Pollutants and Its Measurement

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Pollutants and

its measurement
Particulate Matter
Ammonia NH3
Method Prescribed in the standard are:
 Improved West and Gaeke
 Ultaviolet Florosence
 Jacob & Hochheiser (Na-Arsenite)
 Chemiluminescence's
PM10 & PM 2.5
 Gravimetric
 Beta attenuation
 UV Photometric
 Chemiluminescence's
 Chemical Method
 AAS/ICP method after sampling on EPM 2000 or equivalent
 EDXRF Using Teflon filter
 Non dispersive infrared spectroscopy (NDIR)

 Chemiluminescence's
 Indophenols Blue Method

 Gas Chromatography based continuous analyzer
 Adsorption and desorption followed by GC

Benzo (a) pyrene particulate phase only

 Solvent Extraction followed by HPLC/GC

Arsenic & Nickel

 AAS/ICP method after sampling on EPM 2000 or equivalent
Particulate Matter
A. Suspended Particulate Matter (<100 µm)
B. Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (<10 µm)
C. Fine Particles (<2.5 µm).

Particulate Matter is the term used for a mixture of

solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air.
Coarse particles larger than 10 µm is known as
SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter).

Particulate matter which is very small ( less than 10 µm) remain

suspended in the air for a periods of time and easily inhaled into
the deep lungs. Increased death (mortality) and diseases
(morbidity). Currently PM10 have been identifying death effects
associated with environmental levels of PM10 is significant issue.
Application and Limitation for Sampling Airborne
Particulate Matter

 As per the new notification it measures PM10, PM2.5 .

 A known volume of air is passed through initially
weighted glass fibre filter paper (GF/A) of size 8” x
 Centrifugal force acts on the dust particles to
separate it into two parts.
 Below 10 m collected on filter paper.
 Particle above 10 m collected in cyclone cap.
 The difference in initial and final weight of filter
paper and cyclone cap used in calculation to express
the result in g/m3.
Instructions for Measurement of Particulate Matter
Conditioning of Filter Paper:
 Both blank and sampled filters shall be conditioned at 20-
250C and relative humidity below 50% for 16 hrs. prior to
 Use fresh carbon brush after every 48 hrs of sampling or use
brushless sampler.
 Do not bend or fold the filter before collection of samples.
Transport and Storage:
 Filter papers can be transported in filter paper box.
Methods for Sampling Airborne Particulate
 RSPM sampling by Respirable Dust Sampler as
per IS 5182 Part 32 involves the principle of
filtering a known volume of air through a glass
fiber filter paper of known weight at an average
speed of 1.0-1.5 m3 air/min.

 RSPM (µg/m3) = (W2-W1) *106


Volume of air sampled

Where W1 is initial weight (g) and W2 is final

weight (g) of the filter paper
550 uses 550 forpump
a brush-less PM10
with a
& 2.5
low noise.
 Same instrument can be used for PM and
PM2.5 sampling.
 Lower sampling rate of 1m3/hour reduces
filter choking even in areas having high FPM
 Critical Orifice maintains constant sampling
rate of 1m3/hour.
 Compact and portable for convenient field
Beta Ray Attenuation Measurement
•This method provides a simple determination of concentration in units of milligrams or
micrograms of particulate per cubic meter of air.
•A small 14C (Carbon 14) element emits a constant source of high-energy electrons
known as beta particles.
•These beta particles are detected and counted by a sensitive scintillation detector.
•An external pump pulls a measured amount of dust-laden air through a filter tape.
•After the filter tape is loaded with ambient dust, it is automatically placed between the
source and the detector thereby causing an attenuation of the beta particle signal.
•The degree of attenuation of the beta particle signal is used to determine the mass
concentration of particulate matter on the filter tape, and hence the volumetric
concentration of particulate matter in ambient air.
Hourly tape spots

Particulate Monitor Flow diagram

Step ‑ by step test instruction to be followed for
Gaseous Sampling
Install the RDS at a height of 1.5 m.

Switch on the instrument,

Adjust the timer reading for required hours of sampling,

Flow rate to be adjusted 0.5 litre per minute at the initial
stage. Note the initial and final manometer readings,

Fill the impinger with 10 ml by the absorbing solution,

After 4 / 8 hours of operation transfer the media to plastic

bottle (60 ml) and then analyse the sample.
 Improved West and Gaeke
 Ultraviolet Florescence

Standard: µg/m3
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive
Rural& other Areas Areas

Annual Average 50 20
24 hr Average 80 80
 Natural process 67% SO2 Source
 Volcanoes
 Manmade 33%
 Fuel combustion
 Coal
 Biofuel
 Diesel
 Removal of Sox from fuel gases
 Removal of Sulphur from fuel burning and use of low sulphur
 Sulphur can be remove by using chemical scrubber in which
gases passes through lime stone.
SO2 by Improved West and Gaeke Method


 Sulphur Dioxide is absorbed from air in a solution

of Sodium/Potassium Tetra Chloromercurate
 Ambient SO2 react with it and forms a stable
dichlorosulphitomercurate complex
 The amount of SO2 then estimated by colour
produced when p-rosaalinie is added to the solution.
This method Range and Sensitivity
can measure concentration over an
approximate range of 0.005 to 5.0 ppm with an accuracy
of ±10% (including sampling and analysis at the lower
end of the range and ±5% at the upper end with the
precision of about 2%.
Methodology for Analysis of SO2
(West & Gaeke Method)

Take the 10 ml portion of Sample.

Then add 2 ml sulphamic acid + 2 ml of formaldehyde

+ 1 ml p-rosaniline.

After 20 min., read the absorbance at 560 nm in a

spectrometer with the blank as reference.
Reaction Mechanism
 HgCl4-2+SO2+ H2O =HgCl2SO3-2 +2H+2Cl-


 NH3-C6H4-C-C6H4-NH3 + HOCH2-SO3H= p-rosaline
methyle Cl sulphonic acid
 A midget Equipments used
impinger contains absorbing solution
 A pump suitable to desire flow rate of 0.2-1.0 lpm
 A volume meter with thermometer, manometer and
Chemicals Required
 0.1 M Sodium –tetra chloromercurate (Na2HgCl4) (27.2 g HgCl2 and
11.7 g NaCl in 1000 ml D.W.)

Rosaaniline hydrochloride(0.04%)
 0.2 gm of dye in 100 ml of DDW, after 48 hrs filter the solution
(This is stable for three month if kept in dark)---(A)
 Take 20 ml of (A) in 100 ml flask add 6ml conc. HCl and after
five min fill up to the mark with DDW. (stable 2 week if refrigerated)
Formaldehyde (0.2%)
 5ml of 40% in 1000ml DDW
Standard Solution

 Calibration-0.0123 N Sodium Metabisulphite

(1ml=150 µl SO2)
(Dissolve 640 mg of metabisulphite (65%.5)as SO 2 in 1 liter of
DDW standardized with iodine using starch as indicator)

 0.01 Iodine-
(Dissolve 12.69 of resublimed iodine in 25 ml of solution made
with 15 gm iodate-free KI, Dilute to 1 liter, pipette 100 into
1000ml flask, fill to mark with 1.5%KI, check the normality by
standard thiosulphate)
Follow of metabisulphie
the following steps:
 Standardize sodium thiosulphate with potassium
 Standardize iodine with standard thiosulphate
 Standardize metabisulphite with standard iodine
and finally make the solution of 0.0123N
 Dilute 2ml of this in 100 ml with absorbing
reagent, this is equivalent to 3µl of SO2 per ml
 10ml absorbing in midget impinger
 Bubble known volume of air through any gas
collecting device. (This is stable up to three days)
 Adjust volume to 10 ml with D.W. (If any evaporation
loss occurs)
 Add 1ml each of complexing reagent and mix.
 Prepared a blank in same manner.
 After 20 min read absorbance at 560 nm.
 Calculate ppm or µg/m3 of SO2. 1ppm=1µl of SO2
/liter of air

Ultraviolet Fluorescent
 Sulphur dioxide absorbs UV energy at 190nm-230nm free
from interference and come to the exited state, producing
fluorescence, which is measured by PMT.

 The fluorescence reaction impinging up on the PMT is directly

proportional to to the concentration of SO2.
Optical measurement theory

Exhaust air is scrubbed with a charcoal scrubber to eliminate Hydrocarbons and SO 2. This
air is then ideal for use in the hydrocarbon kicker to remove hydrocarbons from sample
Hydroc a rbon
kic ke r
S a mple Mic roproc e s s or
Inle t
S O2 Outputs
P a rtic ula te
Filte r

Fluore s c e nc e
Ce ll

UV la mp
Optic a l SO2 + UV SO2 * SO2 + photon
SO2 Analyzer Flow diagram filte r

e xha us t
Oxides of Nitrogen (as NO2)

 Jacob & Hochheiser (Na-Arsenite)

 Chemiluminescence's

Standard: (µg/m3)
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive
Rural& other Areas Areas

Annual Average 50 20
24 hr Average 80 80
 Combustion Source
of Coal, Oil, Natural gas and Gasoline
 Average residence time in atmosphere is 4 days.
 At traffic rush time (6-8am) level of NO increases.
 At mid morning level of NO increases due to conversion of
NO to NO2 by UV rays.
Jacob & Hochheiser (Na-Arsenite)


Nitrogen oxides as nitrogen dioxide are collected

by bubbling air through a sodium hydroxide
solution to form a stable solution of sodium nitrite.
The nitrite ion produced during sampling is
determined colorimetrically by reacting the
exposed absorbing reagent with phosphoric acid,
sulphanilam­ide and N (1‑napthyl) ethylenediamine
dihydrochloride at 540nm

 Range of the method is 20-740 µg/m3(0.01 to 0.4 ppm)
nitrogen dioxide in a 50 ml absorbing reagent with a
sampling rate of 200ml/min for 24 hr.

 Absorbing reagent
(4.0gm NaOH + 1 gm sodium arsenite in 1000 ml D.W.)
 Sulphanilamide: 20gm in700ml D.W.
 NEDA: 0.5 gm of N (1-Napthyle) ethylene diamine
 Respirable Sampler along with gaseous
attachment. Gaseous attachment contains 4 (2
for SO2 and 2 for NOX) midget impingers
containing the absorbing solution.
 Flow rate of gas in the midget impinger is to be
adjusted through manometer of the gaseous
Methodology for Analysis of NOx

Pipette 10 ml of the collected sample into a test tube.

Add 1 ml of H2O2, 10.0 of sulphanilamide solution and 1.4 ml

of NEDA solution with thorough mixing after the addition of
each reagent.

After a 10-minute colour‑development interval, measure the

absorbance at 540 nm against the blank. Read g NO2 /ml
from the standard curve.
For calibration the amount of Potassium/Sodium Nitrate used can be
G=Amount of Sodium Nitrate
1.500=Gravimetric Factor
A=Assay, percent

Mass NO2 in µg/m3 = (µg NO2/ml)/(V x 0.82)

Where: V=Volume of Air Sampled

NOx by Chemiluminescence's
 Emission of light from electrically exited species
due to the chemical reaction.
 NO+O3=NO2* + O2
 NO2*=NO2+hv
 In this process light energy produce is directly
proportional to the NO concentration.
 NO is associated with NO2 therefore it is necessary
to convert NO2 to NO before analysis

 Sample air is drawn into the reaction cell via two separate
(alternating) channels the NO and NOX. The NOX channel
travels through a delay coil enabling the same sample of air to
be sampled for NO, NO2 and NOX.
 The NOX channel passes through an NO2 to NO converter,
NO2 is converted to NO
 Sample air (NO & NOX channels) enter the measurement cell
where NO reacts
 with Ozone in the following reaction
 NO + O3 -> NO2* + O2
 Equation 1 Chemiluminescence reaction
 This reaction releases energy in the form of Chemiluminescence radiation (1100nm),
which is filtered by the optical band pass filter and detected by the Photomultiplier tube
 The level of Chemiluminescence detected is directly proportionally to the NO in sample
 NO2 is calculated by subtracting the NO measurement from NOX measurement
 NOX = NO + NO2 or NO2 = NOX – NO

s olenoid valve
S ample
Inlet Microproces s or
P articulate
NO,NO 2,NO x
Filter NO2 NO


room air
P ermeation P MT
Generator NO + O3 NO2 * NO + photon

exhaus t
NOx Analyzer Flow diagram
Ammonia (NH3)
 Chemiluminescence's
 Indophenols Blue Method
Standard: (µg/m3)
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive
Rural& other Areas Areas

Annual Average: 100 100

24 hr. Average 400 400
 Ammonia in the atmosphere is collected by bubbling of
measured amount of air through a dilute solution of sulfuric
acid to form ammonium sulphate.
 The ammonium sulfate formed in the sample is analysed
colorimetric by reaction with phenol and alkaline sodium
hypochlorite to produces Indophenols a blue dye.
 Sodium nitropruside accelerated the reaction as an catalyst.
 With & Sensitivity
a sampling rate of 1-2 lit/mina conc. range
of 200-700µg/m3. of air may be determine with
the sampling time of one hr.

 The limit of detection of the analysis is

Ammonia free D.D.W.
Absorbing Solution (0.1 N)
(2.3 ml of conc. H2SO4(18M) in 1lit.DDW.)
Sodium Nitropruside:
(2g in 100ml of DDW)
(Stable for two months in refrigerator)
Sodium Hydroxide(6.75M)
(270g in 1lit.)
 50g Na PO .12H O in and 74ml of 6.75 NaOH in DDW.
3 4 2
Working Hypochloride:
 Mix 30ml of 0.1NSodium hypochloride+30ml of 6.75 M
NaOH in 100ml DDW.
Working Phenol:
 20ml of 45% phenol in 1ml of 2%sodium nitropruside and
dilute to 100ml) (Prepare fresh every at 4hrsAmmonia:
 Dissolve 3.18gm of NH Cl in 1lit.DDW.(Stable for two
month when preserve with CHCl3)
 Bubble air through any gas sampling device to 10 ml
of absorbing reagent.
 The sampling rate should be 1-2 lit/min for adequate
sampling time.
 Transfer the sample in 25ml glass stoppred flask.
 Add 2ml of Buffer.
 Add 5ml of working phenol solution mix and then
add 2.5 ml of working hypochloride solution with
rapid mixing.
 Dilute to 25 ml and keep it in dark for 30 min.
 Measure developed blue colour at 630nm
 Pipet
0.5,1,0,1.5 of working standard in 25ml flask and
make 10 ml with absorbing and then proceed as in
 These correspond to 5,10 and 15 µg ammonia /25ml of

 µg/m3 NH3=W/V0

 Where:

W=µgNH3 in 25 ml from standard

V= Volume of Air sampled
Ozone (O3)

 UV Photometric
 Chemiluminescence's
 Chemical Method

Standard: (µg/m3)
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive
Rural& other Areas Areas

8 hr. Average: 100 100

1 hr. Average 180 180
Ozone: Chemical Method
 Air containing Ozone is drown through a midget impinger
containing 10 ml of 1% potassium iodide in a neutral (pH
6.8)buffer composed of 0.1M disodium hydrogen phosphate
and 0.1M potassium dihydregen phosphate.
 The iodine librated in the absorbing reagent is determined
spectrophotometrically at 352 nm.
Chemical Reaction
 O3+3KI+H2O=KI3+2KOH+O2
 The analysis must be completed within 30 min to
1hrs after sampling.

Range and sensitivity

 The range extend from 0.01ppm to about 10 ppm.
 The sensitivity of method is depend on the volume
of air sampled.
 ThePrecision ofand Accuracy
the method within the recommended
range is about ±5%deviation from the mean.
 The accuracy of this method has not been established.
Calibration is based on the assumed stoichiometry of the
reaction with the absorbing solution.
 Potassium Required
dihydrogen phosphate ( KH2PO4 ),
 Bisodium hydrogen phosphate ( Na2NH4 )
 Potassiumiodide
 Sodium hydroxide
 Dissolve 14 g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate( KH2PO4 ),
14.20 g of disodium hydrogen phosphate ( Na2NH4 ) and 10 g
of potassium iodide successively and dilute the mixture to 1
litre with distilled water. Age at room temperature for at least
1 day before use.

 Measure the pH and adjust to 6.8 with sodium hydroxide or

potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution. This absorbing
solution may be stored for several weeks in a glass stoppered
brown bottle in the refrigerator and for shorter periods at
room temperature without deterioration.

 The absorbing solution should not be exposed to sunlight.

Standard Iodine Solution

Dissolve 16 g of potassium iodide and 3.173 g of

iodine successively and dilute the mixture with
distilled water to exactly 500 ml to make a 0.05N
solution. Age at room temperature least one day
before use.
 Pipette
exactly 10 ml of the absorbing solution into
the bubbler.
 Sample at a rate of 0.5 to 3 litres/min for up to 30
 The flow rate and time of sampling should be adjusted
to obtain a sufficiently large concentration of oxidant
in the absorbing solution.
 Approximately 2 µg of ozone may be obtained in the
absorbing solution at an atmospheric concentration of
0.01 ppm by sampling for 30 minutes at 3 litres/min.
 Prepare
a 0.0025 N iodine solution by pipetting exactly 5 ml
of the 0.05 N standard solution ( normality should be checked
before use ) into a 100 ml volumetric flask and diluting to the
mark with absorbing solution.

 Prepare four or more standard solutions in 25 ml volumetric

fasks by pipetting 0.1 to 1 ml portions of the 0.0025 N iodine
solution into the flasks, diluting to the mark with absorbing
solution and mixing.

 Immediately after preparation of this series, read the

absorbance of each at 352 nm. The solutions should cover the
0.1to 1 unit
 Procedure
If significant evaporation of solution occurs, add double
distilled water to bring the liquid volume to 10 ml. Read the
absorbance at 352 nm against double distilled water within a
30 to 60-minute period after collection in a I-cm cuvette or
 Ozone liberates iodine through both a fast and a slow set of
reactions. Some of the organic oxidants also have been shown
to cause slow formation of iodine.
 Some indication of the presence of such oxidants and of
gradual fading due to reductants may be obtained by taking
several readings during an extended period of time.
 Determine the blank correction (to be subtracted from sample
absorbance) every few days by reading the absorbance of
unexposed reagent.
 Subtract the absorbance of the blank from the
absorbance of the standards. Plot corrected
absorbance's against the normality's of the
standardized solutions.

 From the line of the best fit the normality

corresponding to an absorbance of exactly one
shall be determined.

 To obtain a value, M, representing microlitres of

ozone required by 10 m.l of absorbing solution to
produce an absorbance of one, multip!y this
normality by the factor 1.224 X 103.

For I-cm cells, M should becontinued……
approximately 9.6

Results for air samples may be computed from equation:

 Oxidant ( as O3), ppm = AM/V

 A = corrected absorbance, and
 v = volume of air sample in litres ) per 10 ml of absorbing solution
corrected to 25°C and 760 mmHg (correction is ordinarily small and may
be omitted).

NOTE - 1 mg/litre = 509 ppm of ozone at 25°C and 760 mmHg

UV Absorption
The UV photometer determines the concentration of Ozone (O3) in
a sample gas at ambient
pressure by detecting the absorption of UV radiation in a glass
absorption tube.
• Ozone shows strong absorption of UV light at 254nm
• Sample air is passed into the glass absorption tube (measurement
• Within the measurement cell a single beam of UV radiation
passes through the sample and is absorbed by the O3
• The Solar blind vacuum photodiode detects any UV that is not
• The strength of the UV signal being detected is proportional to
the amount of UV light being absorbed by O3
• The analyzer uses the Beer-Lambert relationship to calculate the
ozone concentration
•O3 is not the only gas that absorbs UV (254nm), SO2 and aromatic
compounds also absorb radiation at this wavelength
•To eliminate these interferences a second cycle is performed where
sample air is passed through an ozone scrubber which allows all
interfering gases through but eliminates ozone thereby accurately
measuring interfering gases effects on signal and removing them from
the sample measurement signal
S a mple Microproces s or
Inle t
O3 Output
P articulate

De tec tor

UV s ource Abs orption

(Me as urement Cell)

e xha us t

O3 Analyzer Flow diagram

 AAS/ICP method after sampling on EPM 2000 or equivalent
 EDXRF Using Teflon filter

Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive Rural&
other Areas Areas
Annual Average: 0.5 0.5
24 hr. Average 1.0 1.0
Arsenic & Nickel
AAS/ICP method after sampling on EPM 2000 or equivalent
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive
Rural& other Areas Areas
Annual Average: (As) 6.0 6.0
Annual Average: (Ni) 20.0 20.0
Sample Collection and Analysis
 Metals are associated mainly with the particulate matter
therefore collected on EPM-2000 cellulose membrane
filter paper by any dust collecting device.
 Calculate the dust collecting area of filter.
 This filter will be digested with digestion mixture (6:1 of
nitric acid and perchloric acid) and digested at 1000C.
 Digested samples will be filtered through Whatman filter
paper (Grade No1)
 Make the volume up to 25 ml with double distilled water
and analyzed for Pb, Hg, Cu, Cd, Zn and Ni using AAS.
Metal Concentration (µg/m3)

= (Concentration in sample- Blank) x Area of

Volume of air sampled
Carbon Monoxide
Non dispersive infrared spectroscopy (NDIR)

Standard: mg/m3
Industrial, Residential, Ecologically Sensitive Rural&
other Areas Areas

8 hr.Average 02 02
1 hr.Average 04 04
Carbon Monoxide
Non dispersive Infrared Gas filter Correlation
The measurement of Carbon Monoxide is completed via the following
principles and measurement techniques:

Measurement cell theory

•CO absorbs infrared radiation (IR) at a wavelength near 4.7 microns

•IR radiation (at 4.7 microns) is passed through a 5 meter path length through
sample air
•The strength of the signal received is proportional to the amount of CO in the
sample as shown in the Beer Lambert Law
•A band pass filter is fitted to the signal detector to ensure only light near 4.7
microns wavelength is detected
•A gas filter correlation wheel is combined with this system in the light path.
•This wheel contains 3 parts to increase measurement accuracy, CO, N2 and
the mask
•The CO window contains a saturation of CO which acts as a reference beam
•The N2 window does not absorb IR at 4.7 microns and is used during normal
CO measurement
•The mask totally blocks the light source and is used to determine background
signals and the strength of other signals relative to each other and the
background S aInlemplet Mic roproce s s or

CO Output
P a rtic ula te

IR De tec tor

IR s ourc e Abs orption

Ga s Filter (Meas urement Ce ll)
Whee l
e xhaus t

CO Analyzer Flow diagram


This method is designed to collect particulate phase PAHs in ambient air and fugitive
emissions and to determine individual PAH compounds. It is based on high volume ( ~
1.2 m3 / min) sampling method capable of detecting sub ng/ m3 concentration of PAH
with a total sample volume ~ 480 m3 / of air over a period of 8 hours with same filter.
It Involves collection from air particulate on a fine particle (glass-fibre) filter using high
volume sampler for total suspended particulate matter (TSPM) or respirable dust sampler
for respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM or PM10) and subsequent analysis
by Capillary Gas Chromatograph (GC) using Flame Ionization Detector (FID). If
sampling period is extended to 24 hours without changing the filter, it may enhance
sample loss due to volatility or reactions of PAHs on collection media.
Major PAH Compounds
Acenaphthylene(C10H8) Benzo(b) f luoranthene (C20H12)

Acenaphthene(C10H8) Benzo(k) fluoranthene (C20H12)

Fluorene(C10H8) Coronene (C24H12)

Naphthalene (C10H8) Benzo(e) pyrene (C20H12)

Phenanthrene (C14H10) Benzo(a) pyrene (C20H12)

Anthracene (C14H10) Perylene (C20H12)

Fluoranthene (C16H10) Benzo(ghi) perylene (C22H12)

Pyrene (C16H10) Dibenzo(ah) anthracenes (C22H14)

Chrysene (C18H12) Indeno(cd) pyrene (C22H12)

Benzo(a) anthracene (C18H12)


Sample should be wrapped in a aluminum-foil and should be stored in a
refrigerator at 4oC in dark place to avoid photo-oxidation of PAHs for a
period upto two months. However, sample extracts may be strored in
dried form for a longer period

The filters samples are extracted with Toluene using ultrasonication &
concentrated to 1ml volume .


Dilute the extracted residue and make up to 0.5 ml or 1 ml. Inject 1 µl or 2 µl into
GC-FID for analysis.


Gas chromatograph equipped with flame ionization detector (FID), a split injector
and capillary column (Phase cross linked 5% phenyl, methyl-silicone) : 25 meter
length, 0.20 mm inner diameter (I.D.), 0.33 µm film thickness with following GC
Rotary Vacuum Evaporator
Measurement Method of PAH (ISO, BIS, CPCB, Tyagi, 2004 Method) - Individual PAHS

7.1 Calculate the concentration in (ng/µl ) of each identified analyte

in the
sample extract ( Cs ) as follows:

Cs (ng/µl) = (As * Cis ) / ((Ais * RF )

As = Area count of characteristic analyte sample/peak being measured.
Ais = Area count of characteristic internal standard/peak.
Cis = Concentration of internal Standard.

The concentration in ng/ m3 of each analyte in the air sampled is

C = Cs x Ve / Vs
Ve = final volume of extract, µl

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