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Research on ‘WHITE

People involved-
Manasvi Saboo (2nd year)
Mansi Trehan (2nd year)
Dristi Mittal (2nd year)
Khushi Takkar (2nd year)
Arm your car, lock your doors, do not talk to strangers, and mace or pepper spray
anyone who comes near. We are vigilant about crime,are tough on crime. We put up
cameras, start neighborhood watch programs, arm ourselves, and put bad guys in
prison. We are conditioned and cautioned to be fearful at all times about the ever lurking
criminal threat that hangs in the shadows waiting to pounce. What about the criminal
lurking in plain sight?

White-collar crime is a growing problem globally, but it seems that street crime and
property crime always dominate the public’s sphere of concern. The prevalence of street
crime and property crime resonates most with the general public, even though they may
have never ultimately been affected by them. As such, public attention concerning crime
is largely aimed at eliminating easily observable and traditional crimes like street crime
and property crime that do comparatively less damage than white-collar criminal
When we hear the word “crime”, the idea that comes to our mind is some violation of law. The
evolution of this problem dates back to centuries. The crime psychologists have identified various
forms of crimes that include economic and non economic crimes. The white collar crimes are one of
the non economic forms of crime. There is significant divergence concerning the definition of the
white collar crimes. However, the term generally refers to some fault committed by someone of high
social status. The term was coined by one of the most influential criminologist of the twentieth
century, Edwin Sutherland. Griffin (2002) defined the term as “a violation of the criminal law by a
person of the upper socioeconomic class in the course of his occupational activities” (Sutherland,
1941). Before this, the word crime was associated with the young men of lower social status. However,
the idea completely changed after Edwin Sutherland presented his theory.

Organizations often suffer more than the individuals due to these crimes. The different types of white
collar crimes identified by the scholars are black mail, insider trading, theft, tax evasion,
bank, cellular phone, computer, credit card and insurance fraud. White collar crimes are
becoming major problems for the organizations these days.
One of the theoretical challenges facing scholars is to develop an accepted
definition of white-collar crime. The main characteristic is that it is economic crime
committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of an
occupation. While Edwin Sutherland’s concept of white-collar crime has
enlightened sociologists, criminologists, and management researchers, the concept
may have confused attorneys, judges and lawmakers. One reason for this confusion
is that white-collar crime in Sutherland’s research is both a crime committed by a
specific type of person, and it is a specific type of crime. Later research has
indicated, as applied in this book, that white-collar crime is no specific type of
crime, it is only a crime committed by a specific type of person.
Project Summary
White-collar crime is a crime that is done on a huge scale. White-collar crime can be easily
specified from movies such as big bull or scam 1922. There is a very recent example we all know
that in the covid times a huge scam of black marketing of medicines, masks and fake production
of sanitizers and many other essentials was going on. Secondly, we can take the example of
Punjab national bank fraud which was done by Nirav Modi under which Nirav Modi was an elite
jewelry designer and India's 85th richest person. The bank said Modi and companies associated
with him colluded with the officials to get guarantees or letters of undertaking to help fund
buyers' credit from another overseas bank. Pnb's preliminary investigation showed that two
officials of the bank had fraudulently issued Lou's to the said firms without following a due
procedure. These Los were then transmitted across the swift messaging system based on which
the credit was offered to the said firms. Pnb alleged that the funds ostensibly so raised for the
purchase and sale of diamonds were not used for the purpose. Pnb issued to the stock exchange
about the detection of fraudulent and unauthorized transactions. Pnb has incurred $1.8 billion
in fraud one of the largest to be deducted in the Indian banking sector. So similarly there is
much white-collar crime that goes on and is been done.
Literature Review
Crime is not a specific idea and has numerous forms amongst which white-collar crime is a comparatively new
phenomenon with little evidence. Previously in criminology, the common crimes were studied. According to the scholars,
this subject is so varied that it attracts the interest of scholars from various fields including psychology, economics, history,
sociology, managerial sciences, etc). The term white-collar crime signifies a lot of felonies, crimes, and violations
performed by both the employees and the companies including theft, fraud, misusing property, corruption), false
advertising, food, and drug violations, insurance fraud, etc. Generally, it is treated as case deviance). In recent years, the
study of this subject has gained attention and is continuously increasing. A recent survey shows that one-third of the
population is a victim of these crimes. The white-collar convicts are as much into unlawful behavior as the common
delinquents. The study of white-collar crimes in contemporary times is critical because they are not only affecting business
ethics but also damaging confidence and reliability which are vital for any organization).

The scholars have not yet agreed on any definition of white-collar crimes. However, white-collar convicts are generally
regarded as criminals. Mostly, white-collar crimes are done through fraud for financial gains). It is deceitful, intentional,
breaches trust, and involves losses” and “white-collar criminals are individuals, who are wealthy, highly educated, socially
connected, influential in the local community and typically employed by and in the legitimate organization. They are
persons of respectability and high social status who commit a crime in the course of their occupation” with shattering
financial results for other common community members. However, white-collar crime theory mainly focuses on the crime
(its types and reasons) rather than the criminals committing those crimes. The white-collar criminal is mostly an
influential elected official or affluent industrialist who is mutually debasing and corrupt. Transformations in the social
structure that generate opportunities are the major cause of white-collar crime.
The ratio of unreported white collar wrongdoings per year is massive (strader, 2002).
Furthermore, the regulations against these crimes are not as effective as other laws. In
addition, they are difficult to spot as the victims are rarely aware of what they are
subjected to. White-collar crimes are different from usual misdeeds due to the traits of
destruction caused. The auditors are generally unable to review the possible white
collar criminals because of the time constraints. These crimes normally cause economic
harm to the government, public and private organizations.

Researchers are of the view that people are generally unaware of the problems caused
by these crimes and even though there has been a change in awareness in the early 19th
century, still it slightly affects the rising level of these crimes. In recent years, the
awareness and the mindset of the people regarding these criminals have become very
penalizing, and strong support has been shown for the formation of crime control laws.
fraud, bankrupt, wage theft, bribery, Ponzi schemes, insider
trading, labor racketeering, embezzlement, cybercrime,
copyright, infringement, money laundering, identity theft, and
Aims and Objectives of the Study

Firstly,Our aim is to make people comfortable to talk about these

crimes because we know that every one of us has faced these
crimes in our lives but we are not comfortable talking about this.
Secondly, we want to make people aware of such crimes so that
people become more aware. Thirdly we want to find out the no of
people who are affected by these sorts of crimes we want to find
out why these offenses occur. Understanding the cause of white-
collar crimes is important because such information would help
in developing both prevention and intervention strategies.
Research Questions
1- What is the possible motivation for white-collar crime?
2-What is the social status of people involved in white-collar crimes?
3-What is the impact of white-collar crime in an organization?
4- Is the Ponzi scheme a white-collar crime?
5- What are the methodologies adopted by white-collar criminals?
6- What are the industry type most affected by white-collar crimes?
7- Are white-collar crimes responsible for the collapse of business houses?
8- What type of risk does white-collar crime pose?
9- Have u ever faced a white-collar crime?
10-If yes then what happened? And have u complained about the same?
Scope of White Collar Crime

White Collar Crime is an illegal act or series of illegal acts by nonphysical means and by concealment or guile, to
obtain money or property, to avoid the loss of money or property or to obtain business or personal advantage.

However, it might be noted that although "committed non- violent crime means," white collar crimes can have
physical violent results.

There are various examples of White collar crime in India. One of the example is Saradha Group financial
scandal was a major financial scam and alleged political scandal caused by the collapse of Ponzi scheme run by
Saradha Group, a consortium of 200 private companies that were believed to be running collective investment
schemes popularly and wrongly referred to as Chit Fund. Around ₹200 to ₹300 billion collected from this group
over 1.7 million depositors, promising a multiplied hefty sum in return in the form of cash or real estate and
other assets.

At least 10 Saradha group entities were alleged for committing fraud through public money-pooling activities.
Amidst continuing public protest against the group’s alleged fraudulent activities, SEBI barred Saradha Realty
India and its managing director Sudipta Sen from the securities market till it winds up all the Collective
Investment Schemes (CIS) and makes the refund, as the same amounts to CIS Violation.

White collar crime is a serious problem within society about which far little is known. white collar
crimes are fast evolving, enclosed a broad variety of crimes, and it possesses unique traits that
differentiate it from other traditional property crimes. crimes done in commercial situations for
commercial gain normally comes under White collar crimes. In this regard, white collar crimes
include such acts like misappropriate, work at home scams, identity theft, mortgage fraud as well as
medical fraud. research reviews make a strong case that white collar crimes played an important role
in the origin of global financial crisis, in line with mortgage origination fraud. A number of varied
research methods are utilised in the study of white-collar crimes.
Surveys are the most-used research strategy in studying white-collar crimes. the method includes on-
site administration surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephone and mail surveys. Surveys are aimed at
gathering information from a group of individuals.The strengths of having a survey method are that
they occur in one setting, there is a possibility of drawing a large sample. In addition, it is convenient
and does not take long to gather information. We can also find most of the information about white
collar crimes on blogs which posted on internet.
Methodology of Research-We would do research via questionnaires and
over-call as well.

Duration of Project-It would take us around 2 to 3 months to complete

this research.

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