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Behavioral Objectives and Target Goals

Behavior Objective
“Don’t start smoking”

Between the age group of 13–17 years a person is likely to get attracted
toward smoking habit.

In this age the inspiration is at the maximum level, and adolescents are
making up their role models.

The behavior objective of our campaign is to discourage these teenagers not to

addict with smoking.
Knowledge Objective

“Let the audience know about consequence of addiction of smoking”

Smoking is associated with a number of diseases and disorders

According to WHO approximately 1.5 million adults were suffering from diseases
attributable to tobacco use

In 2018, in Bangladesh the rate of smokers was 39.10%. Where 10% was
teenagers whose age was between 13 to 17 years old.
Believe Objective
“Let the audience believe that they will avoid serious health problems
if they don’t get addicted to smoking “
Target Goals
“Decrease the number of young adults (age 13-17) not to take
smoking and getting addicted to it.”

• Most teens don‘t understand the serious health risks associated with
smoking addiction.

• It's so important to reach out to them.

• So they rethink their relationship with smoking.

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