Coursework IGCSE DT Grafael (Autosaved)

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Coursework IGCSE DT

My clients problem

 My client has a problem with working in the dark because my client often has a lot of work to do on her desk leading
to messy work and things everywhere. Another problem that I’ve found out is that my client is finding it hard to
locate small object and record important information. I aim to solve this problem by creating a lamp that is bright
enough to lighten up the client desk. The lamp has to be small so that it doesn’t cover the whole desk. The lamp will
also have a small storage to store small things like keys, pencil and other important things. The lamp will have a
place where the notes can be stored in a place where it is clear.

In this slide, I have found out what

my clients problem is and the things
I need to include in the product I'm
Design Brief

I will design and make a lamp for those, in Qatar, who have trouble working in the dark and needs a simple/small storage
system. The lamp I will make needs to look good, have an appropriate size and it needs to be affordable. To do this, I
need to :
 Find where the problem is?
 The function of the product
 Who is going to use the product.
 how often and when will the product be used
 What materials will be used
 Health and safety considerations.

In this slide, I have found out what

my client needs. I have found out
what my product should have in
order to be successful
Purple orange green In this slide, I have explored the
Ultraviolet light bright visible speed of light photon of light ideas of a lamp and I can use these
ideas to make a successful lamp.

y ello
lu e r
Colour wheel
Primary secondary Wavelength of
the light
10 10-
1- 20
Colour of light 0
1- 21-
50 50
co s t -1
tertiary 00
c e
er sour
fp ow e rgy
so al en
Yellow-orange yellow-green blue-green blue-violet red-violet red-orange h er m
gy gy
n d ener ass en er
Woo i
d y
w bi o m
e r g y
m et r en n er g
al materials Sola trical e
Coniferous deciduous
plas elec
ti c
fe r r o Type of lig
sodium la
Thermoplastics thermosetting o utdoor li
g ht i n g
Indoor li
Task analysis
ACCESSFMM Question Analysis
Aesthetics What could the product look like? The looks of the product is still not determined. It will depend on what the client
What features to existing products have? likes, and dislikes and it will change overtime. The product will be smooth and
What features could the product have? may have features like neon glows or shaped lights. Other existing products are
simple and unique because of the shape of the lamp and how it is used.
Consumer Who is the product for? The product is for people living in Qatar because it can't be transported
What might the targeted age? nationally. The target range for the consumer will be around 13 years old to 16.
What might the needs of the consumer? The age group may change depending on the looks of the product. The important
need of the consumer is light and a simple storage system.
Cost How much will the product cost? The product cost is still not determined. It will depend on how much the
How much does similar products cost? materials cost and how long it will take to produce the product. On average it
could cost around QAR150 to QAR300. Normal lamp cost around QAR50 to QAR100
but similar products cost around 100QAR to 250QAR.
Environment Where might the product be used? The product will be use at home. It might be portable depending on the
How might it be powered? consumers need and interest. It will be use on a table. It might be powered using
Will it portable? a USB if it is portable. If not, then it will be like the any other lamps. Wired
Size  How big might the product be? The product won't be big because it is a desk lamp. It won't be bigger than a
computer so it might be around 300mm to 500mm.
safety Is there any safety issues to consider? There will be a lot of safety hazards to consider. One important safety hazard is
hot bulb. Another would be sharp edges, small pieces etc. Just like common
safety hazards in common products like toys and furniture.
functions What can the product do? Because it is a lamp it will produce light. A definite function that will be added is
What function could be added? a simple storage system for small items like keys, decors etc. Another function
that could be added is a place for putting notes.
Materials  What might the product be made of? The product will be made of either wood, metal or plastic. It can be a mixture of
two material or even all three. The material of the product depends on the
consumer and safety hazards.
Photo of client
Client profile

 Name: Eirene Chiam wan yi

 Occupation: N/A
 School: Al Khor International School
 Age:15
 Likes: googly eyes
 Dislikes: 
 Hobbies: learning Chinese and Bahasa Malay

In this slide, I have found out things

about my client and what she likes
and dislikes. I can use this
information to create the lamp that
is suitable for the client.
In this slide, I have found out what I
need to do research on in order to
Research plan make a successful product.

What I need to find out? How will I find this information? How will this help me with making a
successful product?
What material is available I will find this information by looking this will help me because it will show
at the resources/materials available in the quality of the materials that is
the school and researching about the available. 
materials available in Qatar
What tools do I need to make the I will research about tools and their this will help me because it allows me
product function. Then I will find out the to see the advantages and
process of making my product and find disadvantages of the tools and help
out what tools are needed me use the good quality tools to make
my product successful
What are the structure of a lamp I will research about lamp parts and this will help me because it shows me
their functions. Then I will get a lamp a good understanding of common
and disassemble the lamp to find the lamps and improve on how the lamp
structure of the specific lamp and use looks to make it successful
it in my design
What restrictions and safety hazards I will research about the common this will help me because it will make
do I need to include safety hazard of a lamp and the the customers know that I’ve thought
important ones. about the safety hazards in a lamp and
it will make the customer buy the
What makes a lamp successful I will research about famous and This will help me because it will give
successful lamps and see what me the knowledge of successful lamps.
features makes the lamp successful .
In this slide, I have explored the
design of this lamp. I have found out
Product analysis(lamp) what makes it a successful product.

Aesthetics Environment Size

it is a table lamp that has a brown The lamp is mainly made from wood and the lamp is 37cm tall, 30cm wide
wooden base with a white covering. It part metal. Part of the lamp cannot be and 30cm long. The size is
has a smooth plastic covering with a recyclable, but some parts can. This appropriate for this design and it
smooth polished, hexagonal like base. I recyclable part is the metal connecting doesn’t take a lot of room
like this design because it is a classic the two parts together. After its use, this
lamp with a geometrical design. I would lamp will probably end up in landfill, but
The lamp is to light up a table
probably change the head of the lamp to some parts may be used to recycle. The
or possible a whole room. The
a much better design that would fit the parts that will be recycled will use a lot
light is powered by electricity
design of the base. of energy because metal melts at a high
from the socket in a house.
Customer temperature. The heat that is used to
The lamp is for people between the age melt the metal well exhaust carbon
of 15-30. I think it appeals to its target dioxide. Material
the lamp is mostly made from
because it is a classic modern design that Safety
wood. Possibly hard woods
isn’t to fancy but also has an element of The designer has made the lamp safe
because of the layout and how
geometry. by covering the bulb with an object thin the base looks, hard woods
Cost that is a bad conductor. This is good will be a good material for the
The design costs 57QR. I think this is a because the person who buys it won't base of the lamp. The head
good value for this product because the need to matter about burning their and the bottom of the lamp is
quality of the product is good, and it is hard. The edges of the base is no connected with a metal pole.
made out of cheap products. that sharp allowing it to be safe and
adding texture to the design.
In this slide, I have explored the
design of this storage system. I have
Product analysis(storage system) found out what makes it a successful
product and I can use these ideas on
my product
Aesthetics: Environment:
There are many different colours The storage box is mainly made out of wood. Part
for this product. It is made from
of it is also made of plastic. The plastic is
plastic for the front part and wood
recyclable. When the product reaches the end of
for the rest. I like this product its use, I think it will end up in landfill because
because it is simple, and it doesn’t most of the materials are not recyclable
take much space. The thing that I
would probably change is how much
The product have sharp edges. This might not be
things it can store. Instead of a big
to worrying because the product is designed to be
tall space I will divide the whole
stackable. So if the edges were smooth then that
thing into two so it can store more
will leave gaps.
The design cost $129. I don’t think
this is a good value for this product The product is in a cube shape and it is 50cm all
because that value is only for one around. It does not take a lot of space. I think
of the storage system. This is that the size is appropriate because it stores a lot
because the materials used is of things and it stands out from other products.
cheap and it could be built easily in
one day. Functions:
Customers: It is a storage box that opens outwards. The lid has
The storage box is for kids that are small hole that acts like a handle so that it can be
around 8-14. this is because the pulled out easily.
colours of the product attracts kids Materials:
the most and it fits the kids aged 5- The box is made from Baltic Birch plywood. This
14. I want my product aimed at 10- materials is built to last for a very long time. The
20-year old because I know more plastic is also built to last for a very long time.
about the age group
Research(Safety hazards)

To make a successful lamp, i need to think about the

lamps safety. Common saftey hazards for a lamp are
how sharp the product is, is there any small pieces
the client must look out for, is it fragile and the heat
of the lamp. The lamp i am making must not have
any sharp edges. If there are any sharp edges then i
need to make it smooth or find a way to make sure
that my client won't have any contact with the sharp
edge. I need to also focus on what the lamp is made
of. I need to make sure that it is made out of a
durable material that is not fragile. I also need to
reduce the amount of small pieces used in
this product. If the product needs to use alot of
small pieces, i need to make sure to warn my client
about every small piece there is. The last thing i
need to look out is the heat of the bulb. I need to
make sure that my client cant touch the bulb so she
does not burn her hand. If i can, i need to put on a
warning sign to warn my client about the bulb.

In this slide, I have explored the

common safety hazards that are
needed for a lamp.
Researc h(LED Cir cuits )
R = resistor/ ballast resistor
V = Voltage

LED Circuits(light emitting diode) will likely be used

for the lamp. The simplest circuit that will power the
 LED is a voltage source with a resistor and a LED in
series. A resistor is often called a ballast resistor. A
ballast resistor is used to limit the current that flows
through the LED to prevent it from burning. If the
voltage source is equal to the voltage drop of the LED,
then no resistor will be required.

If the product is portable, a USB LED lamp circuit will

be used. The circuit will be like a simple led circuit,
but it will be powered through a power supply like a
computer or laptop.

In this slide, I have

found out what a
led circuit is and a
ballast resistor. I
have found out
what is needed in
a led circuit .
CFL bulbs (compact fluorescent lamps) is an
energy saving light, compact in fluorescent tube.
Incandescent bulbs are bulbs that light up because of a wire It was designed to replace incandescent bulbs.
filament that is in a very high temperature which makes it
Research(Types of bulbs) light up. The filament is protected from oxidization with a High power LED is a type of LED that can
glass or fused quartz bulb that is filled with inert gas or a
vacuum. withstand high voltage. The common design (star
LED) is a 1W or 3W high power LED placed in a
Halogen bulb is an incandescent bulb that consist of a star board design. These common designs
tungsten filament sealed into a compact transparent envelope includes either 1 high power LED or 3.
In this slide, I have explored that is filled with a mixture of an inert gas and a small amount
the types of bulbs that is of halogen such as iodine or bromine.
commonly used.
Research(Lamp structure)


A basic lamp has 3 parts to it. The base, the neck,

and the head. The base of the lamp is designed to be
at least larger than the width of the rest of the
lamp. The base of the lamp has to also be heavy so
that it can balance the whole lamp so it won't fall
over. The neck of the lamp is simple. it depends on
how the lamp works. A typical lamp has a long neck
that can hold the head and be flexible. Some lamps
have a solid and non-bendable neck. The head is
where the bulb goes. The head is designed to be
able to spread the light. The head is also supposed
to protect the bulb if the lamp falls. neck


In this slide, I have explored the

parts of a basic lamp
Product disassembly   
base is shaped like a circle and it is designed to be in a
specific size. The base is designed like this so that it
can be opened and closed easily to access the
concrete base. The concrete base has a heavy
concrete on it so that the center of gravity is shifted
towards the bottom, so the lamp won't fall. The
bendable neck is designed to have a gooseneck shape.
Gooseneck lamps are designed in a way that can be
bent in all directions. The cords that are connected to
the plug is designed to be long so that the lamp can be
placed far away from the socket. The plug is designed
in a specific way so that it can fit in the socket. In this
case, the plug has 2 pins on it. The switch is small and
accessible so that the client will be able to turn the
lamp off or on. The bulb is the main purpose of the
lamp. The bulb emits light. The lampshade is designed
like a bowl shape to protect the eye from the bulb’s
glare and to direct light from the bulb in the lamp into
a room. The screws are used to keep all the lamp
parts in place.

In this slide, I have found out what a

lamp consist of into more detail
In this slide, I have
Site survey found out where
This is the position on which the product will be the place of my
placed. The desk is currently in a very busy state. It is product goes and
placed in the middle of the room so that when the what I need to do In
light is placed, it will not only light up the desk but order to make the
also it will light up part of the room. The storage product fit in this
system in the lamp will be built so that is will be easy place.
to access and it won't hit the wall. The lamp will take
no more than 1/5 of the desk so that there will be
more space for my client to work in. the lamp is to be
placed in a certain angle and space so that it will
mostly light up a specific area (where my client works) 75
and so that it does not distract my client too much. 0m
The advantage of the lamp is that it is see-through. m
This is so that if any problems cause the lamp to fail
its function, my client could see what caused this
problem and fix it right away. This is also so that it
won't block anything that is behind it so that my client
knows what is going on around it. The wire of the lamp m
will go through this hole so that does not take up 900m
much space and create a distraction to my client.

The things that will be stored are small things

like keys. A key is the biggest thing that can be
stored in the lamp. The key that will be stored
is about 50mm x 25mm.

Mood board(lamps)

In this slide, I have explored

the ideas of lamps and lights 

Simple. Uses candles. Like the set


Lovely design.
Probably used
in marriage or

Colourful design.
Creative. Like the glow
on each design

Good simple design.

Mood board (storage designs)
Likes the design of the
storage system. In this slide, I have explored the
Unique but not ideas of a storage system.

Interesting design. Uses

the space around wisely.
Does not use a lot of
space. Good size. Smart

Smart design.
Creative use
of stairs.
Simple on the
Lovely outside yet
design. complex in
creative. the inside
Client review of mood board

This lamp has a lot of parts to it and each part has its own function. My client likes both mood board. But she is
interested in the storage systems more than the lamp. She said that the lamp mood board has many crazy and interesting
designs. Each design has its own uniqueness. Some of the pictures have basic styles while others are more creative. She
said that the picture on the top left corner looks as if it's for parties and the one beside it looks like it's used-on wedding
occasions. Although the lamp design is very creative, she dislikes the designs. One reason is that none of them would fit
her bedroom's theme/style. The storage system mood board was unique. The one that caught her eye first is the one that
is designed like a grenade. This was because the shape was very clear, and it is one of the most creative designs out of
all. She said that she likes the design that is connected to the wall. This is because space is used very well. Another
design that she likes and very similar is the shoe storage connected to the wall. The design that she liked that she likes
the most was the one that uses circles and is connected to the wall. This is because the design was unique in its own way.
She thinks that it will fit in her room. It is simple yet creative. Using round shapes instead of flat shapes. It is also stacked
which doesn’t use up a lot of space.

In this slide, I have found out what

my client like about the mood board
and I can use that to make a
successful lamp
In this slide, I have explored the
quality of types of woods
Material research(wood)

Hardwoods(deciduous) Wood rot, making it attractive  softwoods(coniferous)

in boat construction and
Oak wood: outdoor decking.
Pine wood:
Oak wood has been used as a Mahogany is a good wood for
Pine trees grow around the world, meaning it is easy
hardwood timber for a very long its beauty, durability, colour
to find it anywhere. Pine has a great deal of
time, yet it takes up to 150 years and is used to make furniture,
stiffness and resistant to shock, which makes it a
before the wood from an oak tree can boats, musical instruments
solid choice for many furniture pieces.
be used for  construction. and other items.
Pine wood is durable and strong when used in
Modern uses for oak woods include
homewares, flooring, wine barrels
Pinewood is a popular choice for many construction
and firewood. Oak wood is usually Birch wood:
projects from crafts to home construction. It is
less expensive than some other Birch wood is extremely
inexpensive, readily available, ranges from clear to
hardwoods. strong, durable and
knotty, and is a favorite choice for cabinetry,
Oak wood is very strong, heavy and attractive, it takes stain well
woodworking projects for all types and furniture.
durable. Is has an attractive light and its affordable. It has a
colour and is resistant to fungal beautiful appearance: it is
Spruce wood:
attack because of its dense fine grained and has a pale
Spruce wood offers an even texture that makes it
constitution. colour giving it an elegant
appealing as a building material. It is also a
look to clean line furniture
lightweight wood, which makes it versatile for low-
stress applications.
Mahogany: Birch plywood is a preferred
Spruce is the standard material used in soundboards
Mahogany is very durable and has long material for making cabinets,
for many musical instruments. Spruce wood is
been used to make some of the finest benches and tables. Birch is
relatively inexpensive and strong enough if you use
furniture in the world. usually used to make plywood,
thick pieces. Spruce also stain well.
It has excellent workability and is boxes, crates, turned objects,
very durable. Mahogany also resist  interior trim, and other small
specialty wood items.
In this slide, I have explored the
quality of the types of metals
Material research(metal)

Ferrous metals cast iron surfaces distributes the heat from

the stone evenly all over its surface.
Steel is tensile. It has a high strength
Carbon steel:
to weight ratio which means it has
Carbon steel is also called mild steel. It’s
high strength per unit mass. Steel can
commonly used structurally in buildings and
be fabricated and produce massively.
bridges, axels, gears, shafts, rails, pipelines
Steel is getting more expensive
and couplings, cars, fridges and washing
because of the price of the raw
materials used for making steel is
High carbon steel has a much better tensile
getting more expensive.
strength, used to make cutting tools,
Steel is very durable. It can withstand
blades, punches, springs and high-strength
extreme conditions. It is highly
resistant to most elements making it
ideal for areas where wind are high,
where storms are frequent, and where
conditions are difficult. Non-ferrous
Because of its high tensile strength,
steel is a major component used in Aluminum:
buildings, infrastructures, tools, ships, Pure aluminum is soft, malleable,
automobiles, machines, appliances ductile, corrosion resistant and has a
and weapons. high electrical conductivity. It is
widely used for foil and conductor
cables. It is also used in cans, foils,
Cast iron: kitchen utensils, window frames, beef
Cast iron is used to make pots, pans kegs and areophane parts.
and all sort of utensils that are used Aluminum prevents oxygen, moisture,
for heating purposes. This is because and bacteria from damaging foods.
Material research(plastic)

Thermoplastics: High-quality glass. Acrylic are usually used when people

don’t like glass and/or plastic, but they are considered so
Polyethylene terephthalate(PET):
much more expensive. Acrylics are expensive because they
PET has high strength to weight ratio. It is very resistant
are much stronger and more durable than any tube of glass
to moisture and has excellent chemical resistance to
or plastic.
organic mineral and water. It is generally considered a
safe plastic. PET is used in applications ranging for
films, tubes, plastic parts, laminates, etc. it is primarily
used in packaging like plastic bags, containers including
Silicone is something of a hybrid between a synthetic rubber
bottle, etc..
and a synthetic plastic polymer. Silicone can be used to
make malleable rubber like items, hard resins, and
Polyvinyl chloride(PVC):
spreadable fluids. It is durable, lasts longer and stands up
PVC is used in a variety of applications in the building
better against heat and cold than plastics.
and construction, healthcare, electronics, automobile
and other sectors in products ranging from piping and
siding, blood bags, tubing and more. PVC’s abrasion
resistance, light weight, good mechanical strength and
toughness are key technical advantages for its use in
building and construction applications. PVC can be cut,
shaped, welded and joined easily in a variety of styles.
Its light weight reduces manual handling difficulties.

Acrylic is a transparent thermoplastic. The material is
similar to polycarbonate. It has an outstanding strength,
stiffness and optical clarity. Acrylic sheet is easy to
fabricate, bonds well with adhesive and solvents, and is In this slide, I have explored the
easy to thermoform. It has a superior weathering quality of the types of plastics
properties compared to many other transparent
plastics. Acrylic fiber fabric is made from a synthetic
polymer called acrylonitrile. Many people refer to
acrylic as
In this slide, I have found out what
my clients likes and dislikes. I can
use this data and apply it to my
cost style prefered
1)What price range 4)What materials would size prefered
would you prefer? you consider for a lamp

50-100 Plastic
100-200 Metal
200-300 Wood
300-500 Glass
500+ Leather classic modern sporty
200-300 musical other
5)Where do you mostly
300-500 small medium
2)What style would you use a lamp?
prefer? Bedroom big extra large

materials for lampwhere is lamp mostly

Living room
Classic Bathroom type of lamp used
Modern Kitchen
Sporty Dining room interested
Other 6)What sized lamp do
you prefer?
3)What type of lamp are desk floor
you interested in? Small(50-200mm)
celling wall plastic metal wood
Desk lamp Big(500-1000mm) other glass leather
Celling lamp bedroom living room
Wall lamp 2000mm) bathroom kitchen
Floor lamp dining room
Questionnaire analysis

I first found out that a price range of 50QAR – 100QAR was mostly chosen. This will be difficult depending on the final
product. The minimum price for the final product may be about 50QAR – 100QAR. This will reduce the quality of the
product which will disappoint the client. I may need to raise the price to 100QAR – 175QAR. Since 1/3 chose a price range
of 100QAR – 200QAR, 100QAR – 175QAR won't be a big problem.

If found out that a modern style is mostly chosen. It won't be too difficult to create add a modern style to my product. I
think that I should add in different styles for my product. I should try and put different style together depending on what
us chosen the most. E.g. the product will mostly have a modern style, some classic and others.

I found out that a small/medium size range is chosen, between 50mm – 500mm. The size range may go over 500mm or
under 50mm depending on what it will look like and other things like the price, style etc.

I found out that a desk lamp is mostly chosen. This won't be a problem because I was aiming to make a desk lamp. 

I found out that plastic and wood material was mostly chosen. This may be hard because of the weight of plastic and
wood. This may change a few design ideas but overall it should work out fine.

I found out that the lamp will mostly be used in the bedroom and some in the living room. This shouldn’t be hard because
the lamp is supposed to light up a desk and possibly the whole room, so the lamp should be strong and emit a lot of light.
Research analysis
In this slide, I found out why my
Why will this be useful
research is useful for my product

Problem It is useful because I will be able to identify my client's

problem and find ways to solve the problem. I can also add
on my thoughts on how the problem is solved and improve
the products so it will have my client's expectations.

Mood board It is useful because it allows me to explore a range of ideas

from lamps to storage systems. It allows me to use the
ideas and apply it to my products. 

Task analysis It is useful because it allows me to look at a wide range of

ideas a find what my client likes. This will help me on
making my products by applying what my clients like.

Client profile It is useful because it will allow me to find out what my

clients like and dislike, and use it in my product, adding
extra things that my client likes

Product analysis This will be useful because it will give me knowledge on

what makes a product successful and what most people like
about the product. I can then apply this on my product to
make it successful.
Product disassembly This will give me some knowledge on how products are
structured and assembled. How parts are made to be
assembled in firmly.
Material research So that I can see the design and how strong the materials
are. so that I can find out if the material is suitable for the
environment it is used in.
Questionnaire  So that I can see what my client likes, and dislikes and I
can apply the clients expectation onto the product.
In this slide, I can see the
designs side by side and
compare them.
In this slide,
I can see the
designs side
by side and
Specification point
Points/topic explanation
aesthetics YES YES YES/NO YES/NO YES YES YES YES/NO Most of the
designs meets the
points for the
aesthetics. The
ones that has
yes/no means
that they meat
most of the
point. The only
thing they don’t
meet is that they
are not smooth or
they do not
match the
cost NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO All of the designs
does not meet
the specification
points for the
cost of the
product. This is
because the sum
of the costs of
the materials
used will be
larger than the
expected price.
Specification points
Points/topic explanation
designs meet
most of the
points for the
safety of the
product. The
ones that have
YES/NO means
that they do
meet most of
point, the only
point they don’t
meet is that
they mustn’t
have sharp
design ideas
meets the
points. They are
between the
size range
50mm – 500mm
Specification points
Points/topic explanation
products meets
one of the
points for the
function of the
product. They
all have a light
source. The
ones with
YES/NO means
that they do
provide a light
source but do
not have a
storage system.
materials YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES All the designs
are made of
wood and/or
Environment YES/MAYBE YES YES YES YES YES YES YES All designs are
made of wood
and/or plastic,
making almost
every material
Specification points 2
Points/topic explanation
Aesthetics YES YES YES/MAYBE YES All the products meet the
specification points. They all
can match the surroundings,
smooth and have a strong
light source
cost YES NO YES YES Because all the products can
be made of plastic and 1
product will cost more than
the expected price because
of the material It uses.
safety YES/NO YES YES YES/NO Most of the products meets
the specification points for
the safety of the product.
The ones that has YES/NO
means that they do meet the
safety points, the only point
they don’t meet are the
sharp edges.
Size YES YES YES YES All the specification points
for the size are met. They all
range between 50mm –
Function YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES All the designs meet on of
the specification points for
the function. They have a
light source. The ones that
has No means that they do
not have a storage system.
Specification points 2

Points/topic explanation
material YES YES/NO YES YES Most of the designs meet the
specification points. The
only one with Yes/No does
not meet all the
specification point. This is
because The sphere will
most likely be a fluorescent
environment YES YES/MAYBE YES YES Because most of the
materials is made of wood
and/or plastic. So it will
likely be recyclable. The
only one that might not be
recyclable is the one with
YES/MARBE. This is because
of the fluorescent material.
Some fluorescent can be
recyclable and others cant.

From slide 28-32, I can see

which design meets the
specification points and I
can chose which one would
fit the client the most.
Design description
150mm x 150mm x200mm.
Sphere is made out of  transparent plastic so
that it is not fragile and it is safe to touch 40mm x 170mm x 150mm.
since it won't be too hot from the bulb. The The stand or "legs" are made of
base will be made out of wood so that it wood. The rest of the product is
is durable and it is easy to carve on simple made of plastic. There will be led
designs on the base. There will be a bulb inside lights attatched to the "pop". The
the sphere so that it can emit light and edges won't be as sharp as the
because the sphere is made out of transparent design. There is no way to replace
plastic, the plastic can spread the light out. batteries or LED lights.
The sphere will be removable so that the client
can replace the bulb at any time. There are
some space between the legs which allows a
cable to go through so that it can connect to
the bulb and the socket.

120mm x 120mm x 200mm.

This design is similar to a bulding in 100mm x 150mm x 200mm.
a city. The square windows on The base and vase will be made of
the tall cuboid is where the light will wood so that it is durable. The stem
be emitted. These windows will be of the flower will be made of plastic
made of plastic. There will be LED so that it won't let any contact to
lights attached to the widows. The what is inside it. Inside the stem,
top part of the bulding will be there will be whires that will be
removable so that the client can connected to a bulb that is placed
replace the batteries at anytime. inside a plastic flower. There will be
There are 4 storage spaces ( 50mm x some space to store things in the
50mm x 50mm) at the bottom of the base of the product. The bulb will be
bulding. There will be a line of led surrounded by a plastic flower to
lights attached to the bottem of avoid any contact to the bul.
these storage spaces.
Design description
200mm x 200mm x 300mm 100mm x 100mm x 150mm
The tree will be made of wood. The product will be made of wood.
There will be some space in the tree There will be LED strips attached to
so that it allow whires to go through the bottom, middle and top of the
to power the bulbs. There will be a product. The inside base will be
cacoon like object hanging from the lifted to create space for batteries.
tree. There will be about 3-5 The bottom part of the product will
cacoons, one of them will be placed be removable to be able to replace
on  top. The strings that hangs the the batteries.
cacoon will be made of plasti. There
will be some space in the string so 100mm x 150mm x 220mm
that whires can connect to the bulb. This trophy design can be changed to
The bulb will be placed in the any trophy the client prefers. The
cacoon. The cacoon will be made of base and neck will be made of
transparent plastic so that the light metal. There are LED strips attached
can be spread. to each end of the rugby ball. The
rugby ball will be made of rubber.
150mm x 150mm x 300m
There will be a removable part in
The tentacle design will be made of
wood. The light source will be led the neck so that the client can
replace the batteries.
lights that is inside a bulb shaped
container. There will be metal
50mm x 120mm x 120mm
frames around the bulb to make it
Simple design with shapes. Can be
look as if it is an actual bulb. The
replaced with other shapes. The
underpart of the product will be
product will be made of plastic. LED
removable so that the client can
strips will be placed in the inner part
replace the LED lights or batteries.
of the shape. The box on the bottom
The top part of the product won't be
will be holding batteries. Can be
as sharp as it seems.
opened to replace batteries. The
sharp edges will be smoothened.
Design description 70mm x 70mm x 150mm
70mm x 140mm x 140mm The product can be made of either
Simple letter design. Can wood or plastic depending on the
be replaced by another client's choice. The stripes that goes
letter. The product will be around will have LED lights. There
made of wood. The borders will be around 20mm – 30mm space
of the product will be for batteries.
made of plastic. LED lights
will be placed inside the
plastic border. There will
be space in the side of the
letter for storing things.

150mm x 150mm x 200mm

100mm x 100mm x 300mm
The product is made of wood. Can
The base and the pole will be made
be made of plastic. There are led
of metal so that it is durable, and it
lights attached around the base of
can hole the shperes. The spheres
the product and in inside. There will
will be made of plastic. The spheres
be space in the middle to store
will be big enough to hold a bulb
inside. The pole will be hollow so
that whires can be connected from
the bulb to the socket. The spheres
will be easily removed so that the
bulb can be replaced.

From slide 33-35, I can

roughly imagine what the
product would look like if it
were to be made.
Client review of drawing
"looks very nice! "very sporty! Is it
Simple polygon but i also only for this kind
like it. But where are of sports or other? I
the lights? Is it in the don't know where
bottom? And the top? the lights are.
Seems like a nice Doesn't seem stable. "is it futuristic?
idea. The storage I dont play sports i like it.i think
may be too big." that much" it fits pencils
and pen? I like
"Looks cool. Are the design. Its
the spheres good. I like
"very simple where the
supposed to be
design with the lights are. I
light? It may use
letters. I like it. think its small.
too many energy
Is it only for this Maybe make it
but i like it!
letter or can it a little bigger?"
Looks nice. How
be other letters?
are the spheres
I like where the
gonna stay in "another
storage system
place. Will it be simple design.
is. But where
heavy? Make Looks nice. Do
are the lights? Is
sure the lights they use LED
it the same as
can spread lights? Can it
the first one?"
everywhere." be for other
shapes? I don't
"similar to the tentacle one. I like know. It seems
it. Its looks good and modern. The so simple that
storage space seems to big but ther is nothing
overall, i like the design." to talk about
Client review of drawing "very simple,
The client likes "What is this supposed pop? Seriously?
this drawing. " its to be? Looks like a Is this
very facinating. tower. Looks nice... supposed to be
Looks like some again, very simple. like a stand?
kind of tower or Cuboid and cube Seems weird.
castle. Looks cool. shapes. I like where Make sure that
The four pointy the storage system is. it is not
thing looks very Doesn't block the pointy! Doesn't
dangerous. Maybe tower view. Similar to look
make them the flower pot one." interesting or
smooth or not so attractive"
pointy? i like the
idea of the orb in "looks creapy!
the middle. Nice but
creapy! How
"very simple "the other
big is it? It has
design. Flower pot drawing is 
to many lights.
and storage system blocking the
Waste of
at the bottem. I tree! Looks like a
energi. Is it
kinda like it? Is the pokemon. Is it
supposed to be
lights inside the supposed to be a
a tentacle? I
flower? Looks very tree? Are those
don't think is is
simple." lanterns hanging
a good idea.
from the tree? I
There's to
like this idea. I
many lamps
think the tree
and it waste
seems way too
From slide 36-37, I can see alot of
big. Maybe add
which product my client energy!"
likes and choose it for the more lights or
the hanging
final product.
Design development 1
Safety: This design may be difficult to develop as
Pine is a very stiff wood which
There isn't much to improve on it has light bulb attached all around it. The
makes it durable and strong. The
safety. The first is to smoothen out first thing I would like to do to improve this
downside to pine is that it is light. It
the top part. It doesn't affect how it design Is the remove the fact that all areas
won't be as good as oak for this are covered with light bulbs. To do this, I
looks or anything else when it is design, but it has a much better
smoothened out so that is fine. The would place the lights in a specific spot or
color. side. This way, it will look like a tentacle.
next is the light. Instead of using The last material is mahogany.
bulbs, I can use led lights. This is to The next is to add a storage system. Just
Mahogany has a beautiful color to it,
prevent any injuries, if the bulbs like the first design development, I will
ranging from a pale pink to a red-
were to be touched. This is because add 1 or 2 holes opposite the lights. This is
brown with a generally straight gran.
the bulbs are hot. The second reason so that there is a storage space for my
It is very durable and resists wood client to use and so that it is safe, the light
is to limit the use of electricity. rot won't be shining into the client's eyes while
Aesthetics: she is storing or taking things out of the
Again, there isn't much to improve. storage space.
It looks good but maybe a little
change can make it look much
better. Like the first design
development, designs can be carved
on the side opposite the lights.
The first material that i think would
go best for this design is Oak. Oak is
widely known. It has a very nice
color to it, ranging  from light brown
to pink-red with a swirling or striped
grain. Oak is exceedingly strong and
durable. It is also heavy, making it a
good choice for this design.
 The second is pine. Pine is another
good-looking wood, ranging its colors
from white to light brown with
yellow or red tones. Pine wood is
known for its  beautiful knots.
Design development 2 carpenters love to work with
Safety: this wood. The last material that i There's not a lot of things to develop with this
The first thing I would do to make would like to use for this design is design. I think it is fine on its own, but a little
this design safe is to smoothen out oak wood. Oak is widely known. It improvement will make it much better. First, I
the point at the top. The next thing has a very nice color to it, ranging  need to create some space to be attach batteries
is to smoothen out the sharp edges. from light brown to pink-red with a and make sure that it can be replaceable. To do
swirling or striped grain. Oak is this, I will create space on the bottom of the
Aesthetics: exceedingly strong and durable. design. I will make the design stand on a cylinder
There are afew things that can be object. This cylinder object will be hollow so
improved in this design. First, i think that it can store the batteries. Next, I will add
that the design needs to be one another level to the design so that anything that
whole design. This design looks as if needs to be stored can be organized into 2
two symetrical designs were to be groups, maybe 3 if possible.
glued onto a circular platform. This
design also looks like the design on
the 2 development. It looks more
like a tentacle. I can also carve some Click to add text
designs on the product to make it
look good.
The first material that comes to my
mind is ash. Ash wood has a nice
light color. Ash wood is durable,
tough and flexible. It has excellent
gluing properties. Ash wood grow in
most parts of the world, so it is
worldwide. However, ash produces a
distinct and moderately unpleasent
smell while working on it. The next
is beechwood. Beech trees are
diciduous. Beechwood is quite
durable and resistant to abrasion
and shock. The color ranges from
pink to reddish brown. Because
beech steam-bends as readily as ash,
Design development 3
Walnut is hard, relatively heavy and
Safety: resilient, capable of resisting There are a few things I can do to improve the
The first thing I would do to make warping and suffering very little design. One of them is to have 2 different kind of
this design safe is to smoothen out shrinkage. The grain is irregular but storage system. One of them is already drawn.
the pointy corners. Both the top and typically straight with a medium The other storage system I'm thinking of is to
the bottom.  texture. Walnut has a similar color make little drawers for little items like paper
to mahogany and Rose wood. clip, pins, erasers etc. Next, I would improve the
Aesthetics: lighting. The lighting is not very efficient so I'm
There are some things I can do to thinking of using epoxy resin mixed with epoxy
improve the designs. First, would hardener and burry the LEDs inside it. This way,
add some designs on the tower. the light is more efficient, and it will look much
Make it look more appealing. Since better than the original design.
the lights will be in the tower, I can
use epoxy resin mixed with epoxy
hardener. I can add different designs
using the epoxy resin mixture and
burry the LED lights inside the
The first material that comes to
mind is mahogany. Mahogany has a
beautiful color to it, ranging from a
pale pink to a red-brown with a
generally straight gran. It is very
durable and resists wood rot.
The second material that comes to
mind is rosewood. Rosewood is a ROSE WOOD
hardwood and very durable .
Rosewood has a color like Mohagany,
but it is browner, and it gives the
product a more pleasing look.
The last material that comes to mind From slide 38-40, I explore
is Walnut. 
WALLNUT ways I can develop the
product while looking back
at the specification points. 
Final designs In this slide, I can see the
designs side by side and
compare them.
Design Analysis 1
This design started off as two similar products. I then decided that two similar products
will take up more space than one, so I came up with an idea that combines the designs
into one. There are still some similarities from this designs and the two designs. The only
difference is that it has two levels of storage space. I then produced a prototype of the
product which then gave me a much better understanding of what the products will look
like and how it will function. I realized that the dimensions weren’t appropriate so I will
have to make some adjustments. Overall, I think that the product fits its purposed and
the client also liked it and chose it as the final solution.
Storage system

There are two storage spaces. One at the bottom and one in the middle. There is a large "hole" in
the back of the design so that if anything inside can't be reached from the front, then it can be
taken out from the back. The bottom space is for storing large items like pencils, pens and
stationary items. The middle storage space is to store small items that is needed from time to time
like keys.


I thought that ash wood would go best for this design. This is because this design has a
modern look to it. Ash would go best for this design because of the color and the durability.
Ash has a nice light color to it which will make the product more modern like. Ash is also
flexible, tough and durable which should make it easier to work with. Ash wood has great
gluing properties which will make the product tough. The platform for the middle storage
space will be made out of plastic. I was thinking of making it out of glass, but the strength of
the glass attached to the product won't be strong enough support the weight of many
objects stored on it.

The product is based on a modern like object. The design of the product fits well with the
theme. The design has been slightly improved by combining two similar designs into one.
The platform in the middle of the product also makes it look more modernistic. There are
LED light attached to the edges which blends in with the product design. 
Design Analysis 2
The idea is based on a tentacle design. The Suction cups of the tentacle are lights. The
suckers will be made of a transparent, Robust material, preferably Polycarbonate plastics.
The plastic should allow maximum amount of light through such that the place where it is
used will be lit up if it is the only light source. The materials that is used for the
surroundings of the suckers should be able to emit some light but also differentiate the
tentacles and the surroundings. The line between the Suction Cups and the Storage
system is to separate them and provides an idea of where the light source will be placed.

   Storage System

    There are 3 Spaces to store small items like keys, keychains, jewelry etc. The Spaces
Ascend size from the top of the product to the bottom. The 3 different size and space
are to organize items. There is a small space between each storage so that it can be
labeled using a sticky note or carving letters.

I thought that mahogany would be best for this design. This is because the color
of Mahogany reflects the color of a cephalopod, specifically an octopus.
The beautiful red-brown color reflects the color of a common octopus. Mahogany
also has a generally straight grain which will make it perfect for the design.
Mahogany is also very durable and resists wood rot, which will make it a long-
lasting product.
The aesthetics of the product has been slightly improved, but it shows a big
difference between the first and final design. First, the lighting (suckers) have
been moved to one place so that it is not to distracting. Then 3 storage space has
been added, opposite the light so that the light won't be causing any pain in the
eye when reaching for an item in the storage space. A line has
been added between the two to separate them.

Overall, I think that this is a great improvement of the product and the outcome
is very different from the first design even though minimal changes has been
Design Analysis 3 From slide 41-44, I can see
what I have done to the
The design started off as a tall hotel like structure with 4 containers on each corner to product, how I've improved
store pens, pencils, ruler etc. I decided to use a different design for the center piece. I it and if there is any
came up with a design that will emit light on each of the 4 corners. I changed 2 containers improvement needed.
to small drawers since the containers are big and the client won't need to store that many
items in the container. The drawers would be big enough store small items like rubbers,
keys, keyring, paper clips etc.

   Storage System

    There are 2 containers at the corners to store day-to-day items like pencils, pens,
rulers etc. On the opposite side, there are 4 small drawers to store the rest of the
item like rubbers, paper clips, keys, keyrings etc. The containers are on the opposite
side of the drawers since the pencils, pens and rulers are long and it is easy to access
The material that would fit the design would be Mahogany. The color fits the
design, and it is tough. The empty space in the tall design will be filled with
epoxy resin mixed with epoxy hardener. It is transparent so I can add any designs
in it like floral design or colorful strips. 

The aesthetics of the product has been slightly improved, but it does make a
difference from the original design. The only thing that is changed is the center
part of the product and 2 of the containers have been changed into drawers.
Overall, I think that the product fits a futuristic look while keeping that nature
Final decision
In this slide, I can see the
final product with all its
improvements, making it a
Final improvements
suitable solution to the
clients problem.

I've made some small improvements to make sure that the product meets
all of the specification. The first improvement is the lights area. I made it so
that it is not split into sections so that it is more efficient. It also provides
room for decorations. I've also made it so that the center section can be
taken out to provide more room for storage. I made the 2 back containers
50mm lower since the container is taller than half the length of a typical
pencil, making it hard for any short pencils to be taken out or even seen..
Finally, I smoothen out any sharp edges and corners to make it safe.

Client's review:
The client is very pleased with the outcome. It meets all of the
specification points except 1 (cost). The cost is a bit more than the one in
the specification points but that doesn't bother the client too much.
Making the prototype/cardboard model
I drew the base of the product on a piece of cardboard
that is 7.5mm tall. I drew a 300mm x 300mm square
since that is the shape of the boarder. Then I measured
100mm from the sides and drew a line going through the
square, making 9 100mm x 100mm squares inside the
300mm x 300mm square. I then measure the center of
the middle squares and drew a line coming from the 2
outside corners of the middle square, making an
isosceles triangle. Then I marked out 25mm from the
middle square and drew a line parallel to the middle
square. Then I connected the center drawing creating a
square with chamfered corners. I then re-measure the
lines that I drew to make sure that they're all the exact

I then used an exactor knife and a ruler to cut along the

lines. I made sure to make a mark before I cut so that I
don't make any mistakes when cutting the cardboard.
I shaded the areas I need to cut out so that I don't get
confused with which lines I should cut along
I cut out the middle section so that I can use it as a guideline to measure the
walls of the product since the measurement of the middle section is irrational.
I then marked 150mm from the mark made by the middle section and
completed the rectangle. I re-measured all measurements to make sure they
are correct and slowly cut them using an exactor knife and a ruler. I made 2
rectangles, one thin and one thick, so that I can use them as a template to
make sure that the rest of the walls are accurate. I then started assembling
them using tape. I started off by adding tape to the bottom of the thick
rectangle and taped it to the base of the product. I repeated the process with
the thin rectangle. I then taped the thick and thin rectangles together to make
sure they are tight and they're perpendicular to the base of the product.
I repeated this process until all the rectangles that I
Cut has been used.
Orthographic and exploded drawing In this slide, I can see the
dimensions of the products
In detail and the different
parts of the product.
Plan of production
Parts Tools and Machines Process Health and Safety Quality Control Quality check
Base of the product ( Border : Pencil, ruler, try square, Band Using a band saw, cut out a Use safety goggles when using Measure 5mm on the Measure the thickness of the
300mm x 300mm x 5mm) saw. block of wood (300mm+ x the band saw.  edge board 3 or more times. wood on 3 or more different
Material : mahogany 300mm+) to make it 10mm Make sure that your fingers are Use a tri-square to draw a location on each edge, making
thick. Using sandpaper, sand the as far away as possible from perpendicular line.  sure it is 5mm
rough edges until you reach the the band saw.  To be more accurate, use a thick. Use something that has
line. Then mark out a 300mm- When using the band saw, try protractor after using the tri- a 90-degree edge (paper)
by-300mm square on the wood. to keep on cutting forward to square. and place it on the corners to
Mark out 100mm-by-100mm avoid the saw snapping or Make sure to measure 3 times see if the lines are
squares in the 300mm-by- other dangerous events. or more. perpendicular to one another.
300mm. There should be 9 If the saw snaps, back away Use a pencil so that any
100mm squares inside the
from the machine and wait and mistakes can be erased easily,
300mm square. Mark the squares
see if there are any pieces and it does not leave a mark.
from 1 to 9, starting at the top
flying off the machine, if not Use a fence that is parallel to
left square, going to the right.
Draw a parallel line that is
then turn the machine off. the saw when using the band
25mm away from the edges of Wear an apron saw so that the piece that has
the middle square. Then draw a been cut is parallel or
line from the 2 outer corners of perpendicular to the
the square 2 to the center of the neighboring lines.
edge(parallel to the outer edge
of square 2) of square 5. This
should form an isosceles
triangle. Repeat this process to
square 4, 6 and 8. Mark a dot
where the edge of the isosceles
triangle meets the line that is
25mm away from square 5. Do
this for the rest of the isosceles
triangle. Then connect the dots,
forming an octagon where 4
sides are of equal length to one
another and the other 4 are
equal. Draw a similar octagon
that is 10mm away from large
octagon. Shade the isosceles
triangle, leaving the smaller
triangle that is inside the
octagon unshaded. Shade the
inner octagon. Draw a similar
design, leaving only 2 pentagons
(shapes on the corner).
Plan of production
Parts Tools and Machines Process Health and Safety Quality Control Quality check
Base of the product ( Border : Scroll saw, Flat file, sandpaper Using a scroll saw, cut out the Use safety goggles when using Make sure to cut off a few mm See if the line is still visible. If
300mm x 300mm x 5mm)  permitter of the 300mm square. the scroll saw. Make sure your away from the marked line so not, then you've sand it passed
+ top. Make sure to cut 5-10mm away finger is as far away as possible that you can sand it down to the line. Use something that
Material : mahogany from the edge of the square. File from the scroll saw. Slowly the line. When sanding it, pay has a 90-degree edge (paper)
the edge using a flat file and finish
move the wood when using the attention that it does not pass and place it on the 90-degree
it off with a sandpaper. File and
sand until it reach the edge of the scroll saw to avoid the blade the line. Make sure to stop corners to see if the lines are
300mm square. Then cut out the snapping of. If the blade does when it reaches the line or perpendicular to one another.
shaded area, starting with the ones snap of then back of the before it reaches line, and you
at the edge of the square. Make machine and wait and see if can sand it later.
sure to cut 5-10mm away from the anything flies off the machine.
line. Then drill a hole in the center If not, then turn the machine
of the square. Detach the blade off.
from the scroll saw and place it Make sure the blade is tightly
into the hole of the wood and then placed in its spot when putting
place the blade back in. Cut out
the shaded octagon, making sure
it back off. 
that it is 5-10 mm away from the Make sure the machine is
octagon. Then remove the blade completely if when removing
from the scroll saw and take the the blade(better to turn the
blade out of the wooden square. power off from the plug).
Then place the blade back into the Wear an apron
scroll saw. Using a Flat file, file
the edges that were cut until its
around 2-3mm away from the line
drawn. Then using a sandpaper
(150 – 200 grit sandpaper) sand the
edges until it meets the marked
line. Repeat this cutting and
sand/file process for the octagon.
Using the same steps, create a
similar base, only creating the two
pentagon that are in the corners. 
Use the pentagon hole in the
middle of the product and trim the
pentagon onto a 5mm thick wood.
Cut it out using the scroll saw,
making sure it is a few mm away
from the line and us a Flat file and
a 150-200 grit sandpaper to file
and sand until it meets the line. 
Plan of production
Parts Tools and Machines Process Health and Safety Quality Control Quality check
Walls Pencil, scissor, ruler, tri- Use a paper and draw the Use safety goggles when using Remeasure a few times before Measure the thickness of the
10mm thick square, band saw, paper, Flat perimeter of the wood that has the band saw.  cutting. When sanding it, rectangles 3 or more times on
150mm and 100mm long File, Sandpaper. been cut out(trace using the Make sure that your fingers are pay attention that it does different location, making sure
Material : Mahogany wood piece). Cut out the paper as far away as possible from not pass the line. Make sure to it is 10mm thick. Use something
using scissors. Then, using the the band saw.  stop when it reaches the line or that has a 90-degree edge
paper, draw the edge of the When using the band saw, try before it reaches line, and you (paper) and place it on the
isosceles triangle and the to keep on cutting forward to can sand it later. corners of the rectangle to see
smaller edge connected to the avoid the saw snapping or Use a tri-square to draw if the lines are perpendicular to
isosceles triangle onto a block other dangerous events. perpendicular lines. To be more one another.
of wood(more than 50mm If the saw snaps, back away accurate, use a protractor after
thick). Using a tri-square, draw from the machine and wait and using the tri-square. Use a
two perpendicular line (150mm see if there are any pieces pencil so that any mistakes can
long) from the corners of the flying off the machine, if not be erased easily, and it does
lines drawn. Connect the lines, then turn the machine off. not leave a mark. Use a fence
forming a rectangle. Draw a Wear an apron that is parallel to the saw
similar rectangle that is 100mm when using the band saw so
long. Draw a 150mm long that the piece that has
rectangles on the smaller been cut is parallel
line. Using a band saw, cut out or perpendicular to
the rectangles, making sure it the neighboring lines.
is 5-10mm away from the line.
Then file the rough edges using
a flat file and sand the filed
edges using a 150-200 grit
sandpaper until it reaches the
line. Then mark out a 10mm
thick piece of wood on the
edge of the wooden block. Cut
along the marked line using a
band saw, making sure it is
5mm away from the line. File
the edges using a flat file and
sand them using a 150-200mm
grit sandpaper until it reaches
the line. Repeat the process
from marking out 10mm on the
same block until there are 4
rectangles of the same
perimeter. Repeat the cutting
on process on the rest of the
Plan of production
Parts Tools and Machines Process Health and Safety Quality Control Quality check
Drawers Pencil, ruler, tri-square, band Draw a 65mm x 90mm rectangle Use safety goggles when using Remeasure a few times Measure the thickness of the
(90mm x 90mm x 65mm) saw, coping saw, Flat File, on a 60mm thick wood using a the band saw.  before cutting. Make sure to wood in different areas, making
Material : Wallnut Sandpaper, vice. pencil, ruler and tri-square. Cut Make sure that your fingers are cut a few mm away from the sure it is 7.5mm thick. Use a
the rectangle using a band saw, as far away as possible from the line so that any errors can be paper or something that has a
making sure that it is around band saw.  avoided. Use a fence when right angle and place it on the
5mm away from the line. File the When using the band saw, try using the band saw so that the corners of the wood, making
rough edges and sand it using a to keep on cutting forward to wood is straight. Use a sure that the corners are right
Flat File and a 150-200 grit avoid the saw snapping or protactor after using the tri- angles.
sandpaper. Then measure out other dangerous events. square to make sure the angle
7.5mm from the side of the
If the saw snaps, back away is 90-degrees.
rectangle, making a 7.5mm thick
from the machine and wait and
wood. Cut the wood along the
see if there are any pieces
line using a band saw. Repeat
the process on the left-over flying off the machine, if not
wood. Draw a 90mm square on a then turn the machine off.
7.5mm thick wood. place the Wear an apron
wood in a vice and cut it around
5mm away from the line using a
coping saw. File the rough
edges and sand it using a Flat
File and a 150-200 grit

Center walls Pencil, ruler, tri-square, band Draw a 90mm x 150mm rectangle Use safety goggles Remeasure a few times Measure the thickness of
(90mm x 10mm x 150mm) saw, Flat File, sandpaper. on a 70mm thick wood using a when using the band saw.  before cutting. Make sure to the wood in different
Material : mahogany pencil and tri-square. Cut the Make sure that your fingers cut a few mm away from the areas, making sure it is 10mm
rectangles using a band saw, are as far away as possible line so that any errors can be thick. Use a paper or something
making sure that it is around from the band saw.  avoided. Use a fence when that has a right angle and place
5mm away from the line. File When using the band using the band saw so that the it on the corners of the
and sand the rough edges using a saw, try to keep on wood is straight. Use a wood, making sure that the
flat file and a 150-200 grit cutting forward to avoid the protractor after using the tri- corners are right angles.
sandpaper. Cut out 4 12mm thick saw snapping square to make sure the angle
wood from the 90mm x 150mm
or other dangerous events. is 90-degrees.
block of wood using a band saw.
If the saw snaps,
Sand the rough edges using a
back away from the
150-200 grit sandpaper until it
becomes 10mm thick.
machine and wait and see if
there are any pieces flying
off the machine, if
not then turn the machine off.
Wear an apron
Plan of production
Parts Tools and Machines Process Health and Safety Quality Control Quality check
Walls for the container of the Pencil, ruler, tri square, Band Use a pencil, ruler and tri- Use Remeasure a remeasure all the measurement
drawers.  saw, sandpaper, flat file. square to mark out a 150mm x safety goggles when using the few times before cutting. Make s, making sure it is the
Material: mahogany 100mm rectangle on a 60mm band saw.  sure to cut a few mm away correct measurement. Use a
thick wood. Cut out using a Make sure from the line so that any errors right-angled object to check if
band saw, making sure it is that your fingers are as far can be avoided. Use an apron.  the wood is cut so that it is
5mm away from the line. Use a away as possible from the a rectangle.
flat file and a 150-200 grit band saw. 
sandpaper to file and sand the When using
rough edges. Measure 10mm on the band saw, try to
the side of the block. Cut out keep on cutting forward
using a band saw, making sure to avoid the saw snapping or ot
it is 5mm away from the line. her dangerous events.
Use a flat file and a 150-200 If the
grit sandpaper to file and sand saw snaps, back away from the 
the rough edges. Repeat until machine and wait
you have 4 150mm x 100mm and see if there are
rectangle that is 10mm thick. any pieces flying off the
machine, if not then turn the
machine off.
Wear an apron.
Support for the drawer. Pencil, ruler, tri-square, Mark out a 100mm x 95mm Use safety Remeasure a few remeasure
Material: mahogany bandsaw, flat file, sandpaper. rectangle on a 30mm thick goggles when using the band times before cutting. Make sure all the measurements, making
wood using a pencil, ruler and saw.  to cut a few mm away from sure it is the correct
tri-square. Cut out using a band Make sure that the line so that any errors can measurement. Use a right-
saw, making sure to cut 5mm your fingers are as far away be avoided. Use an apron.  angled object to check if the
away from the line. Use a flat as possible from the band saw.  wood is cut so that it is a
file and a 150-200 grit When using the rectangle.
sandpaper to file and sand the band saw, try to keep
rough edges until it meets the on cutting forward to avoid
line. Mark a 10mm thick line on the saw snapping or other dang
the side using a pencil and tri- erous events.
square, to produce a 10mm If the saw
thick 100mm x 95mm snaps, back away from
rectangle. Cut using a band the machine and wait and see
saw, making sure it is 5mm if there are any
away from the line. Use a flat pieces flying off the machine,
file and 150-200 grit sandpaper if not then turn the machine
to file and sand the rough off.
edges until it meets the line. Wear an apron.
Repeat so that you have 2
100mm x 95mm rectangle that
is 10mm thick.
Plan of production
Parts Tools and Machines Process Health and Safety Quality Control Quality check
Walls for the 4 walls for the top Pencil, paper, scissor, ruler, Using the paper from the making Use safety goggles when using Remeasure a few times Measure the thickness of the
product tri-square, band saw, Flat File, of the 3 part, connect the the band saw.  before cutting. Make sure to wood in different areas, making
(16.71573 mm x 5mm x 450mm Sandpaper. shortest edges together, making Make sure that your fingers are cut a few mm away from the sure it is 5mm thick and
+ 10mm x 3.53553 mm x an octagon with 4 long equal and as far away as possible from the line so that any errors can be measure the other wood piece
450mm) 4 short equal sides. Draw a band saw.  avoided. Use a fence when in different areas, making sure
Material : mahogany similar octagon that is smaller When using the band saw, try using the band saw so that the it is 3.5mm thick. Use a paper
than the bigger octagon, making to keep on cutting forward to wood is straight and or something that has a right
sure it is 10mm away from the avoid the saw snapping or perpendicular. Use a protractor angle and place it on the
bigger octagon. Cut out the other dangerous events. after using the tri-square to corners of the wood, making
smaller octagon using scissors.
If the saw snaps, back away make sure the angle is 90- sure that the corners are right
Trace the short edges onto a
from the machine and wait and degrees. angles. Re-measure the all the
40mm thick wood. Draw a
see if there are any pieces sides, making sure it is the
perpendicular using a tri square
450mm line on the corner of the flying off the machine, if not correct measurement. Bigger
edge drawn. Connect the line then turn the machine off. rectangle 16.71mm x 5mm x
creating a 16.71573mm x 450mm Wear an apron 450mm. Smaller rectangle
rectangle. Cut out the rectangle 10mm x 3.53mm x 450mm.
using a band saw, making sure it
is 5mm away from the edge. File
and sand using a flat file and a
150-200 grit sandpaper until it
meets the line. Cut out 4 5-
10mm thick rectangle from the
block of wood. File and sand
using a flat file and a 150-200
grit sandpaper until the
rectangle is 5mm thick. Draw a
10mm x 450mm rectangle on a
45mm thick wood. Cut out
the rectangle using a band
saw, making sure it is 5mm
away from the edge. File and
sand using a flat file and a 150-
200 grit sandpaper until it
meets the line. Cut out 8 3-
5mm thick rectangle from the
block of wood. File and sand
using a flat file and a 150-200
grit sandpaper until the
rectangle is 3.5mm thick.
Plan of production (joints)
Parts Tools and Machines Process Health and Safety Quality Control Quality check
Top octagon  Pencil, paper, ruler, band saw, Using the octagon from the Use safety goggles when using Remeasure a few times Measure the thickness of the
(16.71573 mm x 80.10408 mm x Flat File, Sandpaper. previous step, trace the the band saw.  before cutting. Make sure to wood in different areas, making
10mm) octagon onto a 10mm thick Make sure that your fingers are cut a few mm away from the sure it is 10mm thick. Re-
Material : mahogany wood using a pencil and ruler. as far away as possible from the line so that any errors can be measure the all the sides,
Cut out the octagon using a band saw.  avoided. Use a fence when making sure it is the correct
band saw, making sure to cut When using the band saw, try using the band saw so that the measurement. 
around 5mm away from the to keep on cutting forward to wood is straight and
line. File and sand using a flat avoid the saw snapping or perpendicular. 
file and a 150-200 grit other dangerous events.
sandpaper until it meets the If the saw snaps, back away
line.  from the machine and wait and
see if there are any pieces
flying off the machine, if not
then turn the machine off.
Wear an apron

Finger joints to connect the Pencil, Tri square, ruler, coping Draw a smaller shape, similar Make sure to use two hands Remeasure a few Remeasure all the
walls to the base. saw, Flat file, Vice. to the shape of the base, onto when using the coping saw. times before cutting. Make sure measurements, making sure it
the base using a pencil and Make sure to be standing when to cut a few mm away from is the correct measurement.
ruler. Make sure the shape is using the coping saw. Slowly the line so that any errors can Re-measure the distance of the
10mm away from the edges. blow the dust from the wood be avoided. make sure to be smaller shape from the bigger
Then draw perpendicular lines from time to time. parallel with the base when shape, making sure it is 10mm.
from the inner shape to the Wear an apron cutting so that it cuts in a
edge of the wood, around the straight line.
perimiter of the smaller shape,
making sure they are 10mm
apart. Shade the parts that
needs to be cut for a finger
joint. Place the base on a vice
and cut the shaded areas using
a coping saw, making sure to
cut a few mm away from the
line. Use a flat file to file the
rough edges until it meets the
Plan of production (Joints)
Parts Tools and Machines Process Health and Safety Quality Control Quality check
Finger joints on the walls. Pencil, ruler, tri square, coping Take the base and place it Make sure to use two Remeasure a few times Remeasure all
saw, Flat File, vice. ontop of the walls, making sure hands when using the coping before cutting. Make sure to the measurements, making sure
that the wall is in the place saw. Make sure to be standing cut a few mm away from the it is the correct measure ment.
where it will be once it is when using the coping saw. line so that any errors can be Try and connect the walls to
joined together. Trace the Wear an apron. Slowly blow the avoided. Make sure to look the base, making sure it fits
finger joint from the base to dust from the wood away from horizontally when using the and it's not loose.
the wall and repeat for the rest time to time. Wear an apron coping saw so that its straight.
of the walls. Shade the areas
where the base meets the
walls, creating the other part
of the finger joint. Turn the
walls on the larger flat side.
Draw a parallel line(using a
ruler, tri square and pencil)
from the place where the
finger joint is draw, making
sure it is 5mm away from the
edge. Do this for the rest of the
walls. Place one wall on a vice
and cut out the shaded area,
making sure to cut a few mm
away from the line. Use a flat
file to file the rough edges until
it meets the line. Repeat for
the rest of the walls.

Rebate joints to connect the marking gauge, ruler, tenon Mark out 5mm on the marking Make sure to place you fingers Remeasure a few remeasure
100mm width walls. saw, Flat File, wooden guage using a ruler. Use the as far away as possible from the times before cutting. Make sure all the measurements, making
benchmark. marking guage to draw a 5mm tenon saw. Slowly blow the dust to cut a few mm away from sure it is the correct measure
parallel line on the side of one from the wood away from time the line so that any errors can ment. Try and connect the
of the 100mm wall so that the to time to avoid it is going into be avoided. Do not apply a lot walls to the base and connect
mark is on the left side of the your eyes. Wear an apron. of pressure when using the the walls to each other, making
finger joint. Place the wood on tenon saw since the top part is sure it fits well and it is not
a benchmark and cut using a heave and gravity will do its loose.
tenon saw, making sure it is a job. Blow the dusts from the
few mm away from the line. wood from time to time to
Use a flat file to file the rough clearly see the lines.
edges until it meets the line.
Do this for the rest of the
100mm walls.
Plan of production (joints)
Parts Tools and Machines Process Health and Safety Quality Control Quality check
Mitre joints Pencil, ruler, tri square, band Place the walls on top of the base, Use safety goggles Remeasure a few times Put the walls and base
saw, Flat File, sandpaper. as if it were to be jointed when using the band saw.  before cutting. Make sure to together, making sure they fit
together. Using a pencil, mark a Make sure that your fingers cut a few mm away from the firmly.
line (on the inside of the wall) are as far away as possible line so that any errors can be
from the corners of the shape that from the band saw.  avoided. Make sure to use
is 10mm smaller than the
When using the band guards when using the band
perimeter of the base. Repeat for
the rest of the corners that do not saw, try to keep on saw to cut the wood in a
have a perpendicular partner. cutting forward to avoid the straight line.
Repeat the process but this time saw snapping
using the perimeter of the base or other dangerous events.
and the outer side of the wall. Us If the saw snaps,
a pencil and a tri square to extend back away from the
so that it is perpendicular to the machine and wait and see if
edge of the wood. Connect the there are any pieces flying
two lines (outer and inner side of
off the machine, if
the wall) on top of the wall so that
it produce an acute and obtuse
not then turn the machine off.
angle. Repeat for the rest of the Wear an apron
walls. Use a band saw to cut along
the lines, making sure it is 5mm
away from the line, towards the
smaller side. Use a Flat file and a
150-200 grit sandpaper to file and
sand the rough faces until it
reaches the line. Repeat for the
rest of the walls.

Finger joints on the walls and Pencil, ruler, tri square, Repeat the steps from making Make sure to use Remeasure a few Remeasure
the top. coping saw, Flat File, vice. the finger joints on the base two hands when using the times before cutting. Make sure all the measurements, making
and the walls but this time on coping saw. Make sure to be to cut a few mm away from sure it is the correct
the top and on the taller walls. standing when using the coping the line so that any errors can measurement. Try and connect
saw. be avoided. Make sure to the walls to the top, making
Wear an apron. Slowly blow look horizontally when using sure it fits and it's not loose.
the dust from the wood away the coping saw so that its
from time to time. Wear an straight.
Plan of production (joints)
Parts Tools and Machines Process Health and Safety Quality Control Quality check
housing joints for the inner Pencil, ruler, tri square, band Connect the tall walls.  Use safety goggles Remeasure a few times connect the walls together,
walls saw, Flat File. when using the band saw.  before cutting. Make sure to making sure they fit firmly.
Make sure that your fingers cut a few mm away from the
are as far away as possible line so that any errors can be
from the band saw.  avoided. Make sure to use
When using the band guards when using the band
saw, try to keep on saw to cut the wood in a
Draw this exact shape on the walls cutting forward to avoid the straight line.
Carefully cut out using a band saw, saw snapping
making sure to leave some space in or other dangerous events.
the inside so that you can file it. If the saw snaps,
Then file it using a flat file. back away from the
machine and wait and see if
there are any pieces flying
off the machine, if
not then turn the machine off.
Wear an apron

Housing joint for the base of Pencil, ruler, tri square, Band On the 6 tall walls, put a 70mm Use safety goggles when using the Remeasure a few Connect the walls and insert
the drawer. saw, Flat file. mark from the bottom of the band saw.  times before cutting. Make sure the drawers support, making
walls, on the inner side of the Make sure that your fingers are as to cut a few mm away from sure they fit firmly.
walls. Then draw a far away as possible from the the line so that any errors can
band saw. 
perpendicular line all the way be avoided. Make sure to
When using the band saw, try to
across the wall. Then draw a keep on cutting forward to avoid use guards when using the
parallel line above the the saw snapping or other dangero band saw to cut the wood in
perpendicular line, making sure us events. a straight line.
it is 10mm apart. On the sides If the saw snaps, back away from
of the walls, continue the line the machine and wait and see
by 5mm. Then connect the if there are any
line. Cut out the line using a pieces flying off the machine,
band saw, making room to file if not then turn the machine off.
in inside of the cut. File using a Wear an apron
flat file.
Plan of production (joints)
Parts Tools and Machines Process Health and Safety Quality Control Quality check
hole on the top and bottom for Pillar drill, brad point drill bit, Place the top part onto a scrap Use safety goggles when using Remeasure a few times before Plug in a 20mm diameter
the fluorescent light. clamp wood. Clamp both pieces onto a the pillar drill. Use apron. Make drilling. Blow of excess dust. fluorescent bulb and make sure
table to prevent it from moving sure your fingers are as far Slowly use the pillar drill and it fits firmly.
when drilling. Use a tape to mark away as possible from the drill make sure to stop right when
out 5mm on a 20mm diameter brad
bit. the tape is above the top
point drill bit. Mark out a 20mm
diameter circle on the center of piece.
the top piece. Place the drill bit in
the pillar drill. Start the drill and
carefully drill the top piece and
stop until the tape is right above
the wood piece. Repeat the
process for the bottom piece.

Rebate joints Pencil, band saw, Flat file. Place the walls onto the top Use safety Re measure a few time before Assemble the pieces together,
To connect the  octagon part as if it were to be goggles when using the band saw.  cutting. Slowly cut using the making sure they fit firmly.
Walls and the top connected for the final Make sure that band saw to avoid any
And bottom part. product. Use a pencil and trace your fingers are as far away mistakes.
as possible from the band saw. 
the sizes of the walls onto the
When using the
top. Mark a 5mm line on the band saw, try to keep
side of the octagon. Cut the on cutting forward
octagon using a band saw, to avoid the saw snapping or other 
making sure to cut a few mm dangerous events.
away from the line to leave If the saw
some space for filing. File the snaps, back away from the machin
rough edges until the line. e and wait and see if there are
Repeat for the bottom part. any pieces flying off the
machine, if not then turn the
machine off.
Wear an apron
From slide 50 – 61, I can see
how the parts of the
products are constructed,
the health and safety of
Plan of production each procedure and the
quality check and control of
each step. 
Connect all the pieces together to make sure it is smooth and there are no uneven parts sticking out. If
there are, File the uneven area and sand using a 150-200 grit sandpaper until it is even. Then
Disassemble the pieces. Apply glue to joints that is on the base of the product and connect them
together. Use a strap clamp to make sure the joints stick together firmly. Rub off any excess glue. Wait
until the glue is dry. Then apply glue on the housing joint for the shelves and insert the shelves. Rub off
any excess glue. Connect the top parts of the product together using glue and clamps. Make sure to not
clamp too hard. Remove any excess glue and wait until it is dry. Assemble the product, making sure
there are no gaps, and it is smooth. 
Specification description Evaluation
aesthetics The products can be any color as long as it looks neutral to the The materials looks good together. They are both wood and have similar colors.
surrounding and it has a smooth color scheme. The product The color fits the surrounding since it will be placed on a wooden table and the
must be smooth so that it looks appealing and have a modern bown color goes well with the white wall. The combination of the white and
look. brown and the smooth edges make it have a modernistic feel to it.
cost The product must be affordable. The function and aesthetics The product does not cost around 50-100QAR since the materials used were quite
must be worth the price. Around 50-100QAR is what the client expensive, but it is a reasonably cheap price. The price is 115QAR, a little bit
prefers.  over the specification but because of the materials and modernistic look, the
client thinks the price suits the product.
safety The product must be safe to all ages. It must not have sharp The product is 99% safe. It has smooth edges to prevent any minor injuries and
edges to avoid any minor injuries. The product must not have the fluorescent bulb is untouchable since it is covered by Epoxy resin. The 1% is
any small parts that can be put in the mouth and swallowed to because of the drawers. The drawers have sharp corners so that it fits nicely.
prevent any choking incidents. The bulb must also have There will be a very low chance of the client getting hurt since the only time the
something to protect it, so the client won't accidentally touch client can get hurt is when the drawers is opened.
it and burn her hand.
Size. The product must not be too small since it will store small The size of the product is 300mm x 300mm x 450mm. It is 450mm tall because of
items like keys, key chain, paperclips etc.. It must not be too lamp so that it can light up the whole desk. It is 300mm x 300mm because there
big since the biggest item it could store are pencils and rulers. are 4 separate storage places. 2 for storing pens, pencils, rulers etc. And the
The size would range from 50mm to 500mm. Preferable more other two for storing small items like paper clips, pins, keys etc. 
into the 300mm-500mm range.
Function It must light up the whole desk, possible act as a night light and The tall lamp structure increases the lights radius, allowing it to light up the
light up some of the room. whole desk. It can also light up half of the room which can also act as a night
Material  It must be made of wood and/or plastic. The product is made of mostly mahogany and oak. It has epoxy resin to act as a
decoration and a protection around the bulb. The bulb is a fluorescent light.
Overall, it is made mostly out of wood and epoxy resin is plastic. The only
material that is not wood or plastic would be the metal around the fluorescent
Environment It must be environment friendly. All parts of the product must The wood can be recycled and turned into processed woods or be used again for
be recyclable, if not then most of it should be, or it should not smaller projects. The epoxy resin cannot be turned back or reformed since it is a
drastically affect the environment. thermosetting plastic, but it can be cut off and used for smaller projects. The
fluorescent bulb can be recycled. The glass, metals and other materials that
make up fluorescent lights can all be recycled.
Specification  slide 25
In this slide, I have found out what
topic What my product must have Why must my product have this my clients want and what I need to
feature apply to my product to make it
aesthetics It can be any colours. Must be smooth. It must have this feature so that can
Must match the surroundings. strong spread the light around the lamp and
light. emit a good colour. It must be smooth
so that it has a nice texture .
Cost It must be around 50-100Qar it must have this feature because a lot
of people wants it to be this price,
according to the questionnaire, and so
that it is affordable.
Safety It must not have sharp edges, no small It must have this feature so that it is
bits and must have something that safe, so the clients won't have any
won't allow my client to touch the problems trying to avoid any safety
bulb hazards.
Size It must be a small/medium size. It must have this feature because most
Around 50mm -500mm people chose it to be this size so that
it can fit on their desk. It also won't
make any distractions when they're
Function is must light up a whole desk and store It must have this feature because it is
small things a lamp and for it to be a lamp, it must
light up a whole desk.
Materials It must be made of wood and/or It must have this feature because,
plastic from the questionnaire, most people
wanted it to be made of this material
and so it will be a successful product.
Environment It must be environmentally friendly. It It must have this feature so that the
must be able to recycle and/or does client will know that the we care for
not heavily effect the environment the environment so the client will buy
more or persuade other people to buy
the product.
Feedback 7.3.21
feedback 17.01.21
Feeback 29.11.20 Fantastic CAD work and
Cardboard model looks good. 
production plan. Well done. 
Just compare it against your
specification in a table like you
Please continue to finish your card
did with your design ideas. 
 No cardboard model  model and then just testing and
evaluating left to go. Nearly
 No testing of model against Plan of making coming along. 
there, well done 
specification points 
Still need exploded and
 No plan of production  Objective testing and evaluation
orthographic drawing. 
of the product with systematic
 No exploded drawing 
reference to its performance, the
Research into how you will make
 No orthographic drawing  specification and user. Where
and construct the final design. 
appropriate, testing will be
carried out in the environment for
Also add in the CAD model you
which the product was intended.
showed me in lesson with the
Clear identification and analysis
developed areas.
of strengths and weaknesses of
the product leading to detailed
Finish your card prototype as this
and meaningful conclusions with
is worth 30 marks 
proposals for further

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