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ROLL NO: RQ2127A13

R E G I S T R AT I O N N O : 1 2 1 1 2 4 3 1

•Discuss the role values play in our individual

•Review the importance of values in the work-place
•Learn how one office established a set of values
Values What Are They?
•Gaining Value From Values (Successors Library)

•Values are widely held beliefs that guide

behavior and help us determine what really
matters they assign importance to our goals, our
actions, our relationships, and even our
•Include cross-cultural, ethical, and organizational culture values

•Stable, long-lasting beliefs about what is important

Forms of workplace values

1.Terminal are desired states of existence 1.Espoused are values we want others to
believe we hold
2.Instrumental are desired modes of behaviour
2.Enacted are values-in-use, what we actually

• Increasing awareness of and sensitivity to different values

across cultures

Importance of Replacing direct supervision

values at work • Potentially aligns employees’ decisions and actions with

corporate goals

Demand for ethical practice

• Increasing pressure to engage in ethical practises

Collectivism tends to:
•Identify themselves as group membership

•Give priority of group goals

•Put more efforts on harmonious relationships

•Have more socially based emotions

Three Ethical Principles

-Utilitarianism is a family of normative ethical theories that prescribe actions that maximize
happiness and well-being for all affected individuals.

Individual rights

-The elimination of discrimination in the workplace

Distributive justice

-Inequality must have equal access

-Inequality must benefit the least well off

Morals of attitude and behaviour
in workplace

Attitude Feelings Emotional Episodes

Behavioural Intentions

Emotional Labour
When you engage in emotional labor, you control your feelings to fulfill the goals and
expectations of your organization. From a practical standpoint, this means that you either
(a) express only your positive feelings, or (b) hide or manage your negative feelings. ... Hide
emotion they really do feel.
Job satisfaction in organisational
Job satisfaction is the feeling and perception of a worker regarding his/her work and how he or she
feels well in an organization. It indicates the extent of employees’ positive or negative feelings towards
their jobs and organizational behavior tried to improve it.

In Organizational Behavior, job satisfaction is one of the most researched variables in the area of
workplace psychology and has been associated with numerous psychosocial issues, the changing world
of work, organizational factors ranging from leadership to job design.
How to identify work values?
Story That Prove The Importance
of Workplace values
Steve Jobs: “Technology alone is not enough.”
•In 1986, shortly after he was forced out of Apple, Steve Jobs bought a small computer manufacturer
named Pixar.

•In 2000, he relocated the company to an abandoned Del Monte canning factory. The original plan
called for three buildings, with separate offices for computer scientists, animators, and the Pixar
•Jobs immediately scrapped it. Instead of three buildings, there was going to be a single vast space, with
an atrium at its centre.
“The philosophy behind this design is that it’s
good to put the most important function at the
heart of the building. Well, what’s our most
important function? It’s the interaction of our
employees. That’s why Steve put a big empty space
there. He wanted to create an open area for people
to always be talking to each other.” – Ed Catmull,
the president of Pixar.
And what were Steve trying to achieve,
•Jobs saw separated offices as a design problem. He began with shifting the mailboxes to the atrium. He
then moved the meeting rooms, the cafeteria, the coffee bar, and the gift shop to the center of the

•Capture the behaviors that felt made the community unique

•Anticipate what needed to grow without losing the specialness

•Identify values that applied equally to the customers and our employees
The emphasis on consilience has always been a defining
trait of Steve Jobs. Jobs insisted that the best creations
occurred when people from disparate fields were connected,
especially in an age of intellectual fragmentation.
Office Values
Core values adopted by the office were
developed by the entire staff as part of the
strategic planning process

Trust To be confident that you, your

co-workers, and your leaders believe in one
another’s abilities necessary to foster positive
and productive working relationships.

Respect The act of valuing one another's

opinions, ideas, feelings, and needs.

Communication: A three-part process that

includes conveying a message, active listening,
and effective feedback.
Office Values In Action
•Handling staff issues

•Establishment of office training calendar

•Bi-weekly office meetings!

•Flexibility in schedule

•Big fish do little jobs

•Taking a risk by letting people know about you

Thank you!

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