Vroom Expectancy Theory

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Victor Vroom’s

Expectancy Theory of

Administration and Management

Learning objectives
At the completion of this lesson, participants
will be able to:

1. Define what is expetancy theory

2. Explain 3 variables of expectancy theory

3. Discuss the formula of motivation

Are you the certain person who shows at the
office early, works really hard and stays late?

Expectancy Theory

- Developed by Victor H. Vroom in 1964

- is the belief that an individual will choose their

behaviors based on what they believe will lead
to the most beneficial outcome

- This theory is dependent on how much value

a person places on different motivations,
resulting in a decision they expect will give
them the highest return for their efforts.
The theory states that individuals have different sets of goals and can
be motivated if they believe that:

- There is a positive correlation between efforts and performance.

- Favorable performance will result in a desirable reward.

- The reward will satisfy an important need.

Three (3) Variables in expectancy theory
3 Variables
1. Expectancy - is the belief that if you work
hard (effort) you will be able to hit the target
(performance) set by your manager

2. Instrumentality - is your assessment of how

likely you are to receive a reward if you hit the
targets that have been set for you

3. Valence -
The importance that the individual places upon
the expected outcome perceived value of the
‘’The overall strength of a chain is
the strength of the weakest link.’’
each one of those links
are important. It
effectively means that
no matter how strong
most of the chain is,
even if there's one
weak part, it could
break the entire chain.
‘’The overall strength of a chain is
the strength of the weakest link.’’
Expectancy Theory formula
How to use this model

- Use the model to help motivate your team members

- Make sure your promises to your team align with
company policy.
- Create challenging but achievable goals
- Set clear connections between performance and
- https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-
How to use this model

Takeaways: Make reward distribution fair and logical

-Rewards must be linked directly to performance

- How person's reward is chosen should be
- Reward should be deserved.
- Reward should be wanted
fn How to use the expectancy theory of motivation in the workplace
You can use expectation theory to improve the motivation of your team by following these steps:

Make sure your promises to your team align with company policy
Create challenging but achievable goals
Ensure the assigned tasks match the team member’s skill set
Set clear connections between performance and reward
Make reward distribution fair and logical
1. Make sure your promises to your team align with company policy
Always deliver on your promises so you can establish and continue to build trust with your team. When you offer your
team members specific rewards for their work, consider checking your company’s policies to ensure you can provide

2. Create challenging but achievable goals

Trust your team to handle the tasks you give them, and challenge them to reach their full potential. At the same time,
remember to keep expectations achievable to help keep your colleagues motivated and confident in their work.

3. Ensure the assigned tasks match the team member’s skill set
Part of motivating your team includes understanding the unique skills they bring to the company and seeing how they
can use those skills to meet their goals. When you assign an employee a task based on their skills, they will likely
have more confidence in their ability to finish it.

4. Set clear connections between performance and reward

Always communicate your expectations and rewards clearly. The more transparent you are, the more your team will
trust they will be rewarded properly for their work.

5. Make reward distribution fair and logical

When you distribute rewards for performance on a project or task, you should make sure that they match the levels of
effort put in and performance achieved. It’s also important to distribute rewards to team members fairly.
Expectant Theory is a theory of motivation in
the work place.

An individual will be motivated when the

believe that they can hit their targets, they
know they will be rewarded for hitting those
targets, and the value the reward.


Slides prepared by: Fredchell Q. Tiamson



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