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Psychrometric Chart (1)

Unit Operation of Bioprocess 1

Fithri Choirun Nisa

Psychrometrics or psychrometry

engineering terms that refer to the set of principles used in

the determination of physical and thermodynamic
properties of any system consisting of a gas–vapor
The mass of any component of a gas mixture can be
calculated from the partial pressure using the ideal gas
PtV = ntRT for the whole mixture
PaV = naRT for component A (PC.1)
where Pa and na are partial pressure and number
of moles of component A in the mixture, respectively.

If the mixture consists only of components A and B:

Pt = Pa + Pb (PC.2)
For component B:
(Pt - Pa) V = nbRT (PC.3)
Ma is the molecular weight (MW) of component A and
Mb is the MW of component B, the mass ratio of the two


If component A is water and component B is

air, the mass ratio is known as the “humidity” or
“absolute humidity”
If Pa = vapor pressure of water (at the given
temperature of the air)
the mass ratio of components A and B
 saturation humidity

If Pa < vapor pressure (Ps)

the ratio Pa/Ps is the saturation ratio
 “relative humidity” (expressed as a percentage)
Psychrometric Chart (PC)

A graph of humidity as a function of temperature at varying

degrees of saturation

 for processes that involve loss or gain of moisture by air

at room temperature: for determining changes in
temperature and humidity, ex. dehydration
The various quantities that can be determined
from a PC:
- Humidity (absolute humidity) (H): the mass ratio
of water to dry air in the mixture

- Relative humidity (% RH): the ratio of partial

pressure of water in the air to the vapor pressure of
water (expressed in a percentage)

- Dry bulb temperature (Tdb): actual air

temperature measured using a dry temperature
sensing element
- Wet bulb temperature (Twb): air temperature
measured using a wet-sensing element that allows
cooling by evaporation of water

- Dew point (Tdp): temperature to which a given air-

water mixture needs to be cooled to start
condensation of water.
At the dew point, the air is saturated with water vapor.
 temperature where the vapor pressure of water =
the partial pressure of water in the air
Wet bulb temperature:
- When a thermometer is fitted with a wet sock at the
bulb and placed in a stream of air, evaporation of water
from the sock cools the bulb to a temperature lower
than what would register if the bulb is dry.

- The difference is known as the wet bulb depression and

is a function of the relative humidity of the air. The more
humid air allows less vaporization, thus resulting in a
lower wet bulb depression
- axes temperature on the abscissa
- humidity on the ordinate

Two parameters are necessary to establish a point on

the chart that represents the condition of air:
any two from RH, Tdb, Twb, Tdp, or H

Tdp and H are not independent

 knowing one establishes the other
How to use PC?

A: how Tdp is determined from H (0.049)

B: how Twb is determined from H (0.049) and Tdb (53)
How to use PC? (cont.)

C: how the percentage of RH is determined by knowing

Tdb (71) and H (0.1)
how Tdb is determined from H (0.049) and % RH (50)
D: how H and Tdp are determined from Twb (54) and Tdb
Air has a dew point of 40C and has a relative humidity of
50%. Determine (a) the absolute humidity, (b) the wet
bulb temperature, and (c) the dry bulb temperature
Using a PC, draw a vertical line through T = 40. At the
intersection with the line representing 100% relative
humidity (% RH), draw a horizontal line, and read the
absolute humidity represented by this horizontal line at
the abscissa (see Fig. A).
(a). H = 0.049 kg water/kg dry air.
Extend the horizontal line representing the humidity
until it intersects the diagonal line representing 50%
RH. Draw a vertical line through this intersection,
and read the dry bulb temperature representing this
vertical line at the abscissa (see Fig. C).
(b). Dry bulb temperature = 53C.
From the point represented by H = 0.049 and Tdb =
53C, draw a line that parallels the wet bulb lines.
Project this line to its intersection with the 100% RH
line. Draw a vertical line at this intersection, project
to the abscissa, and read the wet bulb temperature
at the abscissa (see Fig. B).
(c). Twb = 42C
Air in a smokehouse has a wet bulb temperature of
54C and a dry bulb temperature of 71C. Determine
(a) the humidity, (b) the dew point, and (c) the
percentage of relative humidity

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