Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence is where

machines stimulate aspects of human
or animal intelligence.
This is done using programed
It can be used for problem solving,
planning, learning , through
experience , processing language ,
perception and even social
Types of AI

 \Self Awareness
 Limited memory of AI
AI at the level would extent the theory
of mind to predict the internal states This type of data recieves current input, and
of others. Having achieved human like adds pieces of its input to its programmed
consciousness , it might choose to representation of the world. Thids can change
exhibit non-human abilities the way how AI makes current decisions
 Theory of mind  Reactive AI

This type of AI would have an updatable Designed for a specific task, this AI receives
representation of the world that input and acts on its input . They cannot be
includes an understanding that other used on different tasks and past experiences
entities in the world would also have do not affect current decisions.
their own internal states.

Applications of AI

Healthcare Automotive
AI can help give the right AI has helped in developing
machines to the Some apple based assistance
self driven cars using
patients.Robots with AI are allows parts of your home to
sensors to detect obstacles,
also being developed to be controlled by them . They
to navigate roads and to read
perform and assist basic can set alarms ,provide
signs. However these cars are
surgery. reminder and can control the
not yet developed enouh to be
heating, lighting and
riden on roads with traffic
security of our homes
Entertainment Education
In video games , AI is already used to simulate AI is already being used to mark and grade
the behaviour of human players. This gives a test papers . AI ‘tutors’ could be used to
more realistic experience when playing against help students with homework, basic
the computer. questions and help pupils with

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