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What is Digital Transformation Strategy
Importance of Digital Transformation
Digital Capabilities
Digital transformation
 Digital transformation can take any or all of these aspects, and re imagine them using
digital technologies. In short, digital transformation equals change multiplied and
amplified by technologies.
“Digital transformation marks a radical rethinking of how an organization uses
technology, people and processes to fundamentally change business performance.”
Think of it like this: When the Disney corporation formed in 1923 it was years before
computers would be commonly used in businesses. The majority of cartoons were hand-
drawn by a huge team of artists. Today, instead of employing graphic artists, Disney
uses cutting-edge computer technologies to create immersive viewing experiences for
their fans. Moving from manual to digitized movie production has helped the company
significantly accelerate their production capabilities and deliver better products and
experiences to customers. 
Digital transformation strategy is no longer a future vision. It’s something that
must start happening now, and it already does with some organizations.
According to Accenture, 85% of CEOs say the disruptive impact of new
technologies has increased. Additionally:
Digital business transformation was never an easy task. But today, most
companies experience high pressure to make changes if they want to remain
competitive. At the same time, the digital transformational process is multi-fold
and difficult. Many companies are struggling to reconcile these two aspects.
That said, if you want your business to remain successful in the future, you’ll
have to make a powerful leadership effort to move your company forward
towards embracing the Industry 4.0.
• Digital capabilities are the necessary skills and technologies your company needs
to generate more business value and grow sustainable.
• For instance, your company already uses Google Analytics to measure the
effectiveness of different lead generation strategies. As well, you store customer
data digitally in a CRM. Reconciling these two sources of data can potentially help
you improve the success rates of your campaigns, as sales and marketing teams
will gain access to a single “source of truth” and collaborate better. Using cloud
technologies for data storage and perhaps adding Big Data analytics to the mix can
generate a lot of additional value in that case. That is as long as doing so is
relatively feasible from a technological standpoint.
• So how exactly do you determine which digital capabilities are worth ramping
up? Look at technologies that match either of the following requirements:
• they can improve your company’s capacity to do business online
• they can help make certain business processes more efficient and/or cost-
• they can make your teams more productive
• they create new business opportunities at local markets or abroad
• they enable your business to engage more effectively with the digital
• A digital capabilities maturity model measures where your organization is in
the process of becoming capable of adopting and implementing the changes
that are part of your digital transformation plan.
• To determine an organization’s digital maturity, Deloitte estimates its
capabilities across the next five areas:
• Digital Use Cases
• These are particular instances where you can potentially apply new technologies to improve
processes, create better customer experiences, and become a more efficient organization.
For example, you might identify a way to incorporate the use of voice assistants in the
process where customers place an order to improve mobile conversions.

• Digital Transformation Roadmap

• The digital transformation roadmap is exactly what the name applies. It is the roadmap that
you create for your organization to follow as you seek to transform your organization using
the digital technologies that are available to you, and that makes sense to your business
model. Creating this roadmap is a key part of the digital change management process. With
a clear roadmap, it becomes easier to accelerate digital transformation.
• Retail
• Sephora recently decided to make augmented reality a key part of their digital strategy to respond to
consumers’ demands for a better cosmetics shopping experience. By using Sephora’s mobile app, users can sample
makeup virtually through the use of filters. Since launching their offering, the company has seen 200 million
shades tried on, and over 8.5 million visits to the feature, as well as a significant improvement in sales revenues.

• Healthcare
• One area of innovation that is driven by digital transformation, machine learning, in particular, is a digital twin. In
a nutshell, this approach allows manufacturers to create a computer-based version of a person, medical device, or
another item upon which changes can be securely tested. The value in doing so is significant, as businesses
investing in digital twin technology are seeing a 30% improvement in cycle times of critical processes.
• Virtual and augmented reality technologies are both being implemented in the care of Alzheimer’s patients.
While these technologies may not be able to cure patients, they can be used to create familiar and comforting
experiences for them. This kind of innovation is creating undeniably positive outcomes when it comes to palliative
• Banking
• When it comes to IT digital transformation initiatives, 
banks are really focusing on Big Data. They are using it to create
transformative customer experiences and devise new products such as
personalized savings advice, robo-investing products and custom wealth
management plans. As well as improve middle- and back-office processes:
• Blockchain is another technology that is moving into the mainstream banking
and financial services space. Thanks to blockchain technology banks are
undergoing a digital transformation when it comes to identity verification,
conducting credit checks, and using non-fiat currencies. In fact, blockchain
can slash banks’ operating costs by as much as 30%.
• At the end of the day, it does not matter which industry you are in. Digital
transformations are sweeping over all sectors of the economy. Hence,
companies that want to remain competitive and grow their revenues should
make digital transformation initiatives a core part of their future business
• Whether those initiatives are done in house or through the use of digital
transformation consulting services, there is no denying that the benefits of
digital transformation will pay off.


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