happen the Area under Region 1 must be greater than Region 2 which
ensures better transfer of force thought the system.
Moderate Overlap Test
Three major factors to rate a vehicle in the moderate overlap and small
overlap frontal tests:
1. Structural performance.
2. Injury measures.
3. Dummy movement.

Structure/safety cage:
To assess a vehicle's structural performance, engineers
measure the amount of intrusion into the occupant Small Overlap Test
compartment after the crash.
In the moderate overlap test, measurements are taken
at nine places around the driver's seat.
In the small overlap test, 16 locations on the driver side
interior and exterior of the vehicle are measured.
The amount and pattern of intrusion shows how well the
front-end crush zone managed the crash energy and
how well the safety cage held up.
Injury measures:
Sensors in the dummy are used to determine the likelihood
that a driver would sustain various types of injuries in a similar real-
world crash.
Measures recorded by sensors in the head, neck, chest,
legs and feet of the dummy indicate the level of stress or strain on
that part of the body — in other words, the risk of injury.

Restraints/dummy movement:
Even if injury measures are low, it's important to consider
the dummy's movement during the crash, since not all drivers are the
same size as the dummy or seated exactly the same way. A close
call for the dummy could be an actual injury for a person.
Before each crash test, technicians put grease paint on the
dummy's head, knees and lower legs. After the test, the paint shows
what parts of the vehicle came into contact with those parts of the
The paint, combined with high-speed film footage of the
crash, allows engineers to evaluate the dummy's movement.
7. 1 Occupant Lateral Collision
7. 2 Load Path
i) The Lower Channel
ii) The Upper Channel
7. 3 B - PILLAR Behavior
7. 4 Percentage of Injury
Side Crash –
Side of one vehicle is impacted by the front or rear of another vehicle or a fixed object.

Vehicle damage and occupant injury are more likely to be severe in side crash because it is difficult to
avoid total contact of the passenger with the vehicle as the crumple zone available is very less. This is
because the passenger is very much nearer to the structure as compared to front and rear.
Occupants in Lateral collisions can be injured by following ways:
a) Contacting the side structure of the occupants vehicle.

b) Direct contact with striking object or vehicle.

c) Being contacted by objects in the opposite side of the vehicle.

d) Being compressed between side structures and other parts of the vehicle.

e) Being partially or totally ejected from the subject vehicle.

Upper Channel –
Load Path: 1.Load transfer through the B pillar to the roof

The Load path is divided into 2 categories reinforcements and to the A pillar and C pillar.

i)Upper Channel 2.The Door intrusion beam takes load to A and C

ii)Lower Channel pillar.

Lower Channel –
1.Load transfer through the lower cross members
in the floor.
2.The Door Cross member absorbs energy to
reduce intrusion during crash.
B Pillar Behavior –
The component that comes in contact at the beginning of the crash is the B-pillar and openings.
During the impact, the B-pillar and its reinforcements will absorb the maximum energy and then
transfers the forces by
Upper - roof structures
Lower - Door reinforcements, Sil and Floor reinforcements.
The Deformation has to be in a specific pattern as in image to protect the occupant.
First the B-pillar is has to bend (deform) at the pond location of the dummy. The pillar reinforcement is
intentionally made week at the pond location, so that when crash occurs the material has to bend at
this location.
After that, the remaining or upper portion of the reinforcements starts moving inside, which is guided
by high joint.
Occupants injury percentage:
a)Driver – Most frequent body regions injured for all collisions were the head 70% ,abdomen and pelvis 70%,
and upper extremity 67%.
b)Front Left Passenger – Most frequent region injured were chest 77%, abdomen and pelvis 76%, head 65%
and spine and neck 15 %.
c)Rear Passengers – Most frequent regions injured were upper extremities 68%, face 65%, Chest 58% and
head 52%.
Followings are the injuries criteria in side crash. Head is a main injury criteria, if you scored zero in head, you
will get zero in side crash.
8. 1 Load Path
i) The Lower Channel
ii) The Upper Channel
8. 2 Whiplash
8. 3 Fuel Tank Behavior
Rear Crash –
During a rear impact, the role of the structure is to absorb the energy to protect the back of the
passenger compartment. So, a particular attention is carried in the protection of the tank with fuel to avoid
fire risks.

The main elements and the strategy which contribute to the performance of the structure during a rear
impact are the following ones:
1. The major forces way.
2. The distortion of rear unit.
Load Path:

Energy absorbing unit for vehicle safety

The Rear bumper and the crash box absorb

energy to protect the vehicle below 15 Km/hr.

Energy absorbing unit for Fuel tank Protection

The Rear long members absorb the energy and

protect the fuel tank and ensure occupants safety.
Sill Takes load from the rear wheel.
The Tail gate absorb some amount of energy and
transfer it through the door intrusion beams.

Energy absorbing unit for fuel tank

absorbing unit
for vehicle
Whiplash –
Vehicle is hit in rear, person will experience a sudden sharp acceleration. The force of this
acceleration will affect your legs and torso fractions of a second before your neck and head begin to move,
causing whiplash.
The risk of whiplash injury is not simply related to head restraint position, but is dependent on a
combination of factors related to both head restraint and seatback design.
Evaluation in real crashes has shown that an anti-whiplash system can reduce average whiplash
injury risk by 50%.
Fuel Tank –
The fuel tank must not get affected during
crash, so as to ensure occupants safety.
If the Spare wheel located in the rear side –
There may be a chance of heavy intrusion and
damage the fuel tank.
The tank should be positioned in such a way
that it will take minimum damage during crash.
Thank You

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