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Changes in Adolescence

Emotional Changes
•Due to hormonal changes, adolescents
have mood swings and frequently
change their temperament. They tend to
have more intense and wide-ranging
emotions than children or adults, and
they exaggerate their problems as well.
•response to rewards and stress.
•open to being hurt or in danger
•sexually active
•girls become self-concious
•boys usually taller and stronger
• They tend to act impulsively, without thinking about
the consequences, and they make decisions based on
what feels good at the moment. Even when parents
try to explain their own decisions based on their life
experience and knowledge, adolescents often react
emotionally without even listening to the reasons.
Therefore, behavior issues and rebellion is common

Mental health is a way of describing social and
emotional wellbeing. Your child needs good mental
health to develop in a healthy way, build strong
relationships, adapt to change and deal with life’s
• Pre-teens and teenagers who have good mental health

• feel happy and positive about themselves and enjoy life

• have healthy relationships with family and friends
• do physical activity and eat a healthy diet
• get involved in activities
• have a sense of achievement
• can relax and get a good night’s sleep
• feel like they belong to their communities.
•less accepting of what others say
•make better decisions
•tendency to become bored with routine
•capable of thinking deeply
•think less of themselves
•control their thoughts
•fcus on what they want to listen

Social Changes
• 1. Searching For An Identity:
The years of puberty can be extremely confusing for your child
as they cannot connect with their earlier feelings of being
young children, nor can they understand the adult world
completely. As a result, your child will find it very difficult to
define whether he is either a child or an adult.
•Your young child will keep trying to understand where they fit
in the scheme of things and how they are supposed to behave.
•very self-concious
•enjoy being withn friends
•choose friends who share the same
•grow up with family showing love,
guidance and support
• Also, as a constant search to find their identity, your
child will try to take on more and more responsibility,
which he may or may not be able to fulfill. This is a
one of the common social changes in puberty stage
Physical Changes
• For girls, you might start to see early physical changes from
about 10 or 11 years, but they might start as young as 8
years or as old as 13 years. Physical changes around puberty

• rapid increase in height and weight

• changes in circulatory and respiratory system
• body composition
• sudden increase in hormone production
• bones become harder
• sweat and oil glands become more active

Secondary Sex characteristics- changes not directly

related to sexual reproduction.
•BOYS: voice becomes deeper
-adam's apple becomes bigger
-shoulders become wider than the hips
-hair grows on face, body and pubic area
-skin on the upper arms and things becomes rough
-breast develop
-hips become wider than
-hair grows on the underarm and
pubic area
• begin analyzing themselves resulting in
understanding themselves better and learn to
accept themselves, including weaknesses.
• -they learn that house rules imposed by thier
parents are there to promote order and harmony
at home.
• -they both realize what they could become in the

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