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VD 43/M

• Works as a cook
• Known case of gouty arthritis for 3 years
• 5 days PTC – sudden onset of R knee swelling with no
history of trauma. He had difficulty ambulating and
was unable to move his knee without pain (NRS
10/10). He self medicated with pain relievers but had
no relief, which prompted consult at the ER
• (-) fever, (-) weight loss, (-) systemic symptoms
• Non-smoker, denies illicit drug use, married and denies
Guide Questions

1. What are the important things we already know

about this patient and why are they significant?

2. What are the other things you would be

asking the patient or about the patient?
Why would you need to know these things?
Guide Questions

3. Pls describe what you


4. What are the things

we need to know or
questions that need
to be answered
regarding the status
or condition of the

5. What
steps/maneuvers do
we do to answer
question # 4
Guide Questions

6. What would you be doing next for this patient?

7. Pls describe your Xray findings
• Hgb 147 • ESR 52
• Hct 40.7 • CRP >12
• WBC 11.2 • Uric Acid 5.7 mg/dl
– Neut 74%
– Lymph 25%
– Mono 1%
8. What is the likely diagnosis?

9. What’s next in the patient’s management

GS/CS Cytology
• Pus cells +3 • Yellow, turbid
• Gram (+) cocci: Few • WBC > 50,000/mm3
• PMN > 75%
• No crystals seen

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