Lec 1 Reading Skills-1

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Reading Techniques

Skimming and Scanning

Skimming and scanning are both quick reading

techniques, but both have different purpose.
 Skimming is all about reading the article in order to
get the general or main idea of it.
 Think of main idea as an “umbrella” idea. It is the
author’s primary point about a topic. All other
material (supporting details) in the paragraph fits
under the main idea.
TV violence does affect people in negative ways.
Frequent TV watchers are more fearful and
suspicious of others. Heavy TV watchers are less
upset about real-life violence than non-TV watchers.
TV violence increases aggressive behavior in

On the other hand, scanning is about locating a

specific text or phrase in a document.
For example to look up the word ‘valuable’ in the
dictionary one would turn to letter V and then find
the words beginning with va instead of looking up
for words starting with A and reading every word.

Summarizing is an important skill that is often used

when researching, gathering or presenting
A good example of summarizing is preparing one’s
curriculum vitae. It should be concise and ‘easy to
read’ version of one’s main strength, achievements
and experience.
A summary should not contain unnecessary details
or be written like an essay
Reading activity

GOVERNMENT servants in our country cannot be absolved of

complicity in the massive corruption that has plagued this country
for long. One has to look no further than investigating the assets of
civil servants who have served as principal or personal secretary to
the prime minister or president, and other senior bureaucrats to
prove my point.
Thousands of acres of state land have been illegally occupied in
complicity with the bureaucracy. Billions of rupees in taxes are
evaded with the collusion of public office holders. Food adulteration
has assumed epidemic proportions because the state has failed to
enforce its mandatory constitutional regulatory controls. The same
is the case with other public utilities. We have laws to prevent such
crimes but they have never been implemented.

Summary writing/ Pair work

Summarize the passage in your own words

1. Accurately summarize the text.
2. Your summary must describe all key ideas from
the text.
3. Do not include opinions or personal information
in your summary.
4. Underline key idea in your summary
Purpose of the Writer
An author always has an overall reason or purpose for
Reasons authors write::
 to inform
 to explain
 to persuade
 to entertain

Identifying the author’s purpose is one of the reading skills

to test readers’ level of understanding.
Purpose of the Writer…
Some passages explicitly state their purposes. Other
passages leave it for the reader to infer the purpose.

Understanding the author's purpose helps the reader

better understand the main idea of the passage and
follow the author's ideas as they progress.

We should only judge or identify the author’s purpose

according to the text, rather than your own ideas.
What could be the possible purpose for writing these texts?
1. A pamphlet urging people not to eat animals or use products made from animals or
animal suffering because the author thinks that is cruel and unnecessary
Author’s Purpose: This text is attempting to influence the reader. Therefore, the
author's purpose is to persuade

2. A book of over 1,000 knock-knock jokes

Author’s Purpose: This text is intended to entertain the reader, even if the jokes
aren't funny.

3. A cook book containing recipes for making cakes, cookies, and other desserts
Author’s Purpose: Instructions and directions are written to provide the reader with
information or to inform.

4. The story of a young woman who, after the death of her grandfather, quit her job in
the business world and returned home to help her aging grandmother.
Author’s Purpose: Stories are written to entertain. A lesson may be learned, but the
main purpose is to entertain. If biographical, the purpose could also be to inform.

5. A politician’s speech about how homes should be provided to families who cannot
afford them
Author’s Purpose: This text attempts to influence or persuade the reader.s

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