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Purnamaniswaty Yunus
- Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui agen parasit yang
menyebabkan penyakit integumen
- Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui patomekanisme
nematoda menyebabkan kelainan integumen
- Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui patomekanisme
terjadinya CLM
- Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui patomekanisme
terjadinya filariasis
- Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui patomekanisme
terjadinya Scabies
- Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui patomekanisme
terjadinya Pediculosis
● skin disease caused by various parasites
● This disease is often found in :
o Crowded areas
o Low socio-economic condition
o Poor sanitation and hygiene
● In the eradication effort, these attempts
are needed:
◦ Early diagnosis and prompt treatment
◦ Public health education about :
- Prevention
- Proper hygiene
- Reservoir-host-vector control
The causes of this disease are divided into
3 major groups :
1. PROTOZOA : - Amoebiasis
- Trichomoniasis
2. NEMATODA : - Oxyuriasis / enterobiasis
- “Ground itch”
- Cutaneous larva migrans
- Current larva
- Filariasis
- Dracunculiasis
3. ARTROPODA : - Scabies
- Pediculosis
● Causative agent : Ancylostoma braziliensis,
Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma ceylanicum,
Ancylostoma duodenal, Necator americanus

● Mostly affects children, miners and farmers.

Pathogenesis :
Adult hookworm in dogs’ / cats’ small intestines

Eggs (in animal faeces)

Rhabditiform larvae (soil)

Filariform larvae (soil)
↓ penetrate ground itch
The skin

“Creeping eruption”
Clinical features :

- Common locations are on the buttocks,

feet, & hands.

- The diameter of the lesion is 1 – 4 mm,

red in color, a bit raised,
like a coiled thread.
Typical track of CLM located on plantar aspect of foot.
Vesiculobullous lesion of CLM.
● Diagnosis : typical lesion manifestation

● Treatment :
○ Topical :
- Classic : Chlorethyl spray, CO2, liquid N2
- Thiabendazole 10%
- Albendazole 2%
○ Systemic :
- Thiabendazole 25 mg/kgBW/day → 2 days
- Albendazole 50 mg/kgBW/once a week
–W. Bancrofti (90%)
Found throughout tropics

–Brugia malayi, Only

SE/East Asia

–Brugia timori, Only

Timor islands
– 120 million people
– 1 billion at risk
– 80 countries: but 70% of
cases found in India,
Nigeria, Bangladesh, and
– Men to women is 10:1,
thought due to clothing
– Adult worms live in
lymphatic vessels for
5‐10 years
– Microfilariae can live
for up to 1.5 years
– Mosquitoes: Aedes,
anopheles, culex, or
–Asymptomatic (at least 50%)
– Lymphatic dilatation and abnormal lymph flow without symptoms
– Microscopic hematuria and proteinuria
– Study with U/S showed ó of adult men with asymptomatic microfilaraemia had
nests of motile adult worms in their scrotal sacs
–Acute attacks
– Episodic
– Lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, fever and malaise
– Adult worms blocking the lymphatics, inflammation very important to process
– Inguinal, crural, axillary, intrascrotal lymphatic vessels
– Can be seen in children
– Legs, scrotum, penis, and arms
– Elephantiasis
– Clinical feature, not synonymous
– Recurrent infections, inflammation and fibrosis
– Chronic skin infections from streptococcal species and
fungal infections
– Travelers
– Acute filarial lymphangitis
– 2‐6 months after exposure
– Acute inflammation (usually leg, scrotum, or arm),
progresses distally
– Indurated, tender, erythematous,
– Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia
– Asthma‐like symptoms
– 1/3 of children with cough and
wheeze had filarial infection,
symptoms improved after
treatment with DEC
– Peripheral eosinophilia, elevated IgE,
low grade fever, lymphadenopathy
– Typically found in men 20‐40 years
– Chyluria
– Passage of lymph in the urine so that
it appears milky
–Microfilariae on a thick blood smear
–Filtration of 1‐5ml of blood with filter is more
–Highest blood specimen concentrations at night
–Distinguish the three species morphologically
–Children often negative
– Assays to detect W. bancrofti antigen are available
–Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) is the drug of choice, used since 1947
–Microfilaricidal + Macrofilaricidal
–Single dose of 6mg/kg/day as effective as 12 day therapy per CDC
–Cooking salt medicated with DEC has been used for mass treatment
–Severity of reaction to treatment is dependent on microfilarial
– Usually self limited
–DEC not used in areas that have co‐endemicity with onchocerciasis or
loa loa for risk of severe reactions, instead use 400mg of Albendazole
+ 150ug/kg of ivermectin
–DEC not recommended during pregnancy
–Treat children with TPE with DEC
–ICT Filarial antigen test
– Rapid
– Simple enough to use in the field
– Nearly immediate results
– 100% sensitivity, 96% specificity
– Some vaccine work underway using cloned filarial antigens
– Promising work with treating the wolbachia bacteria
– Tetracycline and doxycycline have been shown to inhibit motility,
viability, and release of microfilariae
– Consider pre‐treating with Doxy 100mg PO BID x 4 weeks then 1 dose of
WHO Distribution of onchocerciasis, worldwide, 2013
– Larva drop from proboscis
 human subcutaneous
tissues  grow to adults (3‐
12months) female
nematode makes fibrous
capsule, males migrate
female sheds 100,000s
microfilariea which migrate
 microfilariae taken up by
blackfly during meal fly’s
gut  muscles  grow to
larva proboscis
–SKIN  Papular dermatitis, intensely
pruritic ,
–TH1 Immune Response, Chronic disease
can develop asymptomatic
depigmentation Hypo vs
Hyperpigmentation, “Leopard skin”
– TH2 Immune response 
Lichenification, “Lizard skin,” “Elephant
–Eosinophilic response to onchocerca
breakdown products  Bacterial
superinfection common
–Ocular findings
– Anterior Disease: punctate or sclerosing
keratitis, uveitis
– Posterior Disease: Chorioretinitis,
optic atrophy
– Transmitted by
Tabanid fly
– Microfilariae climb
into dermis through
hole cut in skin by fly
– Move on to
– Adult worms set up
shop in the tissue
between the fascial
layers of muscle and
the skin
– Microfilariae live for ~ 6‐12 mos
– Diurnal periodicity: Densities of
microfilariae peak by noon, and
decrease to low levels at night
– Chrysops flies active in daytime
– Calabar Swellngs: Subcutaneous, non‐pitting,
non tender edemas
– Hematuria, proteinuria, MPGN, Renal failure
– Cardiomyopathy
– Pulmonary infiltrates and pleural effusions
– Arthralgia (knees and wrists) and arthritis
– Most specific sign is passage of adult worm
under conjunctiva
– Can last for 30‐60 minutes to more than 24
– Itching, photophobia, congestion of eye
– Seen in 50% of people who live in
hyperendemic areas
● Method of transmission :
- Direct → handshake, sexual contact
- Indirect → through objects

● Etiology : Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis

Life cycle : Female mites in stratum corneum

↓ 3–4 days
Larvae 10–14
↓ days
Clinical features :

- Predilection : in-between fingers,

flexor of the wrists,
genitalia, axillae folds,
lower abdomen, buttocks.

- Lesion → papule, vesicle,

excoriation/secondary infection,
sometimes forming burrows.
Clinical variations :
 “Incognito” scabies
 Scabies in infants &
 Noduler scabies
 Scabies transmitted
by animals
 Scabies “in a clean”
 Norwegian scabies
● Additional examinations :
- Microscopic → mites, eggs, faeces
- Burrows → tetracycline
- Skin biopsy

● Diagnosis :
- Itch, especially at night-time
(nocturnal itching)
- History of infection on members of the
family / people living under the same roof
- Characteristic distribution of lesion
- Characteristic lesion → burrows
- Definite diagnosis → mites, eggs, faeces
- Tx antiscabies → improvement
● Treatment :
– Gamexan 1%
– Crotamiton 10%
– Sulfur 5 – 10%
– Benzoil benzoate 20 – 35%
– Permethrin 5%

● To achieve treatment success :

- Treat every contact person
- Correct drug administration
- Washing clothes and towels with hot water,
air mattress under the sun
- Avoid excess treatment
– P. capitis → P. humanus var capitis
– P. corporis → P. humanus var corporis
– P. pubis → Phtirus pubis

Pathogenesis :
- Direct contact
- Indirect contact
● Clinical manifestation : often affects children
● Symptoms :
- itch, especially on the occipital &
temporal parts → excoriation, erosion /
secondary infection
- swelling of the lymph glands

● Clinical features :
- hemorrhagic macules / papules with
punctum in the middle
- urtica
● Mites → pubic hair, eyebrows, eyelashes,
axillae region, sometimes body hair
● Clinical features :
- itch → excoriation / secondary infection
- Characteristic → “maculae cerulae”
Diagnosis :
P. capitis : shiny eggs on hair, mites
P. corporis : eggs / mites on clothes’ folds
P. pubis : eggs / mites on pubic hair,
eyelashes, body hair
Treatment :
P. capitis : - gamexan 1% shampoo
- permethrin 1% cream
- crotamiton 10% cream / lotion
P. corporis : - gamexan 1%
- Washing clothes / bed sheets
using hot water / ironing them
P. pubis : - petrolatum
- physostigmine 0,025% eye oint

1. Jelaskan patogenesis terjadinya creeping

2. Sebutkan 3 species yang dapat
menyebabkan terjadinya filariasis?
3. Jelaskan cara pengobatan pada scabies?
4. Sebutkan 3 species yang menyebabkan

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