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Feasibility of Teak (Tectona

grandis) Sap as Dark Brown

and Yellowish Brown Ink

Research Critic
Garchitorena, Charles Joseph

Villarico, Jericho

 Ink is one of the materials commonly used by many people

especially by the teachers, students and artist Aside from it
is use in writing, it also used in labeling, poster creation, art
works, and calligraphy and other related activities. Although
permanent ink marker is available in the market, one
problem why people especially students lessen the use of
permanent ink is that is expensive, contains harmful
chemicals and annoying scent which causes headaches
and nausea.

 Teak (Tectonagrandis) leaves and barkscan

be alternative ingredient for ink instead of
petroleum. The Teak (Tectonagrandis) is
found all over in the Philippines archipelago.
Research Gap (sort of)

 The creation of ink with alternative ingredient to

be commercialized is a demand for the artists,
calligraphers as well as for the people. The
researcher thinks that Teak (Tectonagrandis)
saphas great potentials in having alternative
permanent marker due to its strong tanning color.
The researcher decided to test its effectiveness
as an ingredient for ink.
Statement of the Problem

 This study shows the feasibility of Teak (Tectonagrandis)

sap as dark brown and yellowish brown ink, specifically it
sought to answer the following questions:

 1. Is it possible to make a dark brown and yellowish brown

ink using teak (Tectonagrandis) sap?

 2. What is the best proportion of ingredients to make a

dark brown and yellowish brown ink out of teak
(Tectonagrandis) sap?

Main Objective

 The feasibility of Teak

(Tectonagrandis) sap as Dark
brown and Yellowish brown ink.
Specific Objectives
 1. To make an ink out of Teak
(Tectonagrandis) sap
 2. To find out the right proportion of
ingredients that can be used to produce a
natural, safe and quality ink.
 3. To evaluate the feasibility of Teak
(Tectonagrandis) sap ink
Significance of the Study
 1. To students: It can help students to have a cheaper,natural,
and safer ink than the other that contains harmful chemicals.

 2. Future researchers:This study will inspire other researcher

to conduct a study similar to this one or to create a new
product out of the materials used.

 3. Community: This Teak (Tectonagrandis) ink will be

introduced and used by the community. Many people will be
benefited. It is a cheaper products that can be made at home.
This product will be a great help to artist and professionals in
the community to avoid harmful chemicals.
Significance of the Study

 The focus of the study is to make a natural ink made of

teak(Tectonagrandis) sap. This product contains teak
(Tectonagrandis) sap, preservatives (salt) alcohol
( isopropyl) for quick dry and sampaguita essence for
fragrance. The researcher obtained the teak extract by
means of pounding and fermentation.

 The study was conducted at Tigwi National High School,

Tigwi Torrijos Marinduque
Hypothesis (sort of)

 Natural ink can be made out off teak

(Tectonagrandis) sap.


Research Design
 The researchers used
experimental method to
determine the feasibility of teak
(Tectonagrandis) sap as ink.

Research Locale

 The experiment was conducted

at Tigwi National High School,
Tigwi Torrijos Marinduque.
General Procedure

 Preparation of Materials: The researcher found out that Teak

(Tectonagrandis)is readily available in the locality as well as the sampaguita
flowers.Sampaguitais an ornamental plant that has a very fragrant flowers
while Teak (Tectonagrandis) contains tanninthat is why the researchers chose
these as the primary ingredients in making natural ink.

 The researcher gathered fresh teak (l'ectonagrandis) leaves and barks. Aside
from the main ingredients other material were also used such as alcohol
(isopropyl) and salt for preservation and sampaguita flowers for additional
fragrance.They also used mortar and pestle, measuring cups, fine cloth and
empty bottle/jars.
General Procedure

 Procedure in making ink: The first thing to do is to harvest teak

(Tectona grandis)leaves and barks.Pound the fresh teak (Tectona grandis)
leaves and barks using mortar and pestleto get the extract. Place the extract
in a bottle and let it fermented for 3 days. Get the residue then add salt,
alcohol and sampaguitaessence for additional fragrance
General Procedure

 Testing the product: The researchers observed the

characteristics of ink and evaluate its feasibility.They recorded
their observation in every trial.
Results and Discussions
Table 1. Proportion of Ingredients in making Teak
(Tectona grandis) sap as dark brown ink.

During the experiment, in trial 3, the researchers found out that the best
proportion of the ingredients with 10 ml Teak (Tectonagrandis) leaves
extract 2 ½ teaspon of salt, 0.5 ml of alcohol and 5 drops of
sampaguita essence.
Table 2. Proportion of Ingredients in making teak
(Tectona grandis) sap as yellowish brown ink.

During the experiment, in trial 3, the researchers found out that the best
proportion of the ingredients with I 0 ml Teak leaves extract and 2 ½
teaspon of salt, 0.5 ml of alcohol and 5 drops of sampaguita essence.
Table 3. Characteristics of Teak (Tectona
grandis) sap as dark brown ink

Table 3, shows that trial 1, the product does not obtain the right odor, color and
has a low viscosity and higher rate of absorption, while in trial 2, the researchers
found out that the odor of Teak leaves is noticeable, the color are becoming darker
and the rate of movement or consistency is becoming high but no changes
happen in absorption. In the last trial, the proportion of the ingredients
applied obtained the best characteristics and quality that the researchers
wanted most.
Table 4. Characteristics of Teak (Tectona
grandis) bark as Yellowish brown ink

Table 3 shows that trial 1, the product does not obtain the right odor,color and has
a low viscosity and higher rate of absorption, while in trial 2, the researchers found
out that the odor of Teak leaves is noticeable, the color are becoming darker and
the rate of movement or consistency is becoming high but no changes happen in
absorption. In the last trial, the proportion of the ingredients applied obtained
the best characteristics and quality that the researchers wanted most.
Summary of Findings

 Ink can be developed from Teak (Tectona grandis). In

tenns of color consistency, odorand absorption, Teak
(Tectona grandis)sap as ink is feasible. The best
proportion of ingredients in making are 10 ml of Teak
(Tectona grandis) sap 2 ½ teaspoon of salt 0.5 ml of
alcohol and 5 drops of sampaguita essence.
Everybody will benefit from this study.

 Based on the results of the study, the

researchers found out that ink can be made
from Teak (Tectona grandis) sap.

 After all the studies and findings, the researchers highly

recommend the ink from Teak (Tectonagrandis) sap. Further
studies on the proportion of ingredients especially the ratio of
Teak (Tectonagrandis) sap, salt and sampaguita essence
should be considered. Further studies should be conducted to
determine the life span of the product, to improve the
absorption and to produce more color. Conduct more studies
about the utilization of these ingredients that are available in
the community.

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