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Chapter 15

Rizal’s Second Sojourn in

Paris and the Universal
Exposition if 1889
Universal Exposition (Exposition
Universelle) 1889
World’s Fair held in Paris, France
Thousand of people from all corners of the
world crowded every hotel, inn and
boarding houses.
Difficult of Finding Quarters

For a short time, Rizal lived in the houseof his

friend Valentin Ventura, at No. 45 Rue
He transferred his residence several times.
Finally, he lived together with two other
Filipinos – Capitan Justo Trinidad and Jose
Valentin Ventura
Life in Paris
He used most of his time in…
- the reading room of the Bibliotheque
- living quarters writing letters to his
family and friends
- the gymnasium for his daily physical
- visiting his friends
Bibliotheque Nationale
Baptism of the baby girl of Juan Luna and Paz Pardo
de Tavera, Rizal as the god father
Rizal and Paris Exposition 1889
The universal exposition of Paris which opened on
May 6, 1889.
The greatest attraction was the Eiffel Tower
Alexander Eiffel
French engineer
Edison Exhibit, Paris Evosition, 1889.
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Three Filipino Societies Rizal Founded
Kidlat Club

- Among the members were Antonio and Juan Luna,

Gregorio Aguilera, Fernando Canon, Lauro Dimayuga,
Julio Llorente, Guillermo Puatu, and Baldomero Roxas.
- To bring together the young Filipinos in the French
Three Filipino Societies Rizal Founded
Indios Bravos
- Its members pledged to excel in intellectual anf
physical prowess in order to win the admiration of the
foreigners, particularly the Spaniards.
- They practised with the great enthusiasm the use of
the sword and pistol.
- Rizal taught them judo.
Three Filipino Societies Rizal Founded
R.D.L.M. Society – Redencion de los Malayos
(Redemption of the Malays)
- He only mentioned this secret society to:
* Jose Maria Basa
* Marcelo H. del Pilar
- Only a few trusted friends of Rizal became
The aim of it was “the propagation of all
useful knowledge – scientific, artistic, literary,
etc. – in the Philippines & the Redemption of
Annotated Edition of Morga
 Rizal’s outstanding achievement in Paris (1980)
 He wrote in the British Museum
 It was printed by Garnier Freres
 Professor Blumentritt – wrote the Prologue

This is a historical work which Rizal prove that

the Filipinos were already civilized before the
advent of Spain.
They had clothes, government, laws, writings,
literature, region, arts, scienes and commerce
with neighboring Asia neighbors
Rizal as Historian
 Rizal’s research studies in the British Museum (London) and in
the Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris) enriched his historical
 His knowledge of foreign languages enable Rizal to
readhistorical documents:
- Pigafetta’s famous Fisrt Voyage Around the World (Italian)
- Works of Marsden, Raffles, Lord Stanley, and Wallace
- Writings of Blumentritt, Jagor, and Virchow (German)
The Philippines Within a Century
In this article, he expressed his views
on the Spanish colonization in the

He predicted with amazing accuracy

the tragic end of Spain’s sovereignty
in Asia
The Indolence of the Filipinos
Defense of the alleged indolence of the
Critical study of the causes why the Filipinos
did not work hard during the Spanish regime
Main thesis: the Filipinos are not by nature
International Association of
Rizal proposed to establish an “International
Association of Filipinologists”
Universal Exposition of 1889 (Paris)
Letter to Blumentritt – January 14, 1889
Prospectus: aim of the association – “to study
the Philippines from the scientific and
historical point of view”
Project for Filipino College in Hong Kong
Planned by Rizal while still in Paris
To estalish a modern college in Hong Kong
Aim: “to train and educate men of good family and
financial means in accordance with the demands modern
times and circumtances”
Mr. Mariano Cunanan (Mexico, Pampanga)
- 40,000 pesos (initial capital)
Unfortunately this project of Rizal to establish a modern
college in Hong Kong did not materialized
“Por Telefono”
In fall of 1889, Rizal wrote satirical work as a reply to
another slander of Fr. Salvador Font
Por Telefono was published in booklet from
He used the pen name “Dimas Alang”
Telephone conversation between Fr. Font (Madrid)
and the father provincial (San Agustin Convent in
Christmas in Paris
He spent Christmas with Jose Albert
Capital Justo Trinidad
Christmas dinner: fried chicken, rice, and
Rizal’s last Christmas dinner in Paris
After New Year – brief visit to London
(unknown purpose)

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