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Prepared by the Student

Hassan Mohammed Hassan
Under supervision of the DR
Dr Seyed Mohsen Seyed Moosavi
Electrical / Control
Elements in Control Problem
Elements in Control Problem
• Out puts – dependent variables to be controlled.
• Inputs – independent variables.
• Disturbances – unknown and unpredictable elements.
• Equations describing the plant dynamics – parameters contained in it are not known precisely .
To determine the characteristics of the controller so that the controlled output can be
1. Set to equal the reference; (tracking)
2. Maintained at the reference values despite the unknown disturbances; (disturbance rejection)
3. Conditions (1) and (2) are met despite the inherent uncertainties and changes in the plant
dynamic characteristics (robustness)
What is a Controller?
One engineer’s concept of good control can be the develop of poor control to another.

A controller is a mechanism that seeks to minimize the difference between the actual value
of a system (i.e. the process variable) and the desired value of the system (i.e. the
setpoint). Controllers are a fundamental part of control engineering and used in all
complex control systems.

Why we use controller

 TO improve the steady-state accuracy by decreasing the
steady state error.
 As the steady-state accuracy improves, the stability also
 Help in reducing the unwanted offsets produced by the
 Maximum overshoot of the system.
 Reducing the noise signals produced by the system.
 Speed up the slow response of an overdamped system.
Types of Controllers
There are two main types of controllers:
Continuous controllers. The manipulated variable changes between discrete values. Depending on
how many different states the manipulated variable can assume, a distinction is made between two
position, three position, and multi-position controllers. Compared to continuous controllers,
discontinuous controllers operate on very simple, switching final controlling elements.
Discontinuous (Discrete) controllers. The main feature of continuous controllers is that the
controlled variable (manipulated variable) can have any value within the controller’s output range.
Now in the continuous controller theory
Basic Modes of Control Action
Continuous controller theory have three basic modes of control action
1. Proportional controllers.
2. Integral controllers.
3. Derivative controllers.
We use the combination of these modes to control our system such that the process variable is
equal to the setpoint (or as close as we can get it). These three types of controllers can be
combined into three new controllers:
4. Proportional and integral controllers (PI Controller)
5. Proportional and derivative controllers (PD Controller)
6. Proportional integral derivative control (PID Controller)
Proportional Controllers PI
Under two conditions :
1. The deviation between the input and output(also called the actuating signal)
should not be large
2. The deviation should not be sudden.
When the proportional controller output is directly proportional to the error signal

advantages of the proportional controller.

• Helps in reducing the steady-state error,
thus makes the system more stable.
• Faster the slow response of the
overdamped system Where Kp is proportional constant also known as controller
It is recommended that Kp should be kept greater than unity. If
the value of Kp is greater than unity (>1), then it will amplify
the error signal and thus the amplified error signal can be
detected easily.
Advantages Disadvantages of The Proportional Controller

Advantages of the proportional controller.

• Helps in reducing the steady-state error, thus makes the system more stable.
• Faster the slow response of the overdamped system
Disadvantages of these controllers :
• Due to the presence of these controllers, we get some offsets in the system.
• Proportional controllers also increase the maximum overshoot of the system.
Integral Controllers
The output of integral controllers (actuating signal) is directly
proportional to the integral of the error signal.
Where Ki is an integral constant also known as
controller gain. The integral controller is also known as
reset controller.
Advantages of Integral Controller
Due to their unique ability, Integral Controllers can return the controlled variable back to the exact set point
following a disturbance that’s why these are known as reset controllers.

Disadvantages of Integral Controller

It tends to make the system unstable because it responds slowly towards the produced error.
Derivative Controllers
IT is never use alone. It should be used in combinations with other modes of
controllers because of its few disadvantages and advantage which are written
• It never improves the steady-state error.
• It produces saturation effects and also amplifies the noise signals produced in the system.
• The major advantage of a derivative controller is that it improves the transient response of the
The output (also called the actuating signal)derivative controller is directly proportional to the
derivative of the error signal

Where, Kd is proportional constant also known as controller gain. The derivative controller is also
known as the rate controller.
Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative Controller (PID
A PID controller is generally used in industrial closed loop control to
regulate temperature, flow, pressure, speed, and other process
variables. The transfer function of the PID Controller can be found as
It can be observed that one pole at origin is fixed, remaining
Tds + K Ki/S OR (Tds^2 + Ks + Ki)/S parameters Td, K, and Ki decide the position of two zeros. In
this case, we can keep two complex zeros or two real zeros
as per the requirement, hence PID controller can provide
better tuning. In the olden days, the PI controller was one of
the best choice of control engineers, because designing
(tuning of parameters) of the PID controller was a little
difficult, but nowadays, due to the development of software
designing of PID controllers have become an easy task.
PID Control
Overshoot, Noise
PID Control — This configuration uses the full set of terms, including the
Derivative, and it allows for more aggressive Proportional and Integral terms
without introducing overshoot. It is good for use in steady processes and/or
processes that either respond slowly or have little-to-no noise. The downfall of PID
Control is its added complexity and the increased chatter or noise on the controller
output signal. Increased chatter typically results in excessive wear on process
instrumentation and increases maintenance costs.
Maximum overshoot is defined in
Katsuhik Ogata's Discrete-time
control systems as "the
maximum peak value of the
response curve measured from
the desired response of the
Deadtime Compensation In PID

Deadtime occurs where the variable being measured does not respond to a step
change in the controller output for a certain period of time.
controllability ratio. The controllability ratio is defined as the ratio of the process
deadtime divided by the deadtime plus the dominant time constant. Its purpose is
to ascertain how easily a particular process can be controlled. Small values of the
ratio are easy to control. As the deadtime becomes more significant compared to
the time constant though - that is, as the periods of deadtime get longer - the ratio
get larger, making the process increasingly difficult to control with just a simple PID

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