Intellectual Revolutions That Defined Society: Science Technology and Society

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Intellectual revolutions that

defined society
Science Technology and Society
Define intellectual revolution
Identify the intellectual revolutions that created
paradigm shift
Determine the components of personality
Explain the stages of psychosocial development
Compare the different civilizations and identify their
greatest contributions to the society

- a wide reaching change in the way something works, organized
or change in people’s ideas about it

- process that results in the adaptation of an organism to its
environment by means of selectively reproducing changes in genetic

-combination of characteristics or qualities that from an
individual’s distinctive character

Key Concepts
- range of actions and mannerisms made by individuals

- intelligent behavior by machines rather than the natural intelligence of
humans and other animals

-Complex human society in which people live in groups of settled dwellings

Key Concepts
 It is the term used to Greek speculation about “nature in the
period before Socrates.
 It is also known as the “ Pre-Socratic” or “non-theological” or “first
 There are three characteristic features of this form of philosophy:
1. The world is a natural whole
2. There is a natural order
3. Humans can discover those laws

Intellectual Revolution
Nicholas Copernicus ( 1473-1543 ) was a
mathematician and an astronomer who proposed
that the sun was stationary in the center of the
universe and the earth revolved around it ( Khun,

Darwin’s theory of evolution is the

widely held notion that all living
organisms are related and have
descended from a common ancestor.
 Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis and one of the 20th
century’s most influential thinkers
 Freud’s structural theory of personality emphasizes the role of
unconscious psychological conflicts in shaping behavior and
 Three component parts of the mind
a. Id
b. Ego
c. superego
 Made up of unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic urges,
needs and desires

-Composed of people’s internalized ideals acquired from parents and
-It works to suppress the urges of the id and tries to make the ego
behave morally rather than realistically
Mediates the demands of the id, the superego and the reality.
It prevents people from acting on their basic urges created by the id, and works to
achieve a balance with their moral and idealistic standards created by the superego
Information Revolution
 It is accompanied the history of mankind and began as early a 3000
BC with Sumerian pictographs
 Some of the milestones of the information revolution are
Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press in 1455, the work of
Agusta and Babbage on Analytic Engine in early1830s, the invention
of the first telephone during 1870s, and Turing’s work during World
War II
 Allan Turing
- a British mathematician who considered information revolution as
the fourth revolution following the Copernican, Darwinian and
Mesoamerican Civilization
 Mesoamerica was a region and cultural are in the Americas.
 Contributed greatly in terms of agriculture
 Main food sources in Mesoamerica were beans, corn and squash
forming a triad of products known as the “Three Sisters”
 Various cultivation techniques were done by the Mesoamerican
farmers to combat the usable land, and poor soil condition
 Mesoamerican farmers also formed terraces along the slopes of
mountain valleys
 Aside from agriculture, Mesoamericans were known to be the first
one to create the calendars
Asian Civilization
Asia bore two of the world’s great early civilizations
-one from India
- other from China
About 4000 years ago, civilization arose in the INDUS RIVER VALLEY.
People used weapons and utensils made of bronze and copper.
Shops were also established around its major city, MOHENJO -DARO
MOHENJO –DARO also served as the birthplace of two world’s known
religions : HINDUISM and BUDDHISM
Another Asian civilization developed along the Huang Ho river banks
in northern China around 1500BCE.
- It had its own religion known as CONFUCIANISM
Middle East Civilization
 Middle East is considered as the home to the “CRADLE OF CIVILIZATION”
where many of the world’s oldest cultures and civilizations were seen.
 It was the first to practice intensive year-round agriculture and currency
mediated trade as opposed to barter.
 It also gave the rest of the world the first writing system, invented the
potter’s wheel and then the vehicular and mill wheel, created the first
generalized governments and law codes
 Served as the birthplace to the first city states with their high degree
division labor
 Foundation for astronomy and Mathematics
 However, its empires also introduced rigid social stratification, slavery
and organized warfare
African Civilization
 The history of ancient Africa is just as interesting, complex and
sophisticated as any other ancient civilization
 Some of the achievements were in the field of Mathematics,
Astronomy, Metallurgy and tools, agriculture and Engineering,
Navigation and even Medicine
 -First method of counting were first developed in Africa
 Developed their own numeration, 8000 years ago
 Yoruba system was based on the units of 20instead of 10
 GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA- is the oldest and largest of the three
pyramids in the Giza Necropolis
To do:
Research on the main philosophy and/or contributions of
the following:

Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes, Xenophanes

of Colophon, Parmenides, Heracleitus of Ephesus,
Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Democritus, Zeno of Elea,
and Pythagoras Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

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