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Modern World History

French Revolution & Napoleon

Compiled by- Pratik Nayak

French Revolution
Q. What is French Revolution?

The French Revolution (1789–1815) was a period of ideological,

political and social upheaval in the political history of France and
Europe as a whole, during which the French polity, previously an
absolute monarchy with feudal privileges for
the aristocracy and Catholic clergy, underwent radical change to
forms based on Enlightenment principles of republicanism,
citizenship, and rights.
French Revolution
1789 Starting of Revolution
1815 Fall of Napoleon & End of Revolution

It is not an event of history,

It is a living legend
It is a process

1830 July Revolution

Section-B 1848 February Revolution

1871 Estd. Of French Republic

French Revolution Section-A

1789 Starting of Revolution

Phase-I 16 June Formation of National Assembly

9 July National Assembly Constituent

14 July Attack on Fort of Bastille

26 Aug. Declaration of Rights of Man & the


Phase-II 1791 National Assembly

French Revolution Section-A

Phase-III 1792 National Convention

Radical 1793 Jacobins comes to power
Phase 1795 Directory Rule
1795-98 Rise of Napoleon

1799 Napoleon comes to power

1804 Napoleon become emperor

Phase-IV Reforms by Napoleon

Napoleonic wars
Age of
Napoleon 1815 Defeat of Napoleon @ Waterloo
Starting of Metternich System
French Revolution

French -आम आदमी Louis XVI

It was a conflict between, the French -आम आदमी and the

Causes of French Revolution
It was a conflict between, the French -आम आदमी and the

What circumstances lead to the French revolution, for that we

need to understand the French Story.
Causes of French Revolution

France of 18th CE


Economic Political
Political Causes Monarchy

I am the state &

मुझे जो सही लगता हैं वो
my word is the
में करता करता हूँ Absolute Monarchism
Divine Rights Appointed by

Both Louis XIV & XV

Powerful kings
Louis XIV Louis XV
Centralised the administration
Abandoned the Representative Rampant Corruption
Institutions in France Estates
Political Causes Monarchy

अब मेरी बारी हैं

Weak personality, not like his
Louis XVI
Comes to power
in 1774
Dependent of Feudal elements
for consolidation of rule
Louis XVI

Monopolizing the govt. offices

by aristocrats & nobles
Political Causes Monarchy

अब मेरी बारी हैं

No proper administration

Louis XVI
Comes to power No codified uniform legal
in 1774 system

Louis XVI
No uniform taxation policy

French common man was not

getting any representation, no
role to play Angry.
Political Causes Monarchy

अब की
French common man was not बार...Citizens की
अब मेरी बारी हैं सरकार
getting any representation, no
role to play Angry.

The reaction came out on

16 June 1789.
French -आम आदमी
Louis XVI
Causes of French Revolution

France of 18th CE Causes

Economic Political
Social Causes
French Soceity Estates System

1st Estate

2nd Estate

3rd Estate
Social Causes
French Society Estates System

1st Estate

• Made up of clergy of Roman Catholic

• Scorned Enlightenment ideas
• <1% of total population
• Controlled 15% of the resources
• Didn’t paid taxes
• Used to runs schools & public
Social Causes अब मेरी बारी हैं…
Tithe tax…

French Society Estates System

1st Estate

• Church Laid compulsary tax called

as Tithe
• 1/10th of total agricultural produce
need to be paid
• Church owned large land, but didn’t
paid tax
Social Causes
French Society Estates System

2nd Estate

• Consisted of Aristocrats & Nobles

• held highest offices in government
• disagreed about Enlightenment ideas
• accounted for just 2 percent of the
• owned 20 percent of the land
• paid almost no taxes
Social Causes
French Society Estates System

3rd Estate

• 97 percent of the people

• Three groups made up this estate
Social Causes 3rd Estate
French Society Estates System
• 97 percent of the people
1. The bourgeoisie or middle class • Three groups made up this

were well educated and believed strongly in the Enlightenment ideals of

liberty and equality. अब की
बार...Citizens की
paid high taxes सरकार

lacked privileges

felt that their wealth entitled them to a greater

degree of social status and political power

French -आम आदमी

Social Causes 3rd Estate
French Society Estates System
• 97 percent of the people
2. workers of France’s cities • Three groups made up this

included tradespeople, apprentices, laborers, and domestic servants

Paid low wages

Also paid high tax

Politically , Socially, Economically

Social Causes 3rd Estate
French Society Estates System
• 97 percent of the people
3. Peasants • Three groups made up this
अब तो ये सरकार खून भी
formed the largest group within the Third Estate चूस लेगी
80 percent of France’s 26 million people

paid about half their income in dues to nobles,

tithes to the Church, and taxes to the king’s agents

resented the clergy and the nobles for their

privileges and special treatment
Causes of French Revolution

France of 18th CE Causes

Economic Political
Cultural Causes Enlightenment Ideas
18th Century Age of Reason
Ideologues, Philosophers wrote about the system
Q. Role of Philosophers
1. Montesquieu

Exposed Privilege based social system

Identified, Absolute Monarch & attacked it

Book Spirit of Laws

Separation of Power

Criticised existing laws

Cultural Causes Enlightenment Ideas
18th Century Age of Reason
Ideologues, Philosophers wrote about the system
Q. Role of Philosophers
2. Voltaire

Wrote on French society

Book The age of loius XIV

Questioned the authority of chruch
Cultural Causes Enlightenment Ideas
18th Century Age of Reason
Ideologues, Philosophers wrote about the system
Q. Role of Philosophers

Book Social Contract

Believed that people were born good

but were corrupted by the society

Man is born free but everywhere in chains

Cultural Causes Enlightenment Ideas
18th Century Age of Reason
Ideologues, Philosophers wrote about the system

Q. Role of

They acted as Buddha for

the French People

Made French people aware

about the true character of
Louis King’s rule
Cultural Causes Enlightenment Ideas
18th Century Age of Reason
Ideologues, Philosophers wrote about the system
Q. Role of Philosophers
4. American Revolution

It also affected the French revolution

Gen. Laffayate fought along the

Americans (Gen. Washington)

The French returned home

Causes of French Revolution

France of 18th CE Causes

Economic Political
Economic Causes Absolute Monarchy
1.King Constantly @ War
3/4th of expense done on defence I am the state &
अब मेरी
my word बारी isहैं the
Louis XVI Sends his army to america to fight law
against the British
But, Q. From where to get revenue??

2. King lavish lifestyle Louis XVI

Personal income of the king not differentiated from states
Economic Causes Absolute Monarchy
But, Q. From where to get revenue??
3. Flawed taxation policy
1st and 2nd estate 40% of the wealth
Exempted from paying wealth
No uniform tax policy affected local trade
Therefore, not much economic development

4. 3rd Estate bear the brunt

Income low, High Poverty
High Inflation 65%
Occurrences of bread riots
Overall Development


By 1780s, France had

structural problems, which
had large grievance among
the masses

French Revolution
By 1780s, France had
structural problems, which
caused large grievance
among the masses

French -आम Louis

Some events between 1780
to 1788 were immediate
reasons for the revolution
French Revolution
Immediate Causes

Understanding the period between

1780 to 1789
French Revolution Events
1774 Louis XVI Comes to power
Weak ruler, corruption issues etc.
1786 France on verge of Banckruptcy What to do
mr. finance
No revenue income, treasury empty minister?
Or else we can
include these
West can call
special council
1 -2nd estate Consisted members from
session of
into paying
special council
taxes clergy, feudal lords, nobles
When Calonne gabve proposal to Louis
tax 1-2nd estate, the clergy and the
gentry created pressure on king.
Calonne was removed from his post
French Revolution Events
1787 Finance minister Brienne
Also advised Uniform tax policy
Hmmm..to do
Introduction of new taxes mr.
to do
I suggest
My lord, we
need totax
impose special council Rejected
or else
new the proposal sent by
we’re done… Brienne

But now, King sent this

proposal to another body Louis
name parlement for advise

French Revolution Events
1787 King sends the proposal to parelement

What to advise

French Revolution Events
1787 Parelement King can’t take unilateral
decision on imposition of taxes
For tax matter, we need to Parelement…
get consent from the Estates please advise
General us

French Revolution Events
1787 Parelement Estates general will decide

Estates General Last Parelement…

please advise
meeting took place in us

एक तीर से दो निशान

Monarchy will get

weak. XVI
The 1st and 2nd estate
will get stronger
French Revolution Events
In between Trigger

What to do
1787 Agricultural crises
1788 Bad Harvest
High Inflation
Bread riots etc.
French Revolution Events
5 May Session of Estates General
What to do
Voting Individually

Each estate had 1 vote.

No joint session between
3 estates
French Revolution Events
5 May Session of Estates General
हम क्या चाहते... Joint एक काम करो..
No…can’t Hall को
have What to do
We want Joint
sitting… ताला sitting
लगा दो
joint now???
sitting for this

3rd Estate 1st-2nd Estate Louis XVI

The 1st- 2nd Estate advised the king not to have joint sitting
On this advise, to stop the 3rd Estate, the King locked the
assembly hall.
French Revolution Events
5 May The king locks the door of assembly hall
1789 where 3rd estate was to meet

3rd Estate people

got awakened
French Revolution Events
1789 3rd Estate meets @ Tennis Court
16 June
We are the national
assembly now….

3rd Estate declares itself as National Assembly of France

French Revolution Events
1789 3rd Estate meets @ Tennis Court
27 June Okay I am
We are the national
giving you
assembly now….

Feudalism & serfdom abolished

End of privilege system
Tithe was also abolished

1789 National assembly Constituent Assembly

9 July Continuous infighting going on in France
Economic crises continued
French Revolution Events
1789 National assembly Constituent Assembly
9 July Continuous infighting going on in France

Removal of Jacques Necker angered the people and they

attacked the fort of bastille
I need to solve
economic crises
French Revolution Events
1789 Attack on Fort Bastille
14 July
French Revolution Events
1789 Declaration of the Rights of the man& the citizen
26 Aug.
French Revolution Events
1791 France become constitutional monarchy
I still have
King lost the power of legislation power ….

But still had suspensive veto

1791 Legislative assembly formed

Separation of Power
Rule of law
Popular sovereignty
French Revolution Events
1792 1ST European Coalition invades France आ जाओ
यारो....लोहा गरम हैं
The War of the First Coalition (1792–1797) was मार दो हथौड़ा
the first attempt by the European monarchies to
defeat the French First Republic
Spain, Holland, Austria, Prussia, England and Sardinia
The French king invited these coalition,

Now its time to


The French people, fought against this coalition

and also held responsible the French king for the
French Revolution Events
1792 Removal of King Estd. Of National Convention
French Revolution Events
1792 The Directory Comes to power
French Revolution Events
1792 The Directory Comes to power
1799 Foreign Invasions took place Anarchy in France
French Revolution Events
1799 Napoleon takes charge of France
9/10 Foreign Invasions took place Anarchy in France

1799-1815 the Age of Napoleon

French Revolution Events

1799-1815 the Age of Napoleon

Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution

Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution

1. Impact on

2. Impact on
England & Europe

3. Impact on
Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution अब की
बार...Citizens की
1. Impact on France
1. End of Monarchy
Establishment of Republican government
Constitutional government No divine rights

2. France became torch bearer of Humanity French -आम आदमी

Declaration of the rights of the
man & citizen
Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution
अच्छे दिन आने वाले हैं
1. Impact on France
3. End of Privilege based social system
Establishment of Equality

4. End of Feudalism & Serfdom

Strengthening of Middle class
Forced labour abolished Opening of gates, end of
Improvement in conditions of nightmare for them
Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution
I do swear to be
1. Impact on France loyal to French
5. Church Power reduced
Religious freedom granted to citizen
Property of church confiscated

Priests were forced to take oath to

be loyal to the nation
State would pay salary to them
Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution

1. Impact on France
6. Administrative & Judicial Changes
Reorganization after revolution
Division of France into
83 departments

374 Cants (Districts)

44000 Communes
Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution

1. Impact on France
6. Administrative & Judicial Changes
Codification of laws

Uniform Judicial system

Penal code made softer

Later on, Napoleon codified the

Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution

1. Impact on France
7. Economic impact
Tax collection methodology changed.
Octroi was abolished.
Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution Welcome
to the clan
2. Impact on England & Europe
1. England Initially welcome the change
Because it would bring democracy in France

Later on, it tried to suppress it.

I can’t allow This revolution
anarchy will be violent
Edmund Burke
Anarchy Violent

PM Pitt Banned the

press & organizations
Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution

I can’t allow
2. Impact on England & Europe anarchy
1. England
Later on, it tried to suppress it.
Economic crises in England Due to
supporting anti-revolutionary activities

Start of Social & Political reforms

Parliamentary reforms

Encouraged revolutionary activities in Ireland

Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution
Ireland haath se
2. Impact on England & Europe
Encouraged revolutionary activities in Ireland,
hence weakening of England.
Poland Revolutionary activity increased

United the Kings of Europe to come together &

fought anti-revolutionary wars

They tried to bring back the old system of

Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution

3. Impact on World

Nationalism Nationalist movements around the world

Impetus to Nation-State system
Unification of Italy, Germany etc.
Gave ideals to the world Liberty, Equality & Fraternity

Questioned the idea of Divine rights, privilege based system…!!

Declaration of Human rights People are sovereign

Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Impact/Significance of French Revolution

3. Impact on World
Napoleon’s Role
Outcome of the French Revolution
Q. Rise of Napoleon

Q. Napoleon was child as well as destroyer of the revolution??

Napoleon Bonaparte Q. Rise of Napoleon

1792 National Convention

1793 Jacobins comes to power
1795 Directory Rule
1795-98 Rise of Napoleon
1804 Napoleon become emperor
Reforms by Napoleon
Napoleonic wars

1815 Defeat of Napoleon @ Waterloo

Starting of Metternich System
Napoleon Bonaparte Q. Rise of Napoleon
Napoleon Bonaparte Q. Rise of Napoleon

Started as Military officer in the French army I am the

Established himself as an commander &
popular for his triumph in Europe

Due to anarchy and misrule in 1799,

captured power from the directory

By, 1804 proclaimed himself as the Emperor

of the French Republic

Only objective Glory of France

Therefore, Mass appeal among people
Napoleon Bonaparte Q. Rise of Napoleon
Even monarchy forces also supported him,
I am the
because they believed that a strong person can Revolution
only handle France

Middle class thought he would bring stability,

and economic progress

Peasants also supported him as napoleon

promised them land rights
Napoleon Bonaparte Q. Emperor

I am the

Brought Italy under the French Rule in 1797

Disintegrated the Holy Roman Empire
Napoleon Bonaparte Q. Emperor

Defeated the European coalition

Austria, Prussia etc. by 1806

Unified Germany from 30039

Tried to defeat England by using

Continental System(1806-10)

Tried to control Spain Ulcer

Resulting into defeat

Finally defeated by European force @ Leipzig (1813) & waterloo (1814)

Napoleon Bonaparte Q. Empire of
Napoleon Bonaparte Reforms
I am the
1. Administrative

2. Judicial


4. Religious
Napoleon Bonaparte Reforms
1. Administrative
I am the
1. Established strong & stable French state Revolution

Centralized administration
Established Central Secretariat

2.Curbed Liberty to establish law & order

Curbed Liberty Press censorship

3. Equality
Merit based appointments
Napoleon Bonaparte Reforms
1. Administrative
I am the
4. Centralized administration Education Revolution

State must control Education

Written syllabus

Estd. Military school

Set up French university system
Napoleon Bonaparte Reforms
2. Judicial

1. 1804 Code of Civil Justice

1807 Napoleonic Code
Rule of Law
Inspired Judicial system all
around the world

Indian Constitution Liberty,

Equality & Fraternity
Napoleon Bonaparte Reforms
3. Economic

1. Nationalisation
Estd. Bank of France

2. Promoted free trade

Put France towards Industrialisation

3. Uniform tax policy

4. Constructed roads & bridges

Napoleon Bonaparte Reforms
4. Religious

1. Adopted Secular policy

Liberty to follow any religion

2. Agreement with Pope

Concordat of 1801
Thank You.

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