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Close-up Student’s Book P.

My friend used to be fat when she was young.
I used to/ would hang out with her a lot.
We would often play computer games at home.
We didn’t use to fight a lot. Then, she decided to
go on a diet. In the beginning, she got used to eating
Till she was used to eating a little food with less
Now she lost a lot of weight and she is used to eating
less and doing a lot of exercises.
And I am getting used to her new appearance.
Make a sentence with “ used to “
or “ would “:
1) I / have short hair when I was a
* I used to have short hair when I was a teenager. 
2) We / go to the same little café for lunch every
day when I was little.
* We would go to the same little café for lunch every day
when I was little.
3) She / be able to dance very well.
* She used to be able to dance very well.
4) They / live in Brazil.
* They used to live in Brazil.
Choose the correct answer:
1- I'm not used to (get – getting) up this early.
2- They used to (read – reading) a lot.
3- I didn't use to (love – loving) it, but I do now.
4- Where did you use to (staying – stay) when you
travelled abroad?
5- It took him a while to get used to (speaking –
speak) the language.
6- Have you got used to (do – doing) it yet?
7- She isn’t used to (drinking – drink) so much tea.

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