Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles Basic Concepts and Issues On Human Development

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Child and adolescent learners and

learning principles

Basic Concepts and Issues

on Human development
 2 Approaches of Human Development
Traditional – Shows extensive change from birth to
adolescence, little or no change in adulthood and decline
in the old age.

Human Development:
Meaning, Concepts and Approaches
 2 Approaches of Human Development
Life Span – Developmental change occurs during
childhood to adulthood.

Human Development:
Meaning, Concepts and Approaches
Characteristics of Life Span development (Santrock,
1.Development is Lifelong.
2.Development is plastic.
Plasticity refers to the potential for change.
Aging is associated with decline in certain intellectual
Human Development: Meaning, Concepts and Approaches
Characteristics of Life Span development (Santrock, 2002)
3. Development is Multidimensional.
Development consist of biological, cognitive and socio-emotional
Biological processes involves changes in the individual’s physical nature.
Cognitive processes involves changes in the individual’s thought,
intelligence and language.
Socio-emotional processes involves changes in the individual’s relationship
with others, emotion and personality.

Human Development: Meaning, Concepts and Approaches

Characteristics of Life Span development
(Santrock, 2002)
4. Development is Contextual.
These contexts include individual’s biological make up,
physical environment, cognitive processes, historical, social
and cultural contexts.
5. Development involves growth, maintenance and regulation.

Human Development: Meaning, Concepts and Approaches

Stages of Development
Pre-natal Period – refers to the stage of pre-natal development.
Infancy – refer to the stage from birth to 2 years
Early Childhood – refer to 3 to 5 years
Middle and Late Childhood – refer to 6 to12 years
Adolescence – refer to 13 to 18 years

Stages of development and developmental tasks

Stages of Development
Early Adulthood – refer to 19 to 29 years
Middle Adulthood – refer to 30 to 60 years
Late Adulthood – refer to 61 years and above

Stages of development and developmental tasks

Research Designs
Case Study – an in depth look at an individual
Correlational Study – determines associations
Experimental – Determines cause and effect relationships
Naturalistic Observation – Focuses on children’s experiences in
natural settings.
Longitudinal – Studies and follows through a single group over
a period of time.

Research in Child and adolescent development

Research Designs
Cross-sectional – individuals of different age are
compared at one time.
Sequential – combination of cross sectional and
longitudinal research
Action Research – a reflective process of problem solving.

Research in Child and adolescent development

Data Gathering Techniques
Observation – done in real world like classroom and home.
Physiological measures – indicators of children’s development
Standardized – prepared test to assess individual performance
Interviews and questionnaires – asking participants for data
Life history records- records of information about lifetime chronology of
events and activities.

Research in Child and adolescent development

Ethical Principles
1.Research procedures must never harm children, physically
and psychologically.
2.Children and their families must have the informed consent.
3.Children’squestions must be answered truthfully in ways they
can understand.
4.There should be respect for privacy.

Research in Child and adolescent development

Impact of Research on Teachers
1.They become more reflective, critical and analytical in
their teaching
2.They become more deliberate in decision making and
actions in classroom.
3.Develop professional dispositions of lifelong learning,
reflective and mindful teaching and self transformation

Research in Child and adolescent development

Impact of Research on Teachers
4. Lead to rethinking and reconstructing what it means to
be a teacher.
5. Realized that learning to teach is inherently connected
to learning to inquire.

Research in Child and adolescent development

Modular Activity # 2
1.Write a 100 word essay on the quotation:
“Man is an unfinished project. He is always in the process of becoming”.
2. Which is more important factor of development?
a. Nature versus Nurture
b. Continuity versus discontinuity
c. Stability versus change
Choose only 1 and please observe indention and neatness.
Deadline of Submission: September 14, 2020

Research in Child and adolescent development

 The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
By: Brenda R. Corpuz, PhD
Ma. Rita D. Lucas, PhD
Heidi grade L. Borabo, PhD
Paz I. Lucido, PhD


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