Group2 Ent 101

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Group 2

mind 101
Mrs. Georgina Bondoc
•Obstacles in Doing Business Globally
•Forms of Business Organization
•Strategic Planning and Business Development
•Environmental Scanning
Obstacles in Doing
Business Globally
By: Rollyn Airho Alcabasa
Janel Raine Alimorom
Eruel Aguilar
Obstacles in Doing Business Globally

Language Barrier – It is very difficult to discuss business

with someone who does not speak your language or cannot
speak any other language but his own. Because of expanded
markets, more and more people are trying to study other
languages to have an edge in business. If this is not possible,
interpreters are available in embassies whose staff are
mandated to speak the language where they are assigned.
Obstacles in Doing Business Globally

Laws – laws provide protection. But it can also be

detrimental to business operations. There are laws
that prohibit the exportation or importation of certain
products like drugs for example. Familiarity,
therefore, of local laws and the laws of the country
where you intend to do business will save you a lot
of trouble.
Obstacles in Doing Business Globally
Currency Fluctuation

– When buyers and sellers engage in business, they agree on the currency to use and how to effect payment.
They tend to fluctuate overtime. This can be remedied by forecasting. Usually, price quotations are based on forward or
future projections.
Obstacles in Doing Business Globally
Political Climate – Doing business in a politically unstable environment is very risky. Civil war or coup de etat can
happen anytime, resulting in business losses. Thus, familiarity of what is going on in the political arena of a country is
Obstacles in Doing Business Globally
Tariffs or Taxes – governments impose high tariffs on imported goods to protect its local product. More tariffs are also
added to increase government revenues. Thus, it would be beneficial to do business with countries that are signatories in
the General Agreement for Tariffs and Trade(GATT).
Obstacles in Doing Business Globally

Fortuitous Events – storms in the open seas, fire on board, workers protests at the port, terrorist attacks and other
calamities all add up to the risk of global business. Insurance plays an important role.

Regional Trade Alliances – To ensure the continued flow of goods and availability of products in their territories,
countries belonging to a certain region organize themselves to engage in trade. Some of these are the European
Union(EU), North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA) and the association of South East Asian Nation(ASEAN).
If markets in Europe are to penetrate, then do business in the region where your country belongs. One reason why
leaders of countries visit one another is to engage in trade.
Forms of
By: Art Given M. Baraquio
Jean Rose Asog
Sole Proprietorship
Forms of Business Organization
Sole Proprietorship – is a business that is owned and operated by one person. The enterprise has no existence apart from
its owners. This individual has a right to all of the profits and bears all of the liability for the debts and obligations of the
business. The individual also has unlimited liability, which means that his or her business and personal assets stand behind
the operation of the company.
Forms of Business Organization
Partnership – as defined by the Revised Uniform Partnership Act(RUPA), Partnership is an association of two or more
persons who act as co-owners of a business for profit. Each partner contributes money, property, labor, or skills, and each
shares in the profits(as well as the losses)of the business. Though not specifically required, written articles of partnership
are usually executed and are always recommended. This is because, unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the courts
assume equal partnership that is, equal sharing of profits, losses, assets, management, and other aspects of the business.
Forms of Business Organization
Corporation - According to Supreme Court Justice John Marshal(1819), a corporation is an artificial being, invisible,
intangible and existing only in contemplation of the law. As such, a corporation is a separate legal entity apart from the
individuals who own it. A corporation is created by the authority of state laws and usually is formed when a transfer of
money or property by prospective shareholders(owners) takes place in exchange for capital stock(ownership certificates)
in the corporation.
Forms of Business Organization
Cooperatives - is a business formed and co-owned by its members. Members share the
same interest or industry. In faring, farmers are usually adversely affected by the high
prices of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, seeds and herbicides. The cooperative buys
their harvest and then market their production. The income generated by the cooperative
from such operations are actually “savings” by all members. The same is allocated to
members in the form of “patronage refunds”. In law, the patronage refunds to members are
not taxed because they are in essence savings.
Mutual funds
Forms of Business Organization
Mutual Funds - are businesses that pool money from various investors. The
manager of the fund who is usually an investment expert invests the money of
the fund to income producing properties such as:
● Real properties to earn rentals or appreciation in value
● Stocks to earn dividends
● Bonds, bank deposits and commercial papers or notes to earn interest
Strategic Planning and
Business Development
Factors to consider in
venturing entrepreneur
By: Eunice Autos
Alaiza Andaya
Strategic Planning and Business Development
Factors to consider in venturing entrepreneur business

● 1. Know your Product or Service - you must be the first believer of your own product or service
then convince your customers that you have a unique product that would satisfy their needs and
wants. Customer always want to try new products and it must be better than those existing.
Strategic Planning and Business Development
Factors to consider in venturing entrepreneur business

● 2. Analyze the Market Potential - Your market potential is always your base of success. The
wider the market the more chances of growth and success. Analyze customer profile as to their
buying habits, their income, and social status.
Strategic Planning and Business Development
Factors to consider in venturing entrepreneur business

● 3. Determine the Marketing Strategy - A unique product or service needs effective distribution
strategy to get customer into the basket of demand potential. Availability of supply and access to
the product when they need it. Customer interaction through suggestions as to product quality and
availability is an important factor.
Strategic Planning and
Business Development
Factors to consider in
venturing entrepreneur
Eunice Autos
Alaiza Andaya
Components of Marketing

1. TARGET MARKET- must know the triggers and motivations, challenges, and barriers
to purchase.
2. BUSINESS OFFERING- need to answer the question “does your product or service
solve a problem in a particular are?”
3. .VALUE PROPOSITION- you need to differentiate yourself with a unique value
proposition and why should customer pick your product or service over another?
4. GOAL/OBJECTIVE- identify realistic, smart marketing goals that can serve as a
benchmark for evaluating success of your activities
5. ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY- should find a way to tell the captivating story behind
your offer to the market. It can be in traditional market (such as print, newspaper or
billboard) or through digital channels to engage with customer.
Strategic Planning and Business Development
Factors to consider in venturing entrepreneur business

● 4. Know the Competitors - In launching a product with existing competitors you must know their strengths and
weaknesses. Develop new product and marketing strategy and turn their weaknesses as a new opportunity for your
product. By means of continuous innovation and research would mean better quality products produced.
Strategic Planning and Business Development
Factors to consider in venturing entrepreneur business

● 5. Do not set on your Laurels - The landscape of business is continuously changing. Your initial success in your
business activities needs more proactive analysis for expansion and growth and overcome possible competitions.
Develop advertising and promotion, budget for expansion and diversification to penetrate the wider market.
Environmental Scanning

By: Jessica Abalayan

Alex Balasta
Jastien Albarico
Choosing Business Location for Small

a. Rent and Space – The cost of rent is a regular monthly expense and it must be
sustained with the possible income that will be generated. It is the operating cost that will be
added to the price of the product or service

Ex. The original price of computer rental is P9/hour, P9 pesos per hour will become P12/hour
because the rent and space were added to the cost in pricing.
Choosing Business Location for Small

b. Terms of Lease Agreement – The term of lease must be studied carefully as some
owners might take advantage of lessee. The owners increase the rent of the space when the
business condition becomes favorable and then take over the business.

Ex. The terms of Lease Agreement help prevent confusion or additional negotiations later on,
since each business associate can refer back to the document at any time.
Choosing Business Location for Small

c. Type of Goods or Merchandise – A convenient store is located where there are

pedestrians passing by. They need quick and easy access to the store and would not
spend a lot of time to purchase their goods.

Example: Computer Shop located near school because students love to play games online for
entertainment, and print for documents for their school requirements
Choosing Business Location for Small

d. Income Level of Prospective Customer – The type of pedestrians and the income level of
customer must me taken into account. A good barber shop or beauty salon with air
conditioning units and other amenities need to be located in the community with higher
income bracket.

e. Prospective Sales Volume – high density sales volume need to be located in shopping area
where customers conversed to buy essential goods. Lower sales volume could be located in the
community or secondary areas like subdivisions or the Barangay.
Choosing Business Location for Small

f. Municipal or City Ordinances including taxes and fees – the location must not violate
city or municipal ordinances and the taxes and fees must be reasonable for the business

g. Location of the Areas – the area must be free from floods and other calamities that will
endanger the business. It must be free from fire hazards or other environmental factors that
will disturb the business operation.

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Group 2
Members: •Jean Rose Asog
•Art Given Baraquio •Alaiza Andaya
•Alex Balasta •Eunice Autos
•Airho Alcabasa •Jessica Abalayan
•Eruel Aguilar •Janel Alimorom
•Jastien Albarico

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