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Inference in FOL


10/16/2021 Inference in FOL 1

• Inferencing is the process of driving new sentences from the old
sentences which is KB. We have seen different kind of inferencing
rules in propositional logic and these rules holds in first-order logic
as well.
• But we need additional inference rules to handle first-order logic
sentences with quantifiers
• The three additional rules, we introduce here are more complex
than previous ones, because we have to talk about substituting
particular individuals for the variables.
• We will use the notation SUBST(θ, a) to denote the result of applying
the substitution (or binding list) to the sentence a. For example:
• SUBST({x/Sam, y/Pam], Likes(x,y)) = Likes(Sam,Parri).

10/16/2021 Inference in FOL 2

Universal Instantiation/Elimination
• Universal elimination
• Infer any sentence by substituting a ground term (a term without variables) for
the variable
•  .’. P(C)
Ѵ==for all
• for any variable v and ground term g
• Or, If “Vx P(x) is true, then P(c) is true, where c is a constant in the domain of x.
• Example: determine whether the argument “ all students in this class understand logic. Alex is student
in this class. Therefore, Alex understands logic.” is it correct or not?
• Assume, P(x) denotes “X is a student in this class” Q(x) denotes “x understands logic”
1. Ѵx(P(x)Q(x) premise
2. P(Alex) premise
3. P(Alex)Q(Alex) by universal elimination (1)
4. Q(Alex) by modus Ponens from 2 and 3 yes

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Existential elimination
• For any sentence α, variable v, and constant symbol k that does NOT appear
elsewhere in the knowledge base, replace v with k.
$x P(x)
•  .’. P(k)

• It allows as to conclude that there is some element k for which P(k) is true when $x
P(x) is true
• For example, from $x Kill(x, Victim), we can infer Kill(Murderer, Victim), as long as
Murderer does not appear elsewhere in the knowledge base.
• From $x P(x) infer P(k).
Example: $x eats(Sol, x) infer eats(Sol, Cheese)
• Note that the variable x is replaced by a brand new constant (like Cheese)
that does not occur in this or any other sentence in the Knowledge Base.

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• Suppose a knowledge base contains just one
sentence,$x AsHighAs(x, Everest). Which of the
following are legitimate results of applying Existential

• AsHighAs(Everest, Everest)
• AsHighAs(Kilimanjaro, Everest)
• AsHighAs(Kilimajaro, Everest) and AsHighAs(BenNevis,

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• Sound inference: find α such that KB |= α
• Proof process is a search, operators are inference rules
• It requires the operation of a series of inference rule to come up with some conclusion

Bob is a buffalo. Pat is a pig. Buffaloes outrun pigs
Conclude: Bob outruns Pat
1. Buffalo(Bob)
2. Pig(Pat)
3. x,y Buffalo(x) ^ Pig(y) → Faster(x,y)
4. Buffalo(Bob) ^ Pig(Pat) And Introduction (1, 2)
5. Buffalo(Bob) ^ Pig(Pat) → Faster(Bob, Pat)
Universal Elimination (3, {x/Bob,y/Pat})
6. Faster(Bob,Pat) Modus Ponens (4, 5)

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Reduction to Propositional Inference
• Suppose the KB contains just the following:
• " x King(x) ^ Greedy(x) Evil(x)
• King(John)
• Greedy(John)
• Brother(Richard,John)
• Instantiating the universal sentence in all possible ways, we have:
• King(John) ^ Greedy(John)Evil(John)
• King(Richard) ^ Greedy(Richard)Evil(Richard)
• King(John)
• Greedy(John)
• Brother(Richard,John)
• The new KB is propositionalized: proposition symbols are
• King(John), Greedy(John), Evil(John), King(Richard), etc.

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Problems with proposition
• Propositionalizing seems to generate a lots of irrelevant sentences

• It seems obvious that Evil(John) is true, but propositionalization

produces lots of facts such as Greedy(Richard) that are irrelevant
• Propozitionalization approach is rather inefficient  other option
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FOL-inference rule(sound)
• If there is some substitution θ that makes the premise of the
implication identical to sentences already in the KB, then we assert
the conclusion of the implication, after applying θ.

• Sometimes we need to find a substitution θ both for the variables in

the implication and in the sentence to be matched.

Subs using, {x/john,y/john}

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Generalized Modus Ponens (GMP)
• For atomic sentences pi, pi’ and q where there is a substitution θ such
that Subst(θ,pi’)=Subst(θ,pi), for all i.
Both Ps are analogues

Can be used with KB of definite clauses (exactly one positive literal)

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Generalized Modus Ponens (GMP)
• Combines And-Introduction, Universal-Elimination, and Modus Ponens
• Given atomic sentences P1, P2, ..., PN, and sentence (Q1 ^ Q2 ^ ... ^ QN)  R, where
Q1, ..., QN and R are atomic sentences, derive new sentence R. That is,
from P(c), Q(c), and x (P(x) ^ Q(x)  R(x)), derive R(c)

Example: Given Faster(Bob,Pat), Faster(Pat,Steve) and

Faster(x,y) ^ Faster(y,z)  Faster(x,z)
by substituting {x/Bob, y/Pat, z/Steve}
infer in one step the new sentence: Faster(Bob, Steve)
• Generalized Modus Ponens is not complete for FOL. Natural deduction using GMP
is complete for KBs containing only Horn clauses.

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Horn clause
• A Horn clause is a sentence of the form:
x (P1(x) ^ P2(x) ^ ... ^ Pn(x))  Q(x)
where there are 0 or more Pi's, and the Pi's and Q are
positive (i.e., un-negated) literals
• Horn clauses represent a subset of the set of
sentences representable in FOL
e.g. p(a) v q(a) is a sentence in FOL but it is not a
horn clause
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• GMP is a lifted version of Modus Ponens and raises Modus
Ponens from propositional to FOL.
• Lifted inference rules require finding substitutions that
make different logical expressions look identical.
• This process is called unification and is a key component of
all first-order inference algorithms
• The unify algorithm takes two sentences and returns a
unifier for them if one exists:
• UNIFY(p,q) = θ where Subst(θ, p) = Subst(θ, q)

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Unification example

• Standardizing apart: renaming variables to avoid name clashes

UNIFY(Knows(John, x), Knows(z, OJ)) = {x/OJ, z/John}
Idea: Unify rule:
Premises with known facts apply unifier to conclusion
Example. if we know q and Knows(John,x) → Likes(John,x)
then we conclude: Likes(John,Jane)
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More on Unification example
Literal 1 Literal 2 Unifier
group(x, cat(x), dog(Bill)) group(Bill, cat(Bill), y) x/Bill, y/dog(Bill)
group(x, cat(x), dog(Bill)) group(Bill, cat(y), z) x/Bill, y/Bill, z/dog(Bill)
group(x, cat(x), dog(Jane)) group(Bill, cat(y), dog(z)) x/Bill, y/Bill, z/dog(jane)

Unify is a linear time algorithm that returns the most general unifier, i.e., a shortest
length substitution list that makes the two literals match.
•A variable can never be replaced by a term containing that variable. For
example, x/f(x) is illegal.
•Unification and inference rules allows us to make inferences on a set of
logical assertions. To do this, the logical database must be expressed in an
appropriate form.
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Example of KB
• The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile
nations. The country Nono, an enemy of America, has some missiles, and all
of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West, who is American.
• Prove that Colonel West is a criminal (rules of KB)
• American(x): x is an American
• Weapon(x): x is a weapon
• Hostile(x): x is a hostile nation
• Criminal(x): x is a criminal
• Missile(x): x is a missile
• Owns(x, y): x owns y
• Sells(x, y, z): x sells y to z
• Enemy(x, y): x is an enemy of y
• Constants: America, Nono, West

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R1. American(x) ^ Weapon(y) ^ Sells(x,y,z) ^ Hostile(z)  Criminal(x)
... it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations:
R2. Owns(Nono,M1) non has some missiels
R3. Missiel(M1) m1 is missile
R4. Missile(x)  Weapon(x) a missile is a weapon
R5. Missile(x) ^ Owns(Nono, x)  Sells(West, x,Nono) all missiels sold by nono
R6. Enemy(x, America) Hostile(x) enemy of America are hostile
R7. American(West) west is American
R8. Enemy(Nono, America) a country Nono an enemy of America
Proof, west is criminal
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Forward chaining ask
• Iteration 1
• R5 satisfied with {x/M1} ans R9: Sells(West,M1,Nono) is added to KB
• R4 satisfied with {x/M1} and R10: Weapon(M1) is added
• R6 satisfied with {x,/Nono} and R11: Hostile(Nono) is added
• Iteration 2:
• R1 is satisfied with {x/West,y/M1, z/Nono and Criminal(West) will be added
• Adding rules by unification continue until we get the value of the
variable and reach to our goal.
• Then ask like Criminal(west) …returns yes

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Inference in FOL
• Once we have facts that evaluates to T or F
• We can apply Forward Chaining, Backwards Chaining and resolution
• The key is to understand unification
• Very similar to logical agents

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Forward Chaining
• Starting from known facts, it triggers all the rules
whose premises are satisfied, adding their conclusions
to the known facts. This process will continue until
query is answered.
• When a new fact P is added to the KB:
• For each rule such that P unifies with a premise
• if the other premises are already known
• then add the conclusion to the KB and continue chaining
• Forward chaining is data-driven:
• inferring properties and categories from percepts
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Consider this example
R1. American(x) ^ Weapon(y) ^ Sells(x,y,z) ^ Hostile(z)  Criminal(x)
... it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations:
R2. Owns(Nono,M1) non has some missiels
R3. Missiel(M1) m1 is missile
R4. Missile(x)  Weapon(x) a missile is a weapon
R5. Missile(x) ^ Owns(Nono, x)  Sells(West, x,Nono) all missiels sold by nono
R6. Enemy(x, America) Hostile(x) enemy of America are hostile
R7. American(West) west is American
R8. Enemy(Nono, America) a country Nono an enemy of America
Proof, west is criminal
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Forward chaining proof

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Forward chaining proof

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Forward chaining proof

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Analysis of FC
• A fixed point of the inference process can be reached
• The algorithm is sound and complete
• Its efficiency can be improved

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Sources of complexity
• 1. “Inner loop” involves finding all possible unifiers such that the
premise of a rule unifies with facts in the KB
• Often called “pattern matching”, very expensive
• 2. The algorithm rechecks every rule on every iteration to see
whether its premises are met
• 3. It might generate many facts that are irrelevant to the goal

• Solution? Backwards chain

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Backwards Chaining
• p1 and p2 … pn q ==
• When a query q is examined:
• if a matching fact q' is known, return the unifier
• for each rule whose consequent q' matches q
• attempt to prove each premise of the rule by backward chaining
• Start with query
• Check if it can be derived by given rules and facts
• apply rules that infer the query
• recurse over pre-conditions

• Backward chaining is the basis for “logic programming,” e.g., Prolog

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Backward Chaining Example

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Backward Chaining Example

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Backward Chaining Example

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Backward Chaining Example

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Backward Chaining Example

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Backward Chaining Example

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Generalized Resolution

• Resolution procedure is a sound and complete inference procedure for

•It uses a single resolution rule of inference: which is generalization of
the same rule used in PL.
• Generalized Resolution inference rule provides a complete system for
proof by refutation/contradiction.
• Resolution is a generalization of modus ponens
• It requires a normal form, but any sentence can be put into CNF
•Unification is a key concept in proof by resolution
•Clause is disjunctive of literals and CNF is a sentence represented as a
conjunction of clauses

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• Resolution Rule for PL: From sentence P1 v P2 v ... v Pn and sentence P1 v
Q2 v ... v Qm derive resolvent sentence: P2 v ... v Pn v Q2 v ... v Qm
•Given P, P v Q, derive Q (unit resolution)
•Given (P v Q), (Q v R), derive P v R (resolution)
•Given P, P, derive False
•Given (P v Q), (P v Q), derive True
•Resolution Rule for FOL:
Given sentence P1 v ... v Pn and sentence Q1 v ... v Qm where each Pi
and Qi is a literal, i.e., a positive or negated predicate symbol with
its terms, if Pj and Qk unify with substitution list θ, then derive the
resolvent sentence:
subst(θ, P1 v ... v Pj-1 v Pj+1 v ... v Pn v Q1 v ... Qk-1 v Qk+1 v ... V Qm)
10/16/2021 Inference in FOL 35
Example: Resolution
• Given: P(x, f(a)) v P(x, f(y)) v Q(y) and
P(z, f(a)) v Q(z),

We can derive resolvent clause

P(z, f(y)) v Q(y) v Q(z)
using θ = {x/z}

• Given: Rich(ken)
Rich(x) v unhappy(x)
using θ = {x/ken}
we can conclude that:
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Generalized Resolution

• The steps in resolutions are:

• Convert the facts/sentences to FOL
• Convert FOL statement to CNF
• Negate the statement which needs to
prove(by contradiction)
• Draw the resolution graph(apply

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Steps to convert a FOL sentence to CNF

• Eliminate all  connectives: replace (P  Q) by ((P  Q) ^ (Q  P))

• Eliminate all  connectives: replace each instance (P  Q) by (P v Q)
• Reduce the scope of each negation symbol to a single predicate:
P to P; (P v Q) to P ^ Q; (P ^ Q) to P v Q; (x) P to (x) P, and (x) P to (x)
• Eliminate  by introducing Skolem symblos/function/costant.
• x P(x) converted to P(c) where c is a brand new Skolem constant symbol that is not used in
any other sentence.
• If  is within the scope of a universal quantified variable, then introduce a Skolem function (f).
Example, (x)(y)P(x,y) is converted to (x)P(x, f(x)).
E.g.: x y loves(x,y) converted to x loves(x,f(x)) where f(x) specifies the person that x loves.
(If everyone loved their mother, then f could be mother_of function)
• Remove  by moving quantifiers to the left end and making the scope of each the entire
For example, convert x P(x) to P(x).
• Distribute "and" over "or" to get conjunctive normal form.
Convert (P ^ Q) v R to (P v R) ^ (Q v R), and (P v Q) v R to (P v Q v R).
• Split each conjunct into a separate clause, which is just a disjunction ("or") of negated
and un-negated predicates, called literals.
10/16/2021 Inference in FOL 38
Convert the following sentence to CNF
x (P(x)  (y (P(y)  P(f(x,y))) ^ y(Q(x,y)  P(y)))
• Eliminate :
(x)(P(x) v ((y)(P(y) v P(f(x,y))) ^ (y)(Q(x,y) v P(y))))
• Reduce scope of  :
(x)(P(x) v ((y)(P(y) v P(f(x,y))) ^ (y)(Q(x,y) ^ P(y))))
• Standardize variables: (unique variable for each quantifier)
(x)(P(x) v ((y)(P(y) v P(f(x,y))) ^ (z)(Q(x,z) ^ P(z))))
• Eliminate :
(x)(P(x) v ((y)(P(y) v P(f(x,y))) ^ (Q(x,g(x)) ^ P(g(x)))))
• Drop universal quantification
(P(x) v ((P(y) v P(f(x,y))) ^ (Q(x,g(x)) ^ P(g(x)))))
• Distribute " ^ " over " v " to get conjunctive normal form
(P(x) v P(y) v P(f(x,y))) ^ (P(x) v Q(x,g(x))) ^ (P(x) v P(g(x)))
• Create separate clauses
P(x) v P(y) v P(f(x,y)), P(x) v Q(x,g(x)), P(x) v P(g(x)) horn clause
• Standardize variables
P(x) v P(y) v P(f(x,y)), P(z) v Q(z,g(z)), P(w) v P(g(w))
Inference in FOL 39
More Example:
Convert the following sentence to CNF
• Everyone who loves all animals is loved by someone.

x[(y animal(y)  loves(x,y))  y loves(y,x) ]

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Recall the Previous Example

Query: ~Criminal(West)
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Resolution Graph Proof

Empty { }
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Resolution Refutation Proof
Practice exercise
• Jack owns a dog. Every dog owner is an animal lover. No
animal lover kills an animal. Either Jack or Curiosity killed
the cat, who is named Tuna. Did Curiosity kill the cat?
• FOL representation:
A. (x) Dog(x)  Owns(Jack,x)
B. (x) ((y) Dog(y)  Owns(x, y))  AnimalLover(x)
C. (x) AnimalLover(x)  ((y) Animal(y)  Kills(x,y))
D. Kills(Jack,Tuna)  Kills(Curiosity,Tuna)
E. Cat(Tuna)
F. (x) Cat(x)  Animal(x)
G. Kills(Curiosity, Tuna)

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Backwards chaining algorithm

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Forward chaining example
•Forward chaining
•Proofs start with the given axioms/premises in KB, deriving new sentences using
GMP until the goal/query sentence is derived.
•This defines a forward chaining inference procedure because it moves "forward"
from the KB to the goal.
•Given premises in the KB =
1. (x) cat(x)  likes(x, Fish)
2. (x)(y) (cat(x) ^ likes(x,y))  eats(x,y)
3. cat(Ziggy)
•Proof: 4. likes(Ziggy, Fish) Using GMP with (1) and (3)
5. eats(Ziggy, Fish) Using GMP with (3), (4) and (2) So, Yes, Ziggy eats fish.

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Backward chaining example
•Backward chaining:
•Proofs start with the goal query, find implications that would allow you to prove it, and then
prove each of the antecedents in the implication, continuing to work "backwards" until we
get to the axioms, which we know are true.
•To prove eats(Ziggy, Fish), first see if this is known from one of the axioms directly.
Otherwise, see if there is a Horn clause that has the consequent (i.e., right-hand side (RHS))
of the implication matching the goal. Here,
• Goal matches RHS of (2), so prove new sub-goals
cat(Ziggy) and likes(Ziggy, Fish) that correspond to the LHS of (2)
• cat(Ziggy) matches axiom (3), so we've "solved" that sub-goal
• likes(Ziggy, Fish) matches the RHS of (1), so prove cat(Ziggy)
• cat(Ziggy) matches (3), so we've solved this sub-goal
• There are no unsolved sub-goals,
• So we conclude. Yes, Ziggy eats fish

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