Author Name, Affiliation, Email: Title of Your Poster

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Title of your poster

Author name, affiliation, email

Who (the team) Where and when Why (results, conclusions,

Introduce your team with biographical information
and images. You may wish to divide this up into a
(describe methods) outcomes, etc.)
box for each author, or to write about your project Describe where and when your project took place. Describe the outcome of your project. You may want to
team as a whole. You may decrease the font size in Include any information on the population that you compare “before and after” statuses, or discuss the
these body sections to fit your text in, but do not go didn’t address previously. implications of your project, or future possibilities.
smaller than 24 point.

Chart Title

Photo Photo

Photo 80%






Describe how your project worked. Don’t forget to

What (introduction to

include relevant images such as charts, figures, tables, or 0%
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

the project)
Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Describe the reasoning behind your project and

how it began. You may include background
information and/or your objective in this section.
You may want to include charts, tables, other Photo Photo Photo
figures, or photographs. For a more coherent look,
keep the color scheme of your SmartArt or charts
consistent with the rest of your poster.

If you do include figures, double check your axis or other
labels! Make sure they’re labeled correctly. You may also Acknowledge your program, any funding, important
need to increase the font size to make them readable. people, or any other type of support you received.

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